Xbox 360 Question


Soldier X

Simple, but I am curious. Will the Xbox 360 be backwards compatible? I am asking this as I may sell my current Xbox for money to go towards the 360.

EDIT: Another question as well, but not really relating to the Xbox 360. Will Max Payne 3 be showcased at E3 this year?
I dont think they said anything on that yet who knows maybe it will be
on Max Payne No I dont think it will be but also who knows
I doubt Max Payne 3 will be at E3. I'd wager that they'll do what they did with Max Payne 2, i.e. develop in silence until it's almost finished, and then show it off.
I heard the 360 will be backwards compatible, but don't take my word for it.
Not even M$ has a definite answer.

People have speculated that it will be, but M$ hasn't said anything. Based on some of the systems Xbox 360 is running, you would think it would, but who knows... Remember there are tons of differences in the two 'Boxes.

I certainly hope so :D They aren't using HD-DVD or BluRay, so there won't have to be any format changes or anything. Same discs should work in new 'Box.
I read a few days ago that there will be two versions. One without HD and without backwards compatibility, this version would be cheaper obviously. And another version with HD and with backwards compatibility.

Maybe this rumor was debunked already, I don't really follow this hypefest.
According to several gaming sites and GDC it won't be backwards compatible, main reason? They now use a ATI GPU, the XB uses a nVidia one, albeit I'm not totally sure wether this will cause incompatability with XB1 games.
I'll still buy the XB360 tho.
And definitely the (Nintendo) Revolution since I don't have a GC.
Damn that sucks, i'll miss Ninja Gaiden and Burnout 3 :(
Gargantou said:
According to several gaming sites and GDC it won't be backwards compatible, main reason? They now use a ATI GPU, the XB uses a nVidia one, albeit I'm not totally sure wether this will cause incompatability with XB1 games.
I'll still buy the XB360 tho.
And definitely the (Nintendo) Revolution since I don't have a GC.

It shouldn't break the games, unless the coders decided to do a lot of hardware-specific hacks to get the performance higher. Naturally, they weren't expecting their game to be run on both nvidia and ati cards, so they didn't see a problem coding for a specific card, it does make performance faster.

SearanoX: You mean double-layered discs? If you had double-sided discs, you couldn't have any DVD art :upstare: I love my art on the DVD :D
I'd wait and see, don't go selling your Xbox until the new one is at least in the shops and you've heard people tell you that your favourite games.

Emulating an x86 processor (much less the nvidia chip that went with it) will not be a trivial matter but hopefully the amount of muscle the new POWERPC chip will do nicely.
Listening to things like this really makes me regret canceling my XBL subscription.
Now I'll never be able to get the name Datrix again! ;(