Xbox 2 game: WarDevil (with UE3 like graphics)


May 13, 2004
Reaction score

Another graphically tasty looking game coming out, this one is for xbox 2.

Here is the trailer:

IGN Xbox interview:

Indeed it's pre-rendered CG, but the actual graphics will look very similar:




Looks pre generated all of it..but i dont doubt games will look similar to that on the next generation of consoles..
h00dlum said:
Looks pre generated all of it..but i dont doubt games will look similar to that on the next generation of consoles..

Have you seen the unreal 3.0 engine tech movie? Looks insane.
I was planning on getting the R500 series graphics card, but I changed my mind after all this Xbox2 and PS3 talk. I'll buy myself a next-gen console because the games will be better then the PC games. Most games that come out on console are good to me and i can't say the same about PC games.
Raziel-Jcd said:
Have you seen the unreal 3.0 engine tech movie? Looks insane.

yes i have seen it...looks incredible..
What is so hard to believe in that?

The 6800 and x850 are capable of rendering such graphics, and xbox 2 is supposedly using a custom ATI card beyond the level of x800 (according to rumours) + Microdoft's XNA technology. It's very possible - especially considering that Chronicles of Riddick rivals the PC's finest.

Next-gen consoles will definately have PC-level graphics within the next year or so, but gradually get beaten as the hardware becomes obslete over the years. Remember how MGS2 looked better than most PC games back in 2001.
Those 'screenshots' still look to be pre-rendered CG.

Anyway, I'm still going to get a PS3 when it's released :p Though they won't be cheap :( .
Read the IGN interview please. It clearly states the actual in-game graphics will be pretty much similar to those.
lans said:
Read the IGN interview please. It clearly states the actual in-game graphics will be pretty much similar to those.

'will be' right, I'll believe it when I see it. I'm not really that trusting of people trying to hype their game.
lans said:
Read the IGN interview please. It clearly states the actual in-game graphics will be pretty much similar to those.
"pretty much similar"

yes, this is the thing isn't it, the above that they are kinda not making a point of admitting are pre-rendered are to convince investors and the kids who will be buying it that it'll look like that, which it wont, sure, it might still look good. But those above as pre-rendered for sure.
When people saw Doom, they were amazed by its ultrarealistic graphics. Now, everyone is shitting themselves over Unreal 3. And when Unreal 3 has been out for a year or two, everyone will be drooling over Unreal 4, Quake 5 or Half-Life 3 or whatever.

Strange that only few people understand this repetive cycle.
What is interesting is it says coming in 2005. Meaning the Xbox 2 has to be released in 2005.
it's also going to be a short film, so this will be interesting to see what digi-guys do.
The Dark Elf said:
"pretty much similar"

yes, this is the thing isn't it, the above that they are kinda not making a point of admitting are pre-rendered are to convince investors and the kids who will be buying it that it'll look like that, which it wont, sure, it might still look good. But those above as pre-rendered for sure.

Doesnt matter if console have gfx like that. by the time the console comeout the pc will have something much better. It will always be like that.
:thumbs: I want some in-game shots! But the game itself looks quite interesting! Well done trailer, looked like a movie preview.
Spartan said:
When people saw Doom, they were amazed by its ultrarealistic graphics. Now, everyone is shitting themselves over Unreal 3. And when Unreal 3 has been out for a year or two, everyone will be drooling over Unreal 4, Quake 5 or Half-Life 3 or whatever.

Strange that only few people understand this repetive cycle.

What's wrong with that? Everyone's always looking forward to the future to see what will come of it. That's true for pretty much everything. Improving the status quo is always anticipated as such.
they say it's pre-rendered, so it's not 'sure' or anything.

this is showing off their ability to use CG on their new DCC platform, and also to show a teaser of a game & short movie they will be making it.
Raziel-Jcd said:
Doesnt matter if console have gfx like that. by the time the console comeout the pc will have something much better. It will always be like that.

Wrong, moron. When the next consoles come out they will have a power advantage over PC's for a year or 2. You obviously do not remember what it was like when the Ps2 and XBox came out. :borg:
Spartan said:
When people saw Doom, they were amazed by its ultrarealistic graphics. Now, everyone is shitting themselves over Unreal 3. And when Unreal 3 has been out for a year or two, everyone will be drooling over Unreal 4, Quake 5 or Half-Life 3 or whatever.

Strange that only few people understand this repetive cycle.
So true. I wonder, then, what was so great about the lightbulb? It was just a more reliable light source. And the Pentium? Not that amazing, all it did was give us faster processing. :dozey:

With that sort of attitude, shouldn't you be drooling over screenshots on a Commodore 64 forum somewhere?
Putting aside the graphics this game looks like it will be one of the killer launch titles that sell xbox2. The game feels very much like a movie to me and very cinematic just by looking at the trailers. It may not be the most creative but the robots that look like they are from the fifth element look so cool. The soundtrack sounds like it will be decent to.

I hope they do not go overboard on the lighting in this game to try and get a very dark mood because in my opinion that usually ruins the game because I cant see whats going on.

I think this game will be something to look forward to but Im going to wait untill I get some more information around spring time when microsoft starts hyping the xbox 2 if it actually is going to be released in 2005. I dont think they will start hyping to much right now because they dont want potential xbox buyers thinking they should just wait a year and get xbox 2 instead.

I hope this doesnt turn into another mace griffen bounty hunter game. That looked like it would have been good then it turned out to suck.
stigmata said:
With that sort of attitude, shouldn't you be drooling over screenshots on a Commodore 64 forum somewhere?

I'm saying that people should stop proclaiming every new game is the second coming of Christ because it has such amazing graphics which will be outdated in a year.
The graphics look nice but i'm looking for a new input device to really start creaming pants. VR headgear or somesuch thing would get me more interested.
everything shown on their site is at least 6 months out of date and are only 'let's see how it looks' WIP's

that teaser is showcasing a Hi-Def Cinematic movie side of the WarDevil Project and is also 100% CGI.

also, it isn't confirmed which system it will be released on and they are using their own engine, not uneal 3 or anything.

and that type of 'Monastery' level is on the much lower side of quality of the visuals.

there will be a major announcements late this year, or early next.
To the person on page 1 saying that xbox2 will be released in 2005.... Microsoft already said that is their plan (this time they want to be the ones out the door way before the PS3)

Hopefully the only thing added to those screens are rendering effects (like the motion blurs and such) and hopefully they keep those models (if they are able to be toned-down to reasonable limits and normal-mapped)

Oh and there is a magazine special by MaximumPC that has probably been out for like a month or two. It's called Game Engines Exposed.

It contains a direct-feed of the UE3 tech demo, and 5 pages of technical info about the engine... Plus some new screens that I've never seen before (one is in a forest)
it boggles my mind when ppl sit here and say omg these graphics are gonna pwn PC....they fail to take into account what upgrades a PC will have in that time span......right now a x800xt PE ...will get you around 5000 (could be wrong) in 3dmark05 ....two 6800 ultras running in SLI will give u around 10,000.....and thats technology we have...right willing to bet the system in an xbox2 or ps3 would pry get like 6000-8000 in 3dmark05 (if that were possible)....sorry console lovers...but ur gonna get Owned by Moores law
Yeah...if the final in-game art looks anything like what they are predicting I'll eat my hat.
Just to let you guys know that theyre are rumors that this might actually be a pc game not an xbox 2 game.

I still stand by my opinion that the xbox 2 is going to be a very powerful system then the pc as far as games go for about a year.
blackeye said:
Just to let you guys know that theyre are rumors that this might actually be a pc game not an xbox 2 game.

I still stand by my opinion that the xbox 2 is going to be a very powerful system then the pc as far as games go for about a year.

how do u possibly come up with that assumption????.....the day that xbox2 comes out on shelves..the equipment inside of it will already be months old..... i.e. All i have to do is go to blam...i gotta better performing machine than the xbox2...dude u just dont understand do you

not to mention the fact that the system i buy on the day that xbox2 comes out...i can pry overclock the shit out of it..making it anywhere from a couple months to a year when your talking 2005 talking end of 2006-2007 capabilities
why you Pc fanboys are so anyoing?

"ohh sorry that I a console owner dont hav all that money to upgrades PC every month,I must kill myself cuz I dont hav a Ati radeon xt800xt"
ryanmw said:
it boggles my mind when ppl sit here and say omg these graphics are gonna pwn PC....they fail to take into account what upgrades a PC will have in that time span......right now a x800xt PE ...will get you around 5000 (could be wrong) in 3dmark05 ....two 6800 ultras running in SLI will give u around 10,000.....and thats technology we have...right willing to bet the system in an xbox2 or ps3 would pry get like 6000-8000 in 3dmark05 (if that were possible)....sorry console lovers...but ur gonna get Owned by Moores law

omg teh lollerz?!?!11+1!?!111oneone

When are the 3DMark fetishists going to wake up and realize that no amount of graphics can replace good gameplay.
Spartan, well then. Why do we try to improve graphics?
I'm not saying graphics do replace good gameplay.

But what I am saying is that, if graphics don't matter then why do we even make graphics beyond a Doom 1 state.
I seriously don't know then.
Minerel said:
Spartan, well then. Why do we try to improve graphics?
I'm not saying graphics do replace good gameplay.

But what I am saying is that, if graphics don't matter then why do we even make graphics beyond a Doom 1 state.
I seriously don't know then.

That's hardly the point. The point is that we have too many people jacking off to 3DMark and bashing consoles because they don't have 10 GHz processors with ten X800XT GPUs.
Spartan said:
That's hardly the point. The point is that we have too many people jacking off to 3DMark and bashing consoles because they don't have 10 GHz processors with ten X800XT GPUs.

thats not the point either....too many people are saying that consoles are more powerful than pc's when they first come out..which simply ISNT the not a pc fanboy i have xbox, ps2 and i could care point is that misinformation shouldnt be im not jacking off to simply stating the xbox2 will be inferior in terms of 3d performance which IS what this thread is about ....NOT why dont you go play with your ninja turtles and let the big boys talk..
ryanmw said:
im simply stating the xbox2 will be inferior in terms of 3d performance which IS what this thread is about

And why are you stating something that makes absolutely no difference?

so why dont you go play with your ninja turtles and let the big boys talk..

Why don't you go **** yourself and jump off a bridge, shitface.
Spartan said:
And why are you stating something that makes absolutely no difference?

lol...your witty attempt to sound intelligent works on some noobs but not me...what you quoted me saying was what this whole thread is of course it makes a difference.... :rolling: :rolleyes:

Spartan said:
Why don't you go **** yourself and jump off a bridge, shitface.

can someone hand this kid a pacifier.. hes getting cranky
blackeye said:
Just to let you guys know that theyre are rumors that this might actually be a pc game not an xbox 2 game.

it isn't even confirmed it's goign to be on xbox 2, that's simply a rumour.

they haven't even finished talking with hardware 'groups' etc.
destrukt said:
it isn't even confirmed it's goign to be on xbox 2, that's simply a rumour.

they haven't even finished talking with hardware 'groups' etc.

I know that is why I said it might actually be a pc game. I think it was on their website but it says something like systems have not yet been determined. Sorry if I was confusing.
ryanmw said:
lol...your witty attempt to sound intelligent works on some noobs but not me...what you quoted me saying was what this whole thread is of course it makes a difference.... :rolling: :rolleyes:

ollooll lollerz :rolling: :rolleyes: rotltmraoo noob

It makes no difference because games and consoles are meant to be played, not benchmarked.

can someone hand this kid a pacifier.. hes getting cranky

I'm just responding to your posts in the same manner. If you don't want certain kinds of responses, don't post.