XSI requirements

Sep 30, 2005
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i have xp home edition is that a problem as far as xsi goes? cause ive downloaded it 10 times and it says ints currupt of somthing
no thats certainly not a problem. are you talking about xsi mod tool 4.2? what exactly is the error message it shows. also your better off posting in the softimage forums.
yes mod tool 4.2
ah ok, well it
when its extracting its almost done and then it says:
the contents of this file cannot be unpacked. the executable you are trying to run has been currupted. please obtain another copy of the file, verify its integrety, and try again. and ive downloaded from soft image from half life 2 mod sites from tons of different sources and it still gives me this message.
yeah great advice ahole. if its doign that from the download on the official softimage site then it cant be a problem with the file realisticly. email softimage and post on the softimage forums is your best chance.
crackhead said:
yeah great advice ahole. if its doign that from the download on the official softimage site then it cant be a problem with the file realisticly. email softimage and post on the softimage forums is your best chance.

Of course it can. If there was an error with the file being downloaded on your end then that's the error message you'll get regardless of where you download it from.

Even so, Softimage aren't infallible, it's possible there could've been an error with their site.

From the sounds of this error message and the fact that it's the only person that seems to have it do you really think it's a problem with the file? Use some common sense
what? im the one saying its not a problem with the file! kinell maybe u shud read my post before tryign to attack me. and no its not possible for softimage to make a mistake. they never have before :D if your not an idiot youll know what im talking about.
By 'your end' I meant the users end.

This isn't a problem with Softimage. It's a problem on his end. I can practically guarantee it.
stop talking all ur doign is saying the same thing i said but insisting ur same something different. stop talking i say. :D
crackhead said:
yeah great advice ahole. if its doign that from the download on the official softimage site then it cant be a problem with the file realisticly. email softimage and post on the softimage forums is your best chance.

Ha ha you fool, Gonzo's right, it's a corrupted download. Download it from somewhere else or use a more stable connection or some sort of hash-checking download manager.
its clearly not a corupted download seeing as i just downloaded it. and tested it
Hey I just said what happend to me thanks. I downloaded it for the softimage site 3 times and it was corrupt 3 times and on the first try from anouther location it worked no problems.
... he said he tried downloading it from multiple sources. looks like it's time to throw in the towel and use max :D