Xbox 360 gamers are ignorant noobs


Nov 1, 2004
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So i talked to this guy on msn about 360, just a normal conversation. I said alot about the Xbox 360 kinda lost the nextgen Console war, microsoft just rushed through it. I said he wasted his money because if he would just have waited he could have gotten so much more from Wii or Ps3.

Everything was fine...just a normal friendly discusion when he all of the sudden says:

"go **** ur self, bye asshole"

i was stunned...why did he become so agressive? I thought we where having a normal conversation when he actually were pissed at me all the time.

The same thing happend in school, these console noobs who hate pc talks about how awesome the xbox 360 is and i finally sit down and explain to them what is really going on in the console world.....everone attacked me, yelled at me for saying my thoughts about 360...right in my face, that i gotta "shut the **** up, damn pc nerd", they said that Ps3 is nothing, and that Nintendo Wii is called Revolution (which it was, they just dont believe they changed the name) im trying to explain to them about the Wii and its controler and they said they copied of Xbox 360. Then they start looking in this 360 magazinge...with sucky ass mainstream games with no prupose...for example...a simple sport game which is the 6 one in its seires but is actually a copy of the one before it with minor changes. Then they start talking about oblivion and how awesome it once again i tell them that it was first for PC and converted to Xbox360...and BOOM they blowed, got angry like hell, saying that Oblivion can only be played on 360 because 360 is the only console that can run those graphics.

At this time im really starting to loose my hope for the gaming community. I tell them about gameplay, that hiting monsters again and again and again after hours every day every week will get booring...i get this reply:


a real gamer cares about the GAMEPLAY, not the graphics...

Everywhere i go, i see Halo shirts, people talking about "that awesome Halo3 video" which was prerendered, not even ingame. No where i see anything about PC. I remember back when hl2 was released, my math teacher said to the class "isnt there a game being released soon, beginning with an H" my hope went up, a halflife game? can it be true?...but noooo...everyone said HALO2222222. I was the only one who said Halflife2, they looked at me like im some kind of sick monster, replying "what the hell"

Im seriously freaking out at these god damned console freaks...maybe im a bit "racist" against consoles...and im telling you right now, these console gamers has made me what i am today...a true evil console hater...i hate consoles.. im proud to say it...i hate them...i despite them...i PISS on them...because the community that surrounds them are not gamers, they are stupid ignorant people who knows nothing.

Im not talking about all console gamers, i admit, i own a old nintendo 8 bit with Super Mario...Super Mario is the only game i like on Consoles, but thats it. friends, we shall create a union, we will counqer, we will spread, we will...KILL THOSE FACIST BASTARDS, HAIL THE PC!!!
Ummmm.... I only see you setting yourself up for some flames....

"I said alot about the Xbox 360 kinda lost the nextgen Console war, microsoft just rushed through it. I said he wasted his money because if he would just have waited he could have gotten so much more from Wii or Ps3."

That right there proves that you are just as ignorant as any other Xbox fanboy.
Aye I must say you were being abit daft out right insulting his purchase, since he would have spent quite abit buying it. It's the same as seeing someones just bought a new car, then telling them its crap and should have bought X car instead. I think he justifably got annoyed there.

However the rest of your tale chills me to my most inner core D:
Anthraxxx said:
Ummmm.... I only see you setting yourself up for some flames....

"I said alot about the Xbox 360 kinda lost the nextgen Console war, microsoft just rushed through it. I said he wasted his money because if he would just have waited he could have gotten so much more from Wii or Ps3."

That right there proves that you are just as ignorant as any other Xbox fanboy.
This man speaks da troof
i admit i makes misstakes myself, kinda backstabbing myself here and there. I just get carried away sometimes.
Anyone that gets offended or angry over something they own is a biased fanboy of that product.

Any rational person should be able to weigh a system's (or whatever's) pros and cons and despite regret, laugh about it if what they purchased was actually junk.

I myself can be considered a hardcore Nintendo fan, as I hold Nintendo above all others, but I know when a company cannot meet my needs. As my N64 library grew, it lacked a certain genre of RPGs. Unsatisfied with this system, I bought 9 PSX games before actually getting a PSOne, because I knew the games were what I wanted.
I eventually got PSOne some year later. Sony's domination of the RPG market in those days burned into me a seething hatred for the company and at the time I hated all things Sony, despite their goodness.
History is repeating itself, and while I own no PS2, I have 3 or 4 PS2 games. It is my intention to get a PS3 maybe a year after it's release so I canplay them, and collect a small library of PS3 games, as the Wii, graphically is unimpressive and due to it's very limited hardware, will likely not deliver certain genres I anticipate. History will repeat again.
I will buy the Wii because I support Nintendo, and the uber fun-ness of their machines, but I know they will leave empty holes in my soul.

XBox on the other hand is a piece of crap and if you bought one you are a moron.
lololzozlzolobzdvh dvsdvasdfafd j/k, obviously.
Oh well. So long as you realize that you've made mistakes... it's all good. :thumbs:
I own a 360. I am neither ignorant, nor a "noob". This thread is about as cool as licking a hookers ass.
Cerpin said:
I own a 360. I am neither ignorant, nor a "noob". This thread is about as cool as licking a hookers ass.

did you even read the post? I said im not talking about everyone, im not charactising the entire community. There are alot of Xbox gamers who are awesome!
_Z_Ryuken said:
Anyone that gets offended or angry over something they own is a biased fanboy of that product.

Any rational person should be able to weigh a system's (or whatever's) pros and cons and despite regret, laugh about it if what they purchased was actually junk.

I myself can be considered a hardcore Nintendo fan, as I hold Nintendo above all others, but I know when a company cannot meet my needs. As my N64 library grew, it lacked a certain genre of RPGs. Unsatisfied with this system, I bought 9 PSX games before actually getting a PSOne, because I knew the games were what I wanted.
I eventually got PSOne some year later. Sony's domination of the RPG market in those days burned into me a seething hatred for the company and at the time I hated all things Sony, despite their goodness.
History is repeating itself, and while I own no PS2, I have 3 or 4 PS2 games. It is my intention to get a PS3 maybe a year after it's release so I canplay them, and collect a small library of PS3 games, as the Wii, graphically is unimpressive and due to it's very limited hardware, will likely not deliver certain genres I anticipate. History will repeat again.
I will buy the Wii because I support Nintendo, and the uber fun-ness of their machines, but I know they will leave empty holes in my soul.

XBox on the other hand is a piece of crap and if you bought one you are a moron.
lololzozlzolobzdvh dvsdvasdfafd j/k, obviously.

Why not judge each generation by what it has to offer you instead of what company it comes from. You basicly buy Nintendo products cause you like them for some unknown reason, even though it looks like you would have enjoyed sony products more. And you should not hate sony for having a lot of rpg's on the psx and nintendo not. Nintendo chose a different strategie by not chosing the CD, it was a good decision for some games, bad for others, as did sony. Plus the Nintendo boss said it himself that people do not like to read. No reason to hate either company for having a different strategy.

Ravioli said:
did you even read the post? I said im not talking about everyone, im not charactising the entire community. There are alot of Xbox gamers who are awesome!
You're title contradicts you're post then
360 beat the PS3 at E3, the way I see it, the Wii beats them all, but if you don't want a wii go for the 360
Or alternatively for the price of a PS3, get both! Oh, and by the way, the Halo 3 video was running in real time from actual game assets, something that was proven to the games press after the conference. If they wanted CGI, they'd have undoubtedly done a better job (a la the Halo 2 CGI teaser). Now who's ignorant, sucka?
Don't get discuraged by idiots. Just enjoy arguing with them!
Grey Fox said:
Why not judge each generation by what it has to offer you instead of what company it comes from. You basicly buy Nintendo products cause you like them for some unknown reason, even though it looks like you would have enjoyed sony products more. And you should not hate sony for having a lot of rpg's on the psx and nintendo not. Nintendo chose a different strategie by not chosing the CD, it was a good decision for some games, bad for others, as did sony. Plus the Nintendo boss said it himself that people do not like to read. No reason to hate either company for having a different strategy.
The "unknown reason" is past experience. The SNES was the single greatest thing that ever happened to the video game industry, and I want to be in on the next incarnation. It may not be the Wii, I'm taking that chance. It may be the PS3, I'm taking that chance as well. As for the 360, my friends prefer Xbox so I won't get one because I can always access theirs. I don't need to think about it at all.
Matter of fact, I strongly considered buying some Street Fighter anthology for XBox just to have it, and play it on some friends machine because I know what I like, and I want what I like. Hating the companies has no bearing on what business I bring to them. I hate Microsoft currently for taking away Rare Inc. and Perfect Dark. I waited over half a decade only to have disappointment. Still, it has no bearing on my business with them.
_Z_Ryuken said:
I hate Microsoft currently for taking away Rare Inc. and Perfect Dark. I waited over half a decade only to have disappointment. Still, it has no bearing on my business with them.

Rare haven't really been the superb developer they were since PD. Thats before Microsoft brought them. Anyway, most of the staff left to form Free Radical.

So its all good.
shot gun to the monkeyfuzzling face imho

the console whores that is :p
First of all, way to generalise with the thread title. :rolleyes:

Secondly, how can you possibly claim that Microsoft have 'lost the nextgen Console war' when neither of it's two main competitors have released anything more than ideas at this moment in time.

OK, i admit that the Wii sounds fairly interesting (not my kind of thing though) but even with all of the 'innovation' it's claiming to bring to the market, how do you or anyone else know how these ideas are going to turn out? Gyroscope-based controllers such as the Wii-mote are NOT new technology (check out Gyration's air mice) and with my first hand experience of similar systems for the pc i have serious reservations about how effective the Wii's controllers will be and the range of game genres it could effectively be applied to.

Remember, there's a fine line between gimmick and true innovation.

As for the PS3, so far i've seen absolutely nothing AT ALL that impresses me in the slightest about this system. In fact the only surprise Sony has announced so far is the laughable (imo) price tag - i had planned on being an early adopter until then. That's not to say i think it's gonna be crap, i think it could be a great system, but so far all i've heard is distinctly average - perhaps you could provide some links to the information you seem so impressed by because it's obviously slipped under my radar.
That Halo/Half-Life 2 story has happened to me before too :( Not in the classroom though.
Ravioli said:
Everywhere i go, i see Halo shirts, people talking about "that awesome Halo3 video" which was prerendered, not even ingame.
Wrong. It shows that you are just as ignorant about consoles as your friends are about PC's.
Or alternatively for the price of a PS3, get both! Oh, and by the way, the Halo 3 video was running in real time from actual game assets, something that was proven to the games press after the conference.

"The Bungie representatives made it clear to us that the trailer was running in real-time on the Xbox 360." Source

The crater seen in the trailer is three miles across, and it's all rendered in real geometry. Halo 3 has a new global lighting system that now lights everything uniquely from the same source, which explains just how that setting sun looked that good as it illuminated everything in the trailer.

The demo shifted away from the crater to the part of the level you see the Master Chief walking in from. He was controllable, which means that the trailer indicates just how good the game will look. Lehto was able to zoom in on the Master Chief with the camera, and you could see the many different ways light reflected objects onto him. For example, you could see light reflect off the ground and onto his armor. A new materials system shows the difference between his armor and the rubber undersuit. It's so detailed that if you bring the camera close to the Master Chief's visor, you see everything in front of him reflected in it, right down to the ammo counter in his rifle.
VirusType2 said:
Wrong. It shows that you are just as ignorant about consoles as your friends are about PC's.


"The Bungie representatives made it clear to us that the trailer was running in real-time on the Xbox 360." Source

The crater seen in the trailer is three miles across, and it's all rendered in real geometry. Halo 3 has a new global lighting system that now lights everything uniquely from the same source, which explains just how that setting sun looked that good as it illuminated everything in the trailer.

The demo shifted away from the crater to the part of the level you see the Master Chief walking in from. He was controllable, which means that the trailer indicates just how good the game will look. Lehto was able to zoom in on the Master Chief with the camera, and you could see the many different ways light reflected objects onto him. For example, you could see light reflect off the ground and onto his armor. A new materials system shows the difference between his armor and the rubber undersuit. It's so detailed that if you bring the camera close to the Master Chief's visor, you see everything in front of him reflected in it, right down to the ammo counter in his rifle.

I wasnt talking about that video, i was talking about the other one where its not even FPS view and he looks over a desert like landscape and a big thingy starts spreading and building like a huge shit in the ground or something...that was the one they where talking about.

I dunno, this whole scenario at school...

I can see some greasy short kid getting screamed at by two sophomores with thick glasses, while they clutch 360 magazines.

Not going to say anything :/
Just say missed every time they say something abusive.
It sounds like you're surrounded by morons.

I advise finding a taser and using it liberally.

On a side note, has anybody tied in the increase in stupidity to videogames yet?
Ravioli said:
I wasnt talking about that video, i was talking about the other one where its not even FPS view and he looks over a desert like landscape and a big thingy starts spreading and building like a huge shit in the ground or something...that was the one they where talking about.

That was real time, as was proven to the press after the event. Now who's ignorant, sucka?
For every idiotic PC gamer I have met, there are 5 idiotic Xbox gamers.
Kangy said:
That was real time, as was proven to the press after the event. Now who's ignorant, sucka?
Well, he puts forward a few other things, such as their rage exploshens when telling them that Oblivion was designed for PC first and Xbox360 later. It doesn't matter if it is true or not, their rage exploshens are just silly. And the "Graphics are more important than Gameplay" thingy...

Right, load up on ammo and shotguns, make sure the guns are COCKED, and get in the truck.

Am i the only one into just playing games.... whether it be on console, pc, handheld(<3's my magic playstation pornable), or whatever esle. No no wait... how silly of me XBOX 4 TEH L00z.
It's not about XBOX 4 TEH L00z.

It's about XBOX FANBOIS 4 TEH L00z. :p

For the record, I thought Halo and Halo 2 were good games.
Everyones allowed an opinion. Obviously any console geek that disses PCs are too stupid to operate them, stupid mutha****as. Consoles are good for what they are. Matchbox arcade machines.

I personally am sick of consoles. I had an xbox. I gradually stopped playing it and started playing games on my PC again. They just lack some very important element that PC's have, I don't know what it is. And the graphics seriously were not all that better on the xbox.

When the 360 came out I was like wow nice, look at those graphix. And I will no doubt buy another console but I'm not getting caught up again this time. I'm saving my pennies for when the PS3 to come out. I hear it could seriously kick some 360 ass. And if its worth the cash it will be going in my pool room. On the big screen.
Racist against consoles! Lol...I actually laughed at that.
I somewhat agree with raviolli. Console only gamers seem to have this smug demeanor that just pisses me off to no end.

When halo 2 was announced people were like OMG guns akimbo HOLY SHIT REVOLUTIONARY!!!!

meanwhile i'm thinking, jesus its just 2 guns, its been done in countless games before.

Also the ones i know seem to dismiss mods. Which for some reason just gets under my skin.
nobody disses mods, NOBODY
I've never seen a real soldier double-wield. OMFG realistix!! :sniper:
the double wield thing anoyed me like hell in the internet forums
"holy shit you can shoot 2 gunz at the same time thats gangsta!"
I just wanted to slap them a copy of the first unreal tournament and pick 2 guns "omfg look a older game that halo 2 hav dual wielding too time paradox!"
Ok, theres just as many stupid kids playing PCs games too.

This thread is poorly thought out.
uhg....I hate it when people nearly come to fist fights about video games at school. It's plain stupid, just plain stupid.
Lot's and lot's of gamers I've met are quite stupid.
Also I know many consolers at school who probably deep down just don't want to be considered a computer nerd.

360 Guy said: