Xbox 360 gamers are ignorant noobs

Console vs. PC wars will never ever end
you wont get anything out of this thread.

Before the 360 somePC fanboys kept talking about how the graphics is goood on PC and its not match to consoles, and all the consoles sux, Also some of the XBox fanboys kept talking about how great Halo 2 is and its like the best thing ever made.

There is Ignorant fanboys For Consoles and PC, get used to it.
Ravioli said:
So i talked to this guy on msn about 360, just a normal conversation. I said alot about the Xbox 360 kinda lost the nextgen Console war, microsoft just rushed through it. I said he wasted his money because if he would just have waited he could have gotten so much more from Wii or Ps3.

Everything was fine...just a normal friendly discusion when he all of the sudden says:

"go **** ur self, bye asshole"

i was stunned...why did he become so agressive? I thought we where having a normal conversation when he actually were pissed at me all the time.

The same thing happend in school, these console noobs who hate pc talks about how awesome the xbox 360 is and i finally sit down and explain to them what is really going on in the console world.....everone attacked me, yelled at me for saying my thoughts about 360...right in my face, that i gotta "shut the **** up, damn pc nerd", they said that Ps3 is nothing, and that Nintendo Wii is called Revolution (which it was, they just dont believe they changed the name) im trying to explain to them about the Wii and its controler and they said they copied of Xbox 360. Then they start looking in this 360 magazinge...with sucky ass mainstream games with no prupose...for example...a simple sport game which is the 6 one in its seires but is actually a copy of the one before it with minor changes. Then they start talking about oblivion and how awesome it once again i tell them that it was first for PC and converted to Xbox360...and BOOM they blowed, got angry like hell, saying that Oblivion can only be played on 360 because 360 is the only console that can run those graphics.

At this time im really starting to loose my hope for the gaming community. I tell them about gameplay, that hiting monsters again and again and again after hours every day every week will get booring...i get this reply:


a real gamer cares about the GAMEPLAY, not the graphics...

Everywhere i go, i see Halo shirts, people talking about "that awesome Halo3 video" which was prerendered, not even ingame. No where i see anything about PC. I remember back when hl2 was released, my math teacher said to the class "isnt there a game being released soon, beginning with an H" my hope went up, a halflife game? can it be true?...but noooo...everyone said HALO2222222. I was the only one who said Halflife2, they looked at me like im some kind of sick monster, replying "what the hell"

Im seriously freaking out at these god damned console freaks...maybe im a bit "racist" against consoles...and im telling you right now, these console gamers has made me what i am today...a true evil console hater...i hate consoles.. im proud to say it...i hate them...i despite them...i PISS on them...because the community that surrounds them are not gamers, they are stupid ignorant people who knows nothing.

Im not talking about all console gamers, i admit, i own a old nintendo 8 bit with Super Mario...Super Mario is the only game i like on Consoles, but thats it. friends, we shall create a union, we will counqer, we will spread, we will...KILL THOSE FACIST BASTARDS, HAIL THE PC!!!

You are God.

edit: I just watched the H3 trailer looks majorly lamo imo.
i hate people like you.. someone buys something, and instead of letting them enjoy it you try and ruin it for them, most likely because youre too poor to buy anything other than your POS e-machine that barely runs CS 1.6. too bad those WIC checks dont work for proper electronics.

because the community that surrounds them are not gamers, they are stupid ignorant people who knows nothing.
there's a lot of pc gamers. there's a lot of console gamers. both i'm sure have extremely stupid people in them. if you cannot find a single game you like on consoles other than super mario, you are just a retard who "know nothing".
gh0st said:
i hate people like you.. someone buys something, and instead of letting them enjoy it you try and ruin it for them, most likely because youre too poor to buy anything other than your POS e-machine that barely runs CS 1.6. too bad those WIC checks dont work for proper electronics.

I don't think I've ever seen such a large and stupid assumption.
gh0st said:
there's a lot of pc gamers. there's a lot of console gamers. both i'm sure have extremely stupid people in them. if you cannot find a single game you like on consoles other than super mario, you are just a retard who "know nothing".

Maybe, but EVERY SINGLE Halo fan I've met in my life has insulted me for no reason when I told them I prefer Half-life on PC.
Neither. Seriously. It's not that Xbox 360 gamers are ignorant n00bs. It's that people are idiots.
99.vikram said:
Maybe, but EVERY SINGLE Halo fan I've met in my life has insulted me for no reason when I told them I prefer Half-life on PC.
Yet here you are, having a go at Halo fans for having a go at you for prefering Half-Life. Let's have a little think about that.

Also, I'm loving the hilarious blanket statements that people seem to be laying down generously in this thread. Heh.
Fanboys are fanboys. You get them everywhere for everything.
Pi Mu Rho said:
I don't think I've ever seen such a large and stupid assumption.
assuming one person is poor and is running antiquated machinery is not nearly as large as the assumption that all players of one game are stupid.
Axyon said:
Yet here you are, having a go at Halo fans for having a go at you for prefering Half-Life. Let's have a little think about that.

Also, I'm loving the hilarious blanket statements that people seem to be laying down generously in this thread. Heh.

Making me look like an idiot doesn't render my point null and void.

I like Halo a lot (eagerly awaiting Halo 3), but I prefer Half-life series.
But when HL2 even comes up at any Halo/Xbox forum, hate spouts forth. WHY? Let's have a little think about that.
Yea, James Bond - Goldeneye 007 for N64 had dual wield guns. I never heard anyone say that dual wielding was revolutionary when talking about Halo personally, but I can believe anything.

Fans defending what they like over what you like with bliss-full ignorance makes them a fan-boy, and it will never stop.

Ignorance is bliss. So as long as they believe that they got the killer gaming platform, they don't want to hear about other systems. At least, that sounds like how the kids at your school are acting.

Originally Posted by 99.vikram
EVERY SINGLE Halo fan I've met in my life has insulted me for no reason when I told them I prefer Half-life on PC.
But you can play Half-life or Half-life2 on a console. The thread is about bashing Xbox fans.

The Xbox is the only console that has games like Half-life2, Doom3, Quake4, Prey, Unreal Tournament, Oblivion, Medal of Honor, Call of Duty, Quake Wars, Need for Speed, Wolfenstien, etc. I think Xbox fans have a great point that they can play all the best games that PC's have, tons of Xbox exclusives, and also tons of console-only games.

Then, Xbox fans have another great point that their Xbox 360 can run better performance than twin graphics card 64 bit PC's, all for like 1/4 as much money!

For me though, I like the fact that you can actually make your own mods for HL, D3, Oblivion, UT, CoD, Medal of Honor, and many other games. Hell, even Halo2, which is being ported to PC finally, it will have a level editor.

To me, making a game easy to mod is basically giving you the ultimate ability to make your own game.

Take the source engine, the Doom or Oblivion source, and make your own enemies, weapons, maps, levels and whatever.

You can actually make a total conversion where you wouldn't even know what game it was to begin with, like with Doom3; people have turned it into a Thief type game, a Descent spaceship game, or an RPG.

I can even play Doom3 in third person view on my PC, with a whole different set of weapons, enemies, and levels. The posibilities are endless. You can't do any of these on a console, and there is whole different level of satisfaction from creating your own games. In my opinion, this just can't be beat.

99.vikram said:
I like Halo a lot (eagerly awaiting Halo 3), but I prefer Half-life series.

But when HL2 even comes up at any Halo/Xbox forum, hate spouts forth. WHY? Let's have a little think about that.

Go to a Halo thread on this forum and you get 6 people saying "halo sucks". But if you mention Half-life, well, everyone here is a fan. This is a Half-life website. So it only makes sense. When you go to a Halo website (xbox) they defend Halo over there the way that Half-life is defended over here.

VirusType2 said:
Then, Xbox fans have another great point that their Xbox 360 can run better performance than twin graphics card 64 bit PC's, all for like 1/4 as much money! :)

Not even remotely true. I own CoD2 for both, and even though my TV is HD, and my monitor is shat, it still looks loads better on PC. Same with Oblivion.
DreadLord1337 said:
Not even remotely true. I own CoD2 for both, and even though my TV is HD, and my monitor is shat, it still looks loads better on PC. Same with Oblivion.

Well, that has nothing to do with the console, that is because - in your opinion, an analogue PC monitor looks better than HDTV. I tend to agree, but with the Xbox 360, you can hook it up to a PC monitor with the optional VGA cable.

I wouldn't believe you if you tried to convince me that your PC runs Oblivion better than a 360. The 360 is ****ing awesome. I can't wait to see the next wave of games.

VirusType2 said:
Well, that has nothing to do with the console, that is because - in your opinion, an analogue PC monitor looks better than HDTV. I tend to agree, but with the Xbox 360, you can hook it up to a PC monitor with the optional VGA cable.

I wouldn't believe you if you tried to convince me that your PC runs Oblivion better than a 360. The 360 is ****ing awesome. I can't wait to see the next wave of games.


No actually that was just a side note so that the 360+HD fanboys wouldn't jump on my back, the viewing screen really doesn't make a difference for me. My PC and 360 run Oblivion the same I guess.. No lag on either of them. Same with CoD2. However, both look much nicer on the PC.

Maybe I'll plug my 360 into the PC monitor, but I doubt it will look better, as my TV is much higher quality. Now if I could get my PC playing on my HDTV, the 360 would be put in the closet permanently.
DreadLord1337 said:
No actually that was just a side note so that the 360+HD fanboys wouldn't jump on my back, the viewing screen really doesn't make a difference for me. My PC and 360 run Oblivion the same I guess.. No lag on either of them. Same with CoD2. However, both look much nicer on the PC.

Maybe I'll plug my 360 into the PC monitor, but I doubt it will look better, as my TV is much higher quality. Now if I could get my PC playing on my HDTV, the 360 would be put in the closet permanently.
You doubt it would look better? The 360 is basically a PC. A PC with an extremely high performance CPU and GPU, RAM and architecture, with VGA output. How could it look worse than your PC when connected to the same monitor? If anything it should look better, but with the signal the same, I'd imagine the difference would be not be discernible. I've even heard that the 360 version of these games are superior, from people that have both (gamespot or something).

Bottom line, it's not only the TV or monitor, it's the cable input type that carries the signal. You are probably comparing Compenent or S-Video cables used on your 360 to the VGA cord on your PC, and VGA is far superior.

Not even remotely true. I own CoD2 for both, and even though my TV is HD, and my monitor is shat, it still looks loads better on PC. Same with Oblivion.
Let me make sure I have all of your story straight here. So what you are saying is that you have both an extremely powerful PC and an xbox 360, and a really high quality HDTV, and that your PC monitor sucks, and you own Call of Duty 2 for both Xbox360 and for your PC. Everything here screams, "WHY?"

I've never actually seen a sucky PC monitor. To be perfectly honest, all of the modern flat-screen CRT models look almost exactly the same to me, which is perfect.

You own a 360 - which came out 6 months ago, and can't wait to put it in the closet? Isn't about the games? Why did you even buy it if you can't wait to put it in the closet. Maybe you should have got 2 different games ;) Anyhow, put it on Ebay, don't pack it away.

Now if I could get my PC playing on my HDTV
You said that the 360 looks like shit on your TV, but you want to hook your PC up to this TV?

You can hook your PC up to your HDTV, but it'd probably look like shit, depending on what type of signal you use (HDMI, Component, RGB, S-Video, Video, or whatever), and it would probably be awkward as hell to use, what with a keyboard and mouse on your lap. The only way you are going to get a PC like picture on an HDTV is with VGA or HDMI cables. Component and S-Video don't look nearly as nice as VGA, trust me. I have every video device I own hooked up to PC monitors, but I have to use S-Video cable converter. It looks pretty good, but VGA is worlds better.

Get the VGA cord for your 360 man, trust.
Ravioli said:
So i talked to this guy on msn about 360, just a normal conversation. I said alot about the Xbox 360 kinda lost the nextgen Console war, microsoft just rushed through it. I said he wasted his money because if he would just have waited he could have gotten so much more from Wii or Ps3.

Everything was fine...just a normal friendly discusion when he all of the sudden says:

"go **** ur self, bye asshole"

i was stunned...why did he become so agressive? I thought we where having a normal conversation when he actually were pissed at me all the time.

The same thing happend in school, these console noobs who hate pc talks about how awesome the xbox 360 is and i finally sit down and explain to them what is really going on in the console world.....everone attacked me, yelled at me for saying my thoughts about 360...right in my face, that i gotta "shut the **** up, damn pc nerd", they said that Ps3 is nothing, and that Nintendo Wii is called Revolution (which it was, they just dont believe they changed the name) im trying to explain to them about the Wii and its controler and they said they copied of Xbox 360. Then they start looking in this 360 magazinge...with sucky ass mainstream games with no prupose...for example...a simple sport game which is the 6 one in its seires but is actually a copy of the one before it with minor changes. Then they start talking about oblivion and how awesome it once again i tell them that it was first for PC and converted to Xbox360...and BOOM they blowed, got angry like hell, saying that Oblivion can only be played on 360 because 360 is the only console that can run those graphics.

At this time im really starting to loose my hope for the gaming community. I tell them about gameplay, that hiting monsters again and again and again after hours every day every week will get booring...i get this reply:


a real gamer cares about the GAMEPLAY, not the graphics...

Everywhere i go, i see Halo shirts, people talking about "that awesome Halo3 video" which was prerendered, not even ingame. No where i see anything about PC. I remember back when hl2 was released, my math teacher said to the class "isnt there a game being released soon, beginning with an H" my hope went up, a halflife game? can it be true?...but noooo...everyone said HALO2222222. I was the only one who said Halflife2, they looked at me like im some kind of sick monster, replying "what the hell"

Im seriously freaking out at these god damned console freaks...maybe im a bit "racist" against consoles...and im telling you right now, these console gamers has made me what i am today...a true evil console hater...i hate consoles.. im proud to say it...i hate them...i despite them...i PISS on them...because the community that surrounds them are not gamers, they are stupid ignorant people who knows nothing.

Im not talking about all console gamers, i admit, i own a old nintendo 8 bit with Super Mario...Super Mario is the only game i like on Consoles, but thats it. friends, we shall create a union, we will counqer, we will spread, we will...KILL THOSE FACIST BASTARDS, HAIL THE PC!!!

I agree that the console players are very, just, ignorant.
Aye, but PC players can be just as bad. It's a nasty cycle. And that's why arguments are never settled.
I vote for this to be moved to the games forum...
Why the hell are you so surprised?? You really should know what a "fanboy" is. And it doesn't matter if it's a PC fanboy, or a PS2 or PS3 fanboy, they're all ignorant. My advice is to try and stop shoving common sense into their faces because the fanboy doesn't understand what common sense is.
VirusType2 said:
You doubt it would look better? The 360 is basically a PC. A PC with an extremely high performance CPU and GPU, RAM and architecture, with VGA output. How could it look worse than your PC when connected to the same monitor? If anything it should look better, but with the signal the same, I'd imagine the difference would be not be discernible. I've even heard that the 360 version of these games are superior, from people that have both (gamespot or something).

Bottom line, it's not only the TV or monitor, it's the cable input type that carries the signal. You are probably comparing Compenent or S-Video cables used on your 360 to the VGA cord on your PC, and VGA is far superior.

What I'm saying is that I don't think it's the TV or the monitor that's making the difference. It must be the way the games are optimized for the 360, but I can run CoD2 and Oblivion on my PC on highest settings with no lag, and they look loads better than the 360 on my HDTV. That's all I'm saying.

VirusType2 said:
Let me make sure I have all of your story straight here. So what you are saying is that you have both an extremely powerful PC and an xbox 360, and a really high quality HDTV, and that your PC monitor sucks, and you own Call of Duty 2 for both Xbox360 and for your PC. Everything here screams, "WHY?"

I've never actually seen a sucky PC monitor. To be perfectly honest, all of the modern flat-screen CRT models look almost exactly the same to me, which is perfect.

Why not? I thought Oblivion was terrible on 360 because for me I miss the mouse with RPGs like that. So I bought it for PC, and realized it also looks 10x better. CoD2 (like all FPS) sucked on a console, mostly because it was a console. So I bought it for PC, and once again, it looked loads better.

VirusType2 said:
You own a 360 - which came out 6 months ago, and can't wait to put it in the closet? Isn't about the games? Why did you even buy it if you can't wait to put it in the closet. Maybe you should have got 2 different games ;) Anyhow, put it on Ebay, don't pack it away.

You said that the 360 looks like shit on your TV, but you want to hook your PC up to this TV?

I bought one to have one. I dunno, it's annoying not having something that everyone else wants. I'll buy a PS3 and a Wii too, but really I'm not a console gamer at all. I hardly even have time to touch the 360. I bought a PSP last year too.. Barely used that as well. I don't like the 360 for a lot of reasons. For me a massive part is the graphics. People can cry gameplay all day, but for me graphics are extremely important.

And it's the 360 that looks crap, not my TV. I don't think the TV has anything to do with the fact that the 360 is overrated and can't stand up to my PC. My PC would look a lot crisper on my TV I think, rather than this piece of shit monitor. But whatever the case, I'm sure the difference isn't worth the effort.

VirusType2 said:
You can hook your PC up to your HDTV, but it'd probably look like shit, depending on what type of signal you use (HDMI, Component, RGB, S-Video, Video, or whatever), and it would probably be awkward as hell to use, what with a keyboard and mouse on your lap. The only way you are going to get a PC like picture on an HDTV is with VGA or HDMI cables. Component and S-Video don't look nearly as nice as VGA, trust me. I have every video device I own hooked up to PC monitors, but I have to use S-Video cable converter. It looks pretty good, but VGA is worlds better.

Get the VGA cord for your 360 man, trust.

I could try it out. But for now I'm not even interested in any of the 360 games, so it'll by sitting unused for a long while.
DreadLord1337 said:
I bought one to have one. I dunno, it's annoying not having something that everyone else wants. I'll buy a PS3 and a Wii too, but really I'm not a console gamer at all. I hardly even have time to touch the 360. I bought a PSP last year too.. Barely used that as well. I don't like the 360 for a lot of reasons. For me a massive part is the graphics. People can cry gameplay all day, but for me graphics are extremely important.

So you have alot of money to waste.