XBox or PS2

XBox or PS2

  • XBox

    Votes: 39 49.4%
  • PS2

    Votes: 40 50.6%

  • Total voters
PS2, if only for racing and platformers. RPG fanatics have their home on it too.
I voted PS2 just because I like them better, but the XBOX is starting to grow on me, so it is pretty much a toss up for me right now. HL2 is coming to XBOX, there is a bonus point, even though I absolutely hate shooters on consoles.

It has very good games, and many good titles on the way too.

Hope to see a little more online games soon though, only have two online games myself (SSX3 and SOCOM: US Navy Seals). Planning to buy SOCOM 2 soon, looks very fun.
PS2, because I have one. I have no interest in the X-Box -- all of the good games come out on other platforms anyway. I'm more interested in obtaining a GameCube.
User Name said:
Err...don't you mean 'Gay'Cube. :p :LOL:



I wasn't joking though: I own a PS2, and my friends all bought gamecubes.
I regret not getting one too.
Gamecube has consistently better games. If you want non-online multiplay, Gamecube has the best. The controller is more comfortable and better designed, the graphics are (IMO) better.

PS2 has some awesome games, but I prefer gamecube hands down. :)
Xbox; solid console, good value for money, range of games that is just as good as the PS2, if not better... plus the graphics improvements, etc.
If I didn't already own a good PC, there might actually be some competition, but seeing as I do PS2 is the obvious choice. The PC has superior versions of every game worth owning on the X-BOX, the console would be completely useless to me. The PS2 has a ton of exclusives and just better games overall.
Yeah, if you have a computer already, the Gamecube is the best choice. It has a completely different set of games for the most part, where PS2 and especially Xbox tend to overlap with the PC.
Why isn't there an option for both? What about the gamecube it has some good games.
have you seen what ps2 graphics look like?
there may be more games available.. and thus more quality
however id take an xbox any day
all you need are a handful of great titles
halo 2 for example
50/50 split, but I want an option for both, and a gamecube option.
B_MAN said:
have you seen what ps2 graphics look like?
there may be more games available.. and thus more quality
however id take an xbox any day
all you need are a handful of great titles
halo 2 for example

What's wrong with the graphics? Killzone has a much more gritty realistic look to it than Halo 2, and in my opinion has better graphics. So does Metal Gear Solid 3 and Silent Hill 3/4. There are other X-BOX games with better gameplay and graphics than Halo, and Halo 2 probably won't be much better. The X-BOX has some decent games (even if they are PC games) but IMO Halo isn't one of them.

The PS2 has some of the best looking games currently available on the console market, because the developers take the time and effort to put it's features to good use. The X-BOX has reached it's peak, actually it's been there for awhile. It's nothing more than a fairly low end PC that can only play games (unless you hack it, but that's really not that useful).
ps2 is my fav

xboxs are only good with the expanded hard drive + mod chip to burn the games onto, i have not found 1 xbox game worth spending money on, that isnt on ps2 or pc, that includes halo. luckly i am currenty employed at a video shop so i can take the xbox home with me and play the games when they come out.

but im glad my money went to ps2.
id get both
ps2: mgs se, dmc3, gt4
xbox: halo 2, fable
PS2. Guss the games appeal more to me, than the XBOX's.

Rather beat Jecth in FFX, than run around killing Aliens in Halo.
PS2 all the way. Great Graphics. Great Games. Great Controller. Great Everything.
Xbox all the way. Superb Graphics. Excellent Games. Amazing Controller. Outstanding Everything. :E
Tinneth said:
PS2 all the way. Great Graphics. Great Games. Great Controller. Great Everything.
10 char limit
They both suck ass IMO. ide take a pc anyday. BUT, if its consoles you want, then gamecube all the way !!

i own a pretty mid end pc, a ps2, and gamecube btw if anyones interested ;)
User Name said:
Xbox all the way. Superb Graphics. Excellent Games. Amazing Controller. Outstanding Everything. :E

QUIET YOU! /slap :borg:
User Name said:
Xbox all the way. Superb Graphics. Excellent Games. Amazing Controller. Outstanding Everything. :E

You must have hands the size of Texas; even the reduced controller is suprisingly bulky.
NEITHER!!!! gamecube rulez t3h consoles!!!
KagePrototype said:
You must have hands the size of Texas; even the reduced controller is suprisingly bulky.
You wouldn't happen to be a dwarf or a midget, would you?
I'd go for a PS2, I like playing strategy rpgs like Disgaea and ps2 has a lot of these games coming. I also like playing Pro Evolution Soccer games(Winning Eleven in Japan/US) and at the moment these can only be played on a PS2 although the PES4 will be coming to Xbox this year as well. In other word most of the exclusive games I'm more interested in and I'd probably buy the console just to play them, in other words I feel the ps2 has more must have titles for me. With the Xbox there isn't too much that I'm interested in that can't be had on the PC, and those that I am interested in I wouldn't consider buying a console just for them(e.g Ninja Gaiden), I feel that I could live without playing them.
XBOX - Project Gotham Racing 2

For this and only this. The ultimate console driving experience!!!
(although GT4 on the PS2 may beat it)
They're all fine choices, but I went with Xbox. I used to hate the controller but once I got used to it it seemed to make more sense than even the almighty Playstation. It's faster, and I guess I just dig alot of the games that are on it and coming for it, although I will miss a few on PS2 and GC.

I just love it(also cuz I have it)
IMO the PS2 are very cool,games like MGS3,ZOE2,Killzone,FFX and many other games of PS2 especcially japanaese hav beatifull graphics

but I dont say Xbox or Gamecube sucks
but I hav not so much interest on them but still they hav good games
Very tough choice :)

The PS2 has a sequal to Ico coming out (which alone is tempting me to pick one up - having sold mine about a year ago) It also has better fighters/jpn style rpg's/and party games. If you have lots of friends round to play games the PS2 is the obvious choice.

The Xbox has better online play, though - more power, and some top games :) (titles like GTA and KOTOR are even better on the Xbox than on the pc imo)

Look at the games each machine has when making the choice - rather than looking at the machines themselves.

ps2 has few games that interest me [ff, killzone and others].
I like Gamecube the most, but of those two choices I'd say X-Box.