Yar I be new and a pirate!


Aug 20, 2004
Reaction score
Yeah i'm new to this forum one thing i was wondering is yes im a headcrab right now but what are all the things you can become as you post more?
Arrrreee, another pirate?

Welcome to the forums and I have no idea about the things. I think it goes head crab, zombie, whatever I am, other things, more goes here, another thing here, etc.
already watched that ive been a member since begginning of August but just never felt the need to post until tonight and im no spammer
I think i will post this here. I have a Wow stress test slot but i have lost my key so if anyone either wants my slot or wants to give me their key either is fine with me just PM me.
Arr, me heartie! Thar be rum and gold in ye bayou, we be plunderin' Valve tonight.
Arrr, me be newbie too....Argh, too much aliteration hurt me pirate ears
It's ten pieces'o'eight to post here. Pay up or be keel-hauled.
Dude we were just kidding around, we aren't actually pirates. Stop living in your fantasy world!
yar i know not of you speaking of not beign pirates i be a pirate as davy jones locker be a metaphor!
There's another thread in here named "Ahoy"...

Can someone explain? Are we being invaded by pirates?

I shall not be walking the plank!
Argh you scurvy dog!

Walk the plank or get a lead ball in your back maity.

btw, Hello and Welcome!
Homie said:
I get a feeling that you will post spam to get better post count way this sounds enless im wrong?

Hmm that is your opening line with just about every new poster on the forums. :dozey:
AngstyTeen said:
Yeah i'm new to this forum one thing i was wondering is yes im a headcrab right now but what are all the things you can become as you post more?
Welcome, AngstyTeen! Have to congratulate you on your thread title and your pirate theme! You're a batter person than many...
Have some grog :cheers:
I love you el Chi :D

AngstyTeen, I expect a full reservoir of goth poetry and buffy fan fiction to come as a package deal with you, yes?
Welcome to the forums! ...or well to posting on them anyway!

Yeah, there are several ranks, look in the halflife2.net site section for a post about em. I can't seem to find the current one right now.
Geez, what's up with the pirate crap ? Why don't you all walk the plank and cool down :p

Welcome aboard btw :cheers:
Yar being a pirate is in my blood it be no crap. you scallywag be nice to pirates or you will get scurvey
As much as me and the others had a massive laugh at that QUiCKSILV3R, I'm afraid I've had to delete it ;(
Chris_D said:
As much as me and the others had a massive laugh at that QUiCKSILV3R, I'm afraid I've had to delete it ;(

What was it? I missed it?
I was a picture of Alyx doing something naughty with the G-Man... but it was probably made with the bad thing. :O
wait my welcome aboard thread was used for naughtyness? For shame! Even us pirates have our morals and ethics.
this seem like a cool forum i dont like the halflife fallout one there kinda girley lookin this one says men only hehe