x800 QUESTIONS/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\

ASUS X800XT... im gonna get that one as soon as its instock.
Sapphire.... ive always had good luck and performance with Sapphire
halflifeguy said:
Sapphire.... ive always had good luck and performance with Sapphire
I've only ever owned Hercules cards, but since good ol' money-grabbing ATi drove them out of buisness.. Sapphire are the next best thing :D

[A lot of my mates have them :) ]
i have seen it on sites other than newegg, they say eta 8/31, it will come out on newegg too, right?
(it=sapphire x800XT)
Umm... Do you really need to by everything from Newegg? I'm not from the US, here if you're buying multiple parts you buy from komplett.se, you should look at www.komplett.co.uk