Yasser Arafat dies at age 75

Are u happy that arafat is dead?

  • yes

    Votes: 43 45.3%
  • no

    Votes: 52 54.7%

  • Total voters
Tr0n said:
How about both of you dumbasses shut the hell up?This ain't a damn politics thread...
maybe it should be. im not going to post my condolences for this asshat, why should i?
MilkMan12 said:
Theres no such thing as Palestine. Its Israel, the whole conflict is over where the Palistinians can get some land to have a country of their own, probably Palestine.. I dont know what this will mean, but i sure hope that we dont get another leader as bad as him in it. I hope that the good Palestinians will have a bigger say in who gets to take over Arafats spot, rather than the ****heads i mean terroists, sometimes get em confused, putting some extremist dickhead in and just trying his best to make unpeace, if there is such a thing.

If you were to ask any Palestinian, there IS such a thing as Palestine, hence the conflict. Was Arafat the best thing for peace? Probably not. Was he the worst? I think that remains to be seen, unfortunately.
Revisedsoul said:
he was the leader of palistine(sp). trying to get back the land that was taken from them
Well also many other things then that...get an encyclopedia and read up on him.
gh0st said:
id say the same thing if your mom died right now.

Ok.. no harm done, I dont know you. Both men have lead men to they're deaths whilst remaining unscatched and protected, both men consider themselves fighters for they're people yet never seem to do anything but lead to more violence. My mom on the other hand has never sent a man to his death, she happens to be a quaker and a pacafist, not to mention that was just an immature retortion.
gh0st said:
maybe it should be. im not going to post my condolences for this asshat, why should i?
Well don't make a flame about someones mom you dumbass...grow up.How old are you?13?
Tr0n said:
Well don't make a flame about someones mom you dumbass...grow up.How old are you?13?

exactly, that was just uncalled for, you pretty much ruined any credibility or legibility you might have had in this political thread gh0st.

Thank-you Tr0n, you're right.
Tr0n said:
Well don't make a flame about someones mom you dumbass...grow up.How old are you?13?
haha.. a flame. dont be so uptight, its not like i was seriously insulting his mom. i was just matching immaturity with immaturity.

waahh.. waahh.. i dont like being called a dumbass, im a quaker leave me alone.

Sh4mp00 said:
exactly, that was just uncalled for, you pretty much ruined any credibility or legibility you might have had in this political thread gh0st.
whatEVER will i do.. at least you admit its a political thread.
Revisedsoul said:
he was the leader of palistine(sp). trying to get back the land that was taken from them

From what I hear in this thread, he was not a good man. But that's all subjective.

Seeing as I don't really know the guy, I'll just pay my respects and not judge the man for what he's done.

gh0st said:
haha.. a flame. dont be so uptight, its not like i was seriously insulting his mom. i was just matching immaturity with immaturity.

waahh.. waahh.. i dont like being called a dumbass, im a quaker leave me alone.

whatEVER will i do.. at least you admit its a political thread.

This post is not even readable, if it was maybe I could reply in a feasible matter. You seem to be matching your own immaturity with more immaturity pretty well though, so i'l just let you continue to do so.
A True Canadian said:
From what I hear in this thread, he was not a good man. But that's all subjective.

Seeing as I don't really know the guy, I'll just pay my respects and not judge the man for what he's done.

See ^

That gh0st...is what you call respect.Go learn it and grow up.
rrm said:
wtf are you talking about

You see my friend in his early days he hijacked a few planes etc etc. Alot said he changed. But did he really?
Tr0n said:
See ^

That gh0st...is what you call respect.Go learn it and grow up.

Amen, leave this thread if your going to post more BS gh0st.
MilkMan12 said:
Theres no such thing as Palestine. Its Israel, the whole conflict is over where the Palistinians can get some land to have a country of their own, probably Palestine.. I dont know what this will mean, but i sure hope that we dont get another leader as bad as him in it. I hope that the good Palestinians will have a bigger say in who gets to take over Arafats spot, rather than the ****heads i mean terroists, sometimes get em confused, putting some extremist dickhead in and just trying his best to make unpeace, if there is such a thing.

It was land the Israelis held in biblical times and the only reason they are there now is via treaty after WWII. The Palestinians were forced out of their homes and off their land by Israeli "settlers". Check your history books before you flaunt your ignorance in this manner.
This is a moment to be happy that a murderer is gone from our world. I'm glad the terrorist won't breathe again.
Tr0n said:
See ^

That gh0st...is what you call respect.Go learn it and grow up.
arafat doesnt deserve any respect, i will not "grow up", since growing up to you means paying respect to him and other evil people, which i will not. im just bitter because i know 2 people who died in terrorist attacks in israel, which are all offshoots of fatah.

Sh4mp00 said:
Amen, leave this thread if your going to post more BS gh0st.
if you dont like what i say dont reply to it, or ignore me. no one is forcing or even asking you to read what i write. if you think i will take orders from you youre mistaken.
Tr0n said:
How about both of you dumbasses shut the hell up?This ain't a damn politics thread...A human beind died and as such you respect his death.

i know theres more, i hate writing long paragraphs unless really needed.
Maybe it's the ending to HL2 that's been praised high and low?

Mr. Arafat dies.
He died? Oh damnit, you need to post spoiler tags! GRRRR!
Life Goes On.

Palestinian people are really nice though, I've known a few in my time and they certainly aren't shy to pay for drinks and feed you up.
Good laugh too, or maybe I just get on better with foreigners lol

London rocks.
Gordon accidentally killed him, in one of his hospital missions. He thought its one of those black mesa zombies :D
long last
dont put israel a bad name. we want to make peace with palestines, just some leaders get in our way.
Damn, he was good for the cause of peace.

I hope all goes well up there, and let's hope Israel dosn't do nothing stupid like taking over.
Beazil said:
If you were to ask any Palestinian, there IS such a thing as Palestine, hence the conflict. Was Arafat the best thing for peace? Probably not. Was he the worst? I think that remains to be seen, unfortunately.

I completely agree, there is a great possibility there could be someone worse, and for the person who said I dont know what Im talking about, trust me I guarantee I know more about this conflict than anybody here. I assure you all of that lol. If you misunderstood my post, i will admit im not the best writer then say so and tell me what you think i meant otherwise, dont critisize me by saying i dont know what I am talking about. I know both sides of the story and do believe that both sides are not doing all they can do to gain peace, even though peace does not seem at all possible, neither side is helping. Of course I do think that one side is making more of an effort than the other, and that is just because the innocent good palistinians arent getting their voices heard, so I do think that the palistinians have a lot of good and some bad, unfortuanately the evil is overcoming good in this case.
Give a breack at Gh0st, he has been brain washed by the American media.

We know he was a terrorist before, but hey, is not because Israel has tanks that you can't call them terrorist, they also kill inocent people, I call that terrorism.

And what about Mandela ? Because he was in the guerilla you will insult him at his death ? Look what the man has done.
el Chi said:
That's such a condescending way to look at things. It's unfair and shows an arrogance and ignorance to the complex situation there.

Not really... there hasn't been steady peace in that region for how many millenium now? What is it, 4000 years? 5000?
MilkMan12 said:
I completely agree, there is a great possibility there could be someone worse, and for the person who said I dont know what Im talking about, trust me I guarantee I know more about this conflict than anybody here. I assure you all of that lol. If you misunderstood my post, i will admit im not the best writer then say so and tell me what you think i meant otherwise, dont critisize me by saying i dont know what I am talking about. I know both sides of the story and do believe that both sides are not doing all they can do to gain peace, even though peace does not seem at all possible, neither side is helping. Of course I do think that one side is making more of an effort than the other, and that is just because the innocent good palistinians arent getting their voices heard, so I do think that the palistinians have a lot of good and some bad, unfortuanately the evil is overcoming good in this case.

about israel's side not doing enough. arafat used to finance terrorist activities, so we couldnt make peace with palestine, while having suicide bombers every week killing us. now that hes gone, his money wont go to terrorists. we can hope for good now.
Adrien C said:
Give a breack at Gh0st, he has been brain washed by the American media.
please give a breack at me, the zionist devil entity has me thoroughly brainwashed.

the mission of the PLO?
Palestinian National Covenenat said:
... to repel the Zionist and imperialist aggression against the Arab homeland, and aims at the elimination of Zionism in Palestine.
the PLO has always used terrorism (aptly called commando raids) to further their agenda. they have used and abused it since 75. they would achieve peace by attempting to provoke an all out war against israel, and by using terrorist actions against them. he ignored the oslo peace agreements, and simply left camp david summits. the biggest mistake the US has made was supporting him, it pains me. he claims to be a man of peace, yet lets known criminals and terrorist leaders out of PA jails, and arms them illegally.

Adrien C said:
And what about Mandela ? Because he was in the guerilla you will insult him at his death ? Look what the man has done.
nelson mandela is an entirely different bag of beans.
"It was land the Israelis held in biblical times and the only reason they are there now is via treaty after WWII. The Palestinians were forced out of their homes and off their land by Israeli "settlers". Check your history books before you flaunt your ignorance in this manner."

Wow that is pretty arrogant of you to say.
By the way for some reason a lot of arabs have a thing about arrogance. Just bias personal opinion.
You're not alone gh0st ;)

It's not very christian, but FINALLY!

Sorry, truth is, Arafat supported terrorism to the end.

btw, I like it when people say "you've been brainwashed by the media", esp. when they most likely learned such a position from the media as well...
PunisherUSA said:
You're not alone gh0st ;)

It's not very christian, but FINALLY!

Sorry, truth is, Arafat supported terrorism to the end.

btw, I like it when people say "you've been brainwashed by the media", esp. when they most likely learned such a position from the media as well...

Rocketman9mm said:
will he still have that picnic table cloth on his head at the funeral?
More than likely.....yes.
PunisherUSA said:
You're not alone gh0st ;)

It's not very christian, but FINALLY!

Sorry, truth is, Arafat supported terrorism to the end.

btw, I like it when people say "you've been brainwashed by the media", esp. when they most likely learned such a position from the media as well...

= Bush Voter

Why the label? Because of his ignorance on terrorism.
I wasn't sure who Arafat was until I heard about his illness...