Yakuza's Artwork (character concepts)


May 15, 2003
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Here are a couple of Character sketches I threw together this morning. let me know what you think.

Holy ninjas! I mean, er, very good ninjas. Good girl too. :D
Wise man say: 'mazin ninja look even better in green.
ooh, looks so cool!! I like the way you do the clear outlines.
Good job! ;)
Oooo!! nice sketches! Can you do one of a samurai in full armor?
Just one thing Yakuza, do you ever do them in any pose but THAT one? lol, just kidding. :D
CrazyHarij said:
Just one thing Yakuza, do you ever do them in any pose but THAT one? lol, just kidding. :D

Yeah I do hehe. I just do things like this to get a general feel of what the character looks like. Once I get that down then I explore all of the other positions and stances.

Sure I will give a shot at doing one with full armor. Might be in
those are awesome. I just started character and figure drawing. I suck for now, i wanna draw like you!!
I am honored that you guys have chosen to stick this thread. /me bows

thanks for all your comments guys, I am finly getting closer to wear I left off skill wise. I have many things to post here, so again thanks for the comments and crits. :cheers:
Nice style, Yak. Haven't I already said that? if not, I should have.

Anthraxxx said:
Oooo!! nice sketches! Can you do one of a samurai in full armor?

I painted one way back, will post it soon when I set up my own thread (when i've finished my latest painting).

That colored sketch is awesome. I love the style and the stance. Very cool... :cheers:
sorry for the same pose but I didn't have much time to squeeze this guy out today.

Apology Accepted... with the exception that you have to tell us all you're artistic secrets... like right now!

Fantastic again! :thumbs:
okay before you guys kill me. Let me explain why I have so many pics in the same "stance". What I do is I sketch out a "pose" on paper. I keep the pose simple because I like to use that pose over and over. I print out copies of that pose. Then when I get ideas for characters I can sketch them out on a base form that I have allready drawn. Its doesn't take as much time and it also lets me focus on more of what the character is wearing and how he looks over all. This means I dont have to spend so much time on working out things like anatomy.

Once I get the character they way I like him. I then explore different posses that reflect more of the charactres attitude or personality.

So again here is a quick sketch of an ASSASSIN ELF i did.


oh and some kind of modern ninja guy

Why would anyone care about the pose? It works so why not use it. Doesn't bother me.. infact I can see its uses for things like that, good for comparison between costumes/characters too.
I know I have said something on the mod forums about my idea for an underwater mod. Well here is a quick concept of the character I am doing. Its a WIP so there is still is more that needs to be done.

It's good to be good at one thing, but it wont get oyu far... explore more with poses! glad to see that last one :D

The Dark Elf said:
Why would anyone care about the pose? It works so why not use it. Doesn't bother me.. infact I can see its uses for things like that, good for comparison between costumes/characters too.

To convey the personality of the character.... and so that yakuza can improve at other poses :D