XFIRE/Clan Organization

xfire: dood23
location: US West
clan: not interested
role: anything I feel like at the moment. Commander or squad leader if I get the opportunity
vehicles: APCs, Tanks. Occasionally helicopters.
mic: yea.
xfire: clarky005
location: England
clan: love games but not that much
role: spec ops/support/medic
veichles: pretty efficient with the blackhawk, and attack helicopter. all rounder
mic: will get one
XFire: Unimita
Location: England
Clan: In, liking playing with other HL2.netters and prepared to go serious
Role: Medic
Vehicles: Jeeps
Mic: Headset, so yeah
Age: 15
Just reinstalled xfire for the first time after not having it since release when it was buggy! I went on a adding spree but for those i missed.

XFire: hecticglenn
Location: London, England
Clan: Prepared to play serious for HL2.net clan.
Role: Anti-tank
Vehicles: Boats or buggys
Mic: Free standing average mic...so yes but not that great sadly.
Age: 17
XFire: PoeticRockerST
Location: Cali, US of ****in A
Clan: No thank you
Role: Medic
Vehicles: Prefer any ground vehicle
clan: I'm a free agent
Role: spec-ops infiltration
Vehicles: boats, ground vehicles; can man gun turrets, but not fly anything :p
XFire: davethegunner
Location: Ontario Canada
Clan: If I have the time sure, but I'd prefer it not to be too serious...
Role: Spec Ops, assault, engineer if nessesary
Vehicles: Light Trucks, APCs, Tanks
Mic: Yep
Teamwork: Sure
Xfire: tetabonita
Location: New England
Clan: love to!
Role: Spec-Ops, sometimes support
vehicles: anything that doesn't fly, and kamikaze buggy. :naughty:
Computer: average/good
Skills: godawful :(
Teamwork: Sure
Mic: crummy one

so whens the next game? :D
Xfire: stigmata
Location: CA
Clan: I might... Don't know if I'm getting the game yet.
Roles: Antitank, Sniper
Vehicles: Anything land-based. Helicopters are painful, painful tools in my hands.

Computer: Below minimum specifications, yet can run demo acceptably.
Skills: Good at the shooting and antitanking. Usually in the top 33% of the scoreboard.
Mic: Nonexistent at the moment. I can take orders though ^_^
name: 1milegod
location: Australia
Clan: none
Roles: anything i guess
vehicles: ill be more of a passenger
dont have the demo yet but am considering getting it when it comes out fully maybe even pre-ordering it if can
Xfire: satch919
Location: U.S.A. - Sunny California
Clan: Nope
Roles: Medic/Spec Ops
Vehicles: I like buggies and APCs.
Teamwork?: Oh yeah!
Mic: Yup, its a nice Logitech one that I bought just for BF2.
Commander?: Sure. I enjoy stepping away from the action every once in a while.
Age: 20
xfire: hungryduck
location: USA
roles: assault/medic/pilot
Teamwork: tasty
Mic. Yes
Xfire: sixthree
Location: Vancouver, Canada
Clan: none atm
Sex: yes please
mic: rock on
teamwork: hell yeah
vehicles: BTR, jeep
class: SpecOps/medic
Xfire: theroouk
Location: United Kingdom
Clan: Maybe, depends, for fun, sure
Roles: Medic/Pilot/Spec Ops/Sniper
Vehicles: Planes, learning to use the transport chopper

Add me!
Xfire: ren182
Location: England, UK
Clan: None...
Sex: Male
mic: I have one :) Dont use it much though
teamwork: I'll do teamwork, yes. :)
vehicles: Helicopters, planes, land vehicles. Love to transport in blackhawk :D
class: Any, whatever is needed.
Xfire: franklynd
Location: Canada
Clan: None...
Sex: Male
mic: dont use team speak
teamwork: yeah i love being in a squad atmosphere
vehicles: if i had to pick a poison it would be choppers ooooh ooh oh and the m1a1 :D
class: i mostly play spec ops and switch to medic , suport or antitank when needed in a base i seldom play engineer.
location-east coast
roles-whatever needs done
vehicles-plane,helicopter, and anything that drives
Xfire: 15357
Location: ROK (GMT +9)
Clan: HL2.net
Roles: random
Vehicles: random
Xfire: simonomis
Location: Uk
Clan: For fun I'd join.
Sex: Male
Mic: Have one, don't use it much, parents get suspicious.
Teamwork: Ftw.
Vehicles: Still learning all of them and how to handle them. :eek: Jets and 'copters especially since I can't learn those singleplayer in the demo. I'm alright with jeeps and tanks though.
Role: Still learning which I'm best at/enjoy the most. Probably Anti-Tank.
Xfire: Murray85
Location: Sweden
Clan: Yes, I'd like to join [HL2.net] if possible.
Sex: Male
Mic: Yes
Teamwork: Yes, prefferably. I often help as a medic.
Vehicles: Pretty good with land vehicles, need some more training with air.
Role: What's needed, I'm pretty all around for the time being.
location: US
sex: male
mic: yes!
clan: I would like to join the HL2.net (serious gameplay)
roles: medic, anti-tank
vehicles: I can drive & fly well.. can fill any role needed to be filled.
(xfire)name: evometallicafan
location: Cardiff, UK
sex: male
mic: nope
clan: I would like to join the HL2.net (serious gameplay)
roles: Assault/Trainee Support
vehicles: Prefer to be a gunner
xfire name: mort1z ( argh, who stole mortiz :( )
Location: U.K.
sex: none
mic: Yes! But it's not plugged in.
clan: I'm not really a pr0 gaym0r anymore :O
roles: generally medic.
vehicles: anything I can steal.
Xfire: nidbanikeri
Location: United Kingdom
Clan: Looking for one
Sex: Male
Mic: Yes
Role: Special Op, medic
Vehicles: Jets, transport heli
Xfire: shiftyfletch
Location: UK
Clan: no thanks, just looking to shoot you HL2 peeps up :)
Sex: Twice
mic: yes
teamwork: thats what im looking for more of
class : have no real preferences, but do a better job as a medic or support
vehicles : i tend to crash them :)
Name: chrisgunton
Location: UK, Kent
Clan: I would like to join
Roles: Spec Ops/Sniper
Vehicles: Driver on the ground. Reasonable Pilot

I have Xfire, but need an HL2.netter on my Friends list. Anyone?
Name: ricera10
Location: Midwestern USA
Clan: [HL2.NET]!!!
Roles: Special Ops
Vehicles: Seahawk Copilot / Pilot ( I prefer copilot cuz TV missiles rock! )
Xfire: ricera10
Name: sinkoman
Location: US- Hawaii (timezone is FUBAR)
Clan: would like to join
Roles: Medic (but happy to be anything else, besides sniper)
Vehicles: I'd rather gun or tag along instead of drive. Will drive if given where you would like to go. I don't have a joystick, so flying is an explicite no.

Xfire: sinkoman
aim: sinkOman III (sinkoman iii)
emai: [email protected]
ingame: sinkoman
Name: FoxDie7
Location: US- West
Clan: Would like to join :)
Roles: Medic, Assault, Spec Ops
Vehicles: Would rather be a passenger/gunner but can fly in a pinch, same with vehicles.
Name: gossoon
Location: US - West
Clan: Just for fun. But I take it seriously...
Roles: Medic, Anti-Tank, Assault
Vehicles: Good driver of ground vehicles. Don't ask about air.
An edit of my previous post

sinkoman said:
Name: sinkoman
Location: US- Hawaii (timezone is FUBAR)
Clan: would like to join
Role: Medic
Vehicles: Will drive Humvee's, Karts, Strykers, Tanks, and a select few APC's. Flying is an explicit no.
Xfire: sinkoman
aim: sinkOman III (sinkoman iii)
emai: [email protected]
ingame: sinkoman

And I was also wondering, how does this work? Is it like, the instant we post, we are in and have rights to go around saying we are HL2.NET, or do we have to get in?
Name: Kamikazie
Location: North America, USA, Florida
Clan: none
Role: Spec-Ops, Sniper
Vehicles: Anything that drives, flies and floats
Xfire: suicidalpacifist
With amishslayers help, I have now upgraded my driving status to anything and everything, except for jets.
Name: twix623
Location: US
Clan: I would like to join
Roles: Spec Ops, Medic, Anti-Tank
Vehicles: I'm a good pilot, and also a good gunner with the attack heli.
Name: Cyb3rPitz
Xfire: CyberPitz
Location: Central US
Clan: I take the game seriously, some competitive stuff would rule.
Roles: Anti-Tanking Medic with C4 on his wrench. *Pretty much everything, best with AT.
Vehicles: I can do a Jet, and I can do a Helo...not saying I'm good at it. And if you can't do vehicles..thats sad, it's easy :|
BF2 name: Tiggly
Xfire name: tigglypom
Location: UK, London ftw
Clan: no, just having fun
Teamwork: I'll do whatever I'm told!
Roles: Happy to be in medic or support style roles. I've only bought the game recently - I'd like to tag along with you guys for experience :)
Vehicles: Gunning yes, driving no
Now seriously:
Bf2 name: Boblob
Xfire name: tacticalnoob
Location: Rotterdam(Holland)
Clan: no, just for fun
Teamwork: I can if necesairy, but I'm way better at lonewolfing
Roles: I'm good with everything, but i mostly do assult.
Vehicles: anything, jets better then most people.
My stats: http://www.got3n.com/player.php?pid=boblob
I only started playing recently on ranked servers.