Xbox 360 E3 Live Coverage

man this sucks, the low band connection is gettin laggy now.
DAMN IT no flash photography?! WTF AM I SUPPOSED TO DO?!
satch919 said:
Exciting stuff though. This(E3) is bigger than the Super Bowl or World Series IMO.
I agree though it pains me to say it :)

5 mins :D
I opened the 100kbps stream, then reopened the 300kbps one, and it's 100kbps still. wtf.
Wouldn't it be terrible if there was a massacre there and it was all on camera.
short recoil said:
Wouldn't it be terrible if there was a massacre there and it was all on camera.
I dont know about you but I'd be kind of aroused.
short recoil said:
Wouldn't it be terrible if there was a massacre there and it was all on camera.

If I was watching it at only 100kbps, then yeah.
Why are the people in the crowd girating and rocking about like chimps????
They must be really excited.
Well I would capture this, but I have completely lost my connection (was really going strong). Sorry :(
gh0st said:
I dont know about you but I'd be kind of aroused.

I would pay to watch that. And as it's free, it makes it all so much sweeter.

Sadly, I can't watch it due to my stupid PC and my stupid eyelids. I should get them removed.....*ponders*
wtf why is this taking so long. I'm a very busy man.


*scratches ass*

If I buy this console do I too get to become a middle aged black man?
FictiousWill said:
wow the new gameses! and what's this Hlaf life 2 of which they speak?!
Its coming out for the xbox this year (or early next, I forget)
omg this is the shit

edit lol can you say ninja giaden in doa 4
i want beach vollyball2