Xbox 360 live name POst!!

PrimeSuspect said:
my live name is..

Was "PrimeSusp3ct" taken? Given your username here I would have figured you might want that "c" in there. :E

I don't have a 360 yet, so I don't have a Live name yet. I'll be sure to post when I do though. :naughty:
yea anyone can sign up for xboxlive and get a live name. Might want to reserve your names now if you plan to get a new xlive acct

I got my name already
PrimeSuspect said:
yea rofl

and gl getting 360:D
I probably won't even bother until at least the first price drop, so it shouldn't be a problem :E.

VirusType2 said:
Might want to reserve your names now if you plan to get a new xlive acct
If you are even remotely creative or clever or have varied interests at all you will have no trouble securing a good name. Nobody panic! :laugh:

VirusType2 said:
I got my name already
So.........what is it?
If you could pass the word to everyone owning a Xbox360 to not take "AntiAnto" as their usernames, I would be grateful. Just for the time I get one myself...
Some tosser has taken the name Warbie :/
Warbie said:
Some tosser has taken the name Warbie :/

You have a secret admirer! Identity theft! or some other perversion of immitation involving a possible shrine of you in their room with lots of low rez pics and some candles and mirrors! Sick ****-O's

oh, my name is Vespyrus i reserved that and Vispyrus. my WoW alliance and horde banker/cashier/mule/mail-bot names. :)
They're all taken - Warb, Warbs, Warble, Warbi. The reason I use this stupid name is to not run into this kind of problem, but it turns out there's loads of us!

Ho hum, Warbie H was free, so that's me.

Let's compile a list of everyone's gamertag for big meets. A PES tournament would be the nuts :)

Originality FTW...never been taken in any game...evar!!1
im going to go for kamikazie...but that happens to be taken then suicidalpacifist FTW!
Well I accidently linked my MSN Passport to my new gamercard (Brian Hughes) but that's not the one I use ingame (it doesn't have Xbox Live on it)... The one I use is "briguy992" however I don't have a X360 yet... When I do that will be it! :)