Xbox 2 game: WarDevil (with UE3 like graphics)

Spartan said:
ollooll lollerz :rolling: :rolleyes: rotltmraoo noob

It makes no difference because games and consoles are meant to be played, not benchmarked.

I'm just responding to your posts in the same manner. If you don't want certain kinds of responses, don't post.

oh my bad...i forgot we were talking about graphics and not gameplay....ill take that into consideration next time....

its cool u know im only joking....u seem like one of those suicidal i dont wanna push ya too far :D
ryanmw said:
its cool u know im only joking....u seem like one of those suicidal i dont wanna push ya too far :D

What is your definition of a kid? What age group is that?
mortiz said:
Those 'screenshots' still look to be pre-rendered CG.

Anyway, I'm still going to get a PS3 when it's released :p Though they won't be cheap :( .

yeah I bet xbox2 will beat it, (not the right time to say somting like that) :p

yeah the game looks great but hmmm, UE3.0 still the best, lot of features : :borg:
ryanmw said:
oh my bad...i forgot we were talking about graphics and not gameplay....ill take that into consideration next time....

its cool u know im only joking....u seem like one of those suicidal i dont wanna push ya too far :D

not to derail this thread any farther, but im going to have to defend spartan here. If you can't argue without being a troll, don't argue at all. And if you ask yourself: "Why me, a troll?" when you can't argue without namecallling, I'd consider it 'trollery'.

quit with the personal attacks and argue the points at hand. Otherwise your just using the personal attacks as a weakness on your behalf. You find your argument not sizing up so you result to namecalling. I know im sounding like a mod wannabe, so ill stop here.

Getting a PS3. I hate Xbox and i sure will hate Xbox2(next) or whatever its called too..
h00dlum said:
Getting a PS3. I hate Xbox and i sure will hate Xbox2(next) or whatever its called too..

what a fanboyish statement. care to back up your sentiment with facts, or are you just going by blind judgement?
Mac said:
not to derail this thread any farther, but im going to have to defend spartan here. If you can't argue without being a troll, don't argue at all. And if you ask yourself: "Why me, a troll?" when you can't argue without namecallling, I'd consider it 'trollery'.

quit with the personal attacks and argue the points at hand. Otherwise your just using the personal attacks as a weakness on your behalf. You find your argument not sizing up so you result to namecalling. I know im sounding like a mod wannabe, so ill stop here.

:cheers: go back and read some of the posts spartan made before i would go defending him...lemme quote him"why dont you go **** yourself and jump off a bridge" i think that constitutes me calling spartan a baby..for in fact..he is you dont want to be called one too do u? :farmer: reread this entire thread and come back in here and tell me i was the more unreasonable one
Mac said:
what a fanboyish statement. care to back up your sentiment with facts, or are you just going by blind judgement?

I dont like Microsoft. I like Sonys console better...thats all i can say.
ryanmw said: go back and read some of the posts spartan made before i would go defending him...lemme quote him"why dont you go **** yourself and jump off a bridge" i think that constitutes me calling spartan a baby..for in fact..he is you dont want to be called one too do u? :farmer: reread this entire thread and come back in here and tell me i was the more unreasonable one

alright, so I did this, and low and behold the conversation was going just fine until you said why dont you go play with your ninja turtles and let the big boys talk..
This is where it started to turn stale. Please keep comments like this to yourself. It does nothing for the conversation at hand and just turns things into a big flame war. Lets be civilized, shall we?
i think u forgot to read the part where spartan said too many people are jacking off to 3dmark benches (blatantly speaking to me because im the one who brought up the comment about 3dmark)
A) the comment was totally unnecessary and rude
B) read some of his other posts in other threads will clearly see Spartan is a hateful troll that comes in just rains on everyones parade with nothing to back up his statements....i know how childish spartan im going to treat him like one
C)he says too many ppl jack off to 3Dmark benches and they are pointless in a thread that is solely talking about the xbox2,ps3, and pc 3d i would say they are pretty important right?...were talking about graphics...not dont even know what type of game wardevil is gonna be...all you see is why start talking about its gameplay???..dumb

I try to be civilized....i think everyone would agree spartan is a troll..please do your research before accusing me of inapropriate flaming
ryanmw said:
i think u forgot to read the part where spartan said too many people are jacking off to 3dmark benches (blatantly speaking to me because im the one who brought up the comment about 3dmark)
A) the comment was totally unnecessary and rude
B) read some of his other posts in other threads will clearly see Spartan is a hateful troll that comes in just rains on everyones parade with nothing to back up his statements....i know how childish spartan im going to treat him like one
C)he says too many ppl jack off to 3Dmark benches and they are pointless in a thread that is solely talking about the xbox2,ps3, and pc 3d i would say they are pretty important right?...were talking about graphics...not dont even know what type of game wardevil is gonna be...all you see is why start talking about its gameplay???..dumb

I try to be civilized....i think everyone would agree spartan is a troll..please do your research before accusing me of inapropriate flaming

I will still accuse you of inappropriate flaming. I'll just have to include spartan in my accusations as well. Just because one person does it doesn't give you the right to.

thats all I have to say on this subject, I don't mean to derail the thread anymore.
h00dlum said:
I dont like Microsoft. I like Sonys console better...thats all i can say.
Ehh... I'll have to wait and see which console has the best games. If the PS2 had had more high-quality system exclusives, or perhaps controllers that aren't ten years out of date, I might have bought one. The Gamecube had great games (Metroid, SMS, SSB Melee, Wind Waker, Monkey Ball), and the Xbox has Fable, Halo1/2, and Riddick.

The PS2 really didn't have any games I was seriously interested in, save GTA3/VC/SA, which all end up on the PC anyway. And now to defend myself from accusations of hypocrisy: The PC version of Halo is much inferior to the Xbox version. The balance is worse, and the performance is terrible.

If the PS3 gets some FPS-friendly controllers, four controller ports, and some truly great [system exclusive] games, I'll consider buying one. Until then it's Microsoft and Nintendo for me.