Xbox 360 E3 Live Coverage

J Allard, corporate vice president of xbox something something. Too bad his human energy cant even grow hair.
qckbeam said:
who is this bald man?

J Allard, Microsoft's corporate VP of the Xbox platform and the chief XNA architect. J was one of the driving forces behind the original Xbox project, as well as its one of its most familiar faces.
gh0st said:
J Allard, corporate vice president of xbox something something. Too bad his human energy cant even grow hair.

Bwhaha :D

Sorry, that just struck me funny :)

pAiNtHeAsS said:
J Allard, Microsoft's corporate VP of the Xbox platform and the chief XNA architect. J was one of the driving forces behind the original Xbox project, as well as its one of its most familiar faces.

Thanks, to both of you :)
pAiNtHeAsS said:

No, he's sitting cross-legged on the floor. I think he's going to start singing about the human spirit or something.
qckbeam said:
No, he's sitting cross-legged on the floor. I think he's going to start singing about the human spirit or something.
Yeah what a bunch of hippies.

man **** this ill see the recap when its done.
satch919 said:
Ugh, it keeps stuttering!!

Show me the DAMN GAMES!!!

No no, we need to hear more about how "velocity girl" can watch her favorite bands on X-Box live
You aren't missing anything :/

They're playing really awful music on the Xbox...woo
Microsoft seriously want's to take over the world here

ARG. The cut the feed again!!!
that was not worth staying up for

man they cut the feed when bill talked
He looks like an anti-war protester... lets nuke him. Cut this hippie bullshit I want to see halo 3
Oh my god...that was amazing. Elder Scrolls: Oblivion, Gears of War, oh wow.
Holy crap that was fricking awesome. Elder Scrolls :D
gh0st said:
Holy crap that was fricking awesome. Elder Scrolls :D

Did you see that shot where they pulled back from the impossibly high tower with the king and the city and all the soldiers? That was amazing...and it's a launch title.
PGR3 and NFS:MW are undoubtedly on my most wanted list :D

Sony? who are they.
The one good thing is this wasent full of prerendered bullshit like the sony conference, the vast majority of this was in game footage.
How was the Sony conference anyways? I'm guessing it was terrible from what you're saying.
qckbeam said:
How was the Sony conference anyways? I'm guessing it was terrible from what you're saying.

Watch the Sony Conference and judge for yourself. It was amazing. I can't wait to get to E3. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It was good, people are just not differentiating between gameplay and movies. Probably why the PS2 did so well.
where i can find some vids to download, didnt stay up last ni9ght ?
They have it on Just scroll down and you'll see it.
just another overhyped piece of shit crammed in a box
Nid Banikeri said:
XBOX 360 = Womens console


And on that note, I'm getting lunch.
lePobz said:
3:30am for us brits.... damn, might as well stay up and watch it.

* lePobz goes for a coffee or three

you dont seem to know those words........ :dozey:
I just watched the press conference, that PR guy is talking about the xbox as if it's going to cure cancer. Nice graphics though.