X850 details

:| The model shown in that pic in the link is horrific. TAKES UP TWO SLOTS! They better do something about that. I don't really mind that, but it seems like ATI have followed the footsteps of it's rival.
Yeah, most people like the x800s over 6800s due to the size differences, but I personally don't mind it. But wait, no AGP versions. Boo.
ailevation said:
:| The model shown in that pic in the link is horrific. TAKES UP TWO SLOTS! They better do something about that. I don't really mind that, but it seems like ATI have followed the footsteps of it's rival.

I think it produces to much heat to be a single slot after all look at its clock's. I dont mind having a dual slot cooler. I only use two PCI slots for my soundcard and vantec spectrum which cools my videocard nicely. And if I really neaded the extra slots I would just take out the spectrum but I would say most people dont use more then one PCI slot. Hell lots of people dont use any.
I hope they change it. Those exhaust fans are a bitch to clean.
those cards looks good but PCI-E only......and what about the x900 series, they are expected to be released in january so I would rather wait for them.
:) Also, isn't the x900 suppossed to have 256 to 512 DDR ram? As well as support for SM 3.0?
No I think the R520 is the one that has HDR, SM3.0, 512 RAM, and all that good stuff.

edit: oops, by the looks of it, looks like the R520 IS the x900
Really? I know it can only be enabled on 6800 cards in the latest FarCry patch, but I only thought they did that because nVidia and FarCry are **** buddies? I remember discussion going around when that HL2 HDR movie coming out where people said that it was just a DX9 effect that requires a powerful card. So the 5200FX would support HDR but would never be able to run it for example.

Ahh that sucks, I thought that when they release HDR on HL2 then my X800XT PE would support it :(
My overclocked x800 pro uses 16 pipelines and runs @ 540core.

x850 pro sucks.
azz0r said:
My overclocked x800 pro uses 16 pipelines and runs @ 540core.

x850 pro sucks.

I agreee. It just sounds like a refined card that will have more availablity. It's really just an excuse to have a "new" line of cards selling at 500. It reminds me when the 9800XT came out, for a mere 300 australian you got rather a marginal performance increase.
It depends how they choose to do the HDR. Any DX9 card can perform HDR (gl for the FX cards) like how Valve showed off with their demo last year.

Farcry uses OpenEXR which can only be done on the 6800's. The problem that I've noticed is that with OpenEXR there is a very large performance hit and also it can be a little extreme at times with OpenEXR. HDR Normal
I dont think you can blaim the fact the because its OpenEXR the effect is overdone. Its all how the developer implements it.
blackeye said:
I dont think you can blaim the fact the because its OpenEXR the effect is overdone. Its all how the developer implements it.
That might be true. Don't really know either way I guess.