*yawn* New STALKER screenshots (medium settings)...(ii56K warning!!)

Feb 24, 2005
Reaction score
Out Q1 2007? Apparently.




Source. There's a couple of more shots there. It looks pretty decent on medium settings, but I really hope the gameplay is there, esp. for multiplayer (where I think the best action will be). Does anyone still care?
Nice. Wow the water effects in that shot with the green glow is awesome (the bottom right corner)
And on medium settings too. Pretty impressive. Wonder what the requirements will be for high quality settings....
Looks nice for medium settings. Never followed this game and hardly know anything about it. Looks interesting though. :)
More than good enough for me. Just hope the RPG elements and gameplay, ie the most important part of a game, are up to scratch.
In the green screenshot, the textures look horribly put together or something, down at the bottom. Looked pretty cool other than that, though.

EDIT: wait, I think they might be a steam affect on the floor. Nvm then.
pretty nice ..but since they squandered their hype and blew their window of opportunity the game will need more than just pretty graphics to regain some of their lost momentum ..this game went from my most anticipated (circa 2004) to meh around the second/third delay ..the game was supposed to ship before HL2
What kind of company releases medium quality shots? Some shots obviously don't even have AA and AF on. That doesn't make much sense.
What kind of company releases medium quality shots? Some shots obviously don't even have AA and AF on. That doesn't make much sense.

It makes perfect sense. Some people don't have a cutting edge PC. So seeing something in Medium gives them something that they can compare too.
What kind of company releases medium quality shots? Some shots obviously don't even have AA and AF on. That doesn't make much sense.
It's called "hype"

"It looks THAT good on medium, I can't wait to see what it looks like on high!"
I'm really over the game. In the past it looked as it might be well noticing but right now i'm so over it and the game at a whole dosn't seem appealing to me anymore.
I'm still hyped for this game. I don't care about the graphics (though they do look nice), but the open-ended world, the plot, and the atmosphere all look brilliant. I hope they don't nerf the RPG aspects, because I can't imagine anything more spooky than barricading yourself in an abandoned cellar, and praying to God that nothing sneaks in while you're asleep.
I'm still hyped for this game. I don't care about the graphics (though they do look nice), but the open-ended world, the plot, and the atmosphere all look brilliant. I hope they don't nerf the RPG aspects, because I can't imagine anything more spooky than barricading yourself in an abandoned cellar, and praying to God that nothing sneaks in while you're asleep.

sleeping has been removed :|
well Goddamnit Then I Will Sit In A Barricaded Room For Eight Hours And Twiddle My Thumbs!
yawn?? ... you mean yay!
Hahaha! No, I meant that most people are pretty tired of hearing about this game since, as Stern pointed out, this title was supposed to release like 2 years ago and they have dumbed it down an awful lot. It might just be kick-ass thanks to the nifty environment and hopefully by now stellar AI and multiplayer, but it might just be a relatively unimpressive title, epsecially if it releases anywhere near Crysis....
I'm not expecting too much from this game, but I hope to be pleasantly suprised.
game of the century? I sure as hell hope not ..that means that gaming will be no better for the next 94 years :O
Hahaha! Yeah, that would certainly mean a dreadful stretch of crap gaming for my foreseeable lifetime...;(
When it comes out ill get it and play it. Simple as that, i have no hype for it tho.
Guys, don't have your hopes up, particulary not for the AI, in a recent interview with the retard Dean Sharpe, the lead 'dev' THQ sent to GSC, with IGN, he pretty much said they've simplified the AI and dumbed it down because it was "Too realistic", what a retard imo.:)
has some potential, i thought it was cancelled by the way, but everything theyve removed from thegame seems to have ****ed it up
This was the game I had been anticipating since 2002.

Back, then it was called Oblivion Lost.

The title rings truer now than ever. I only wish I could get my story removed from the story contest.
sleeping has been removed :|

A lot of the stuff was just too impractical. At one point, NPC stalkers could beat the game before you without you even knowing it and they found that it wasn't fun and decided to redo it.

Very much hyped for this game and I'm glad they took their time with it. Also nice to see that GSC stopped listening to their fans so much.
When it comes out ill get it and play it. Simple as that, i have no hype for it tho.

You've got too much money? I mean, I think it will be worth it, but you sound as if you didn't actually care.
Somebody inform me as to what's changed since this game's original concept? I sorta stopped caring about it around a year ago.
Sleeping is out, the game might just be chopped up into levels instead of being able to go to any area you want, they might take out vehicles, AI is being dumbed down.

That's all I really remember.
For those of you interested in STALKER, a BIG group of the dev team are leaving GSC after the game's completion to work on a new game that is what STALKER was supposed to be, called Metro 2033.
I hope they didn't "mainstream" it. but im afraid thats what they did. instead of making it unique and challenging, they've dumbed it down.

but hey im a pessimist (sp?).