Yay for life.

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Since school starts again in the north of Sweden tomorrow, I thought telling about my views of life on the internet would be the best idea I get until the next break.

Well, call it whatever you want, it's just alot of stuff I think alot of people should be aware off.

Okey, my second advice would be to stop whining about everything. If you lost your wallet and starts bitching about it next day, I'll ask why. It already happened and there is nothing that can undo it. Never complain about stuff that you can't affect, it'll just do nothing. For me, life became alot more relaxed and enjoyable this way.

Learn to find positive things in everydaycrap. Like rain, this is a horrible example for me since I've always loved rain.

Don't be shy. You'll be amazed how looking people in the eyes will work.

If you're looking at someone, and he or she discovers it, don't turn your eyes guilty away. Keep looking will oddly enough seem less guilty.

Be calm, as said above. People will earn more respect of you.

If you need to punch someone, bend your fist backwards a bit and hit him with the "fleshy" lower end of your palm.

Once your socks are wet, you'll never be comfortable. Just take them off and get a dry pair. Wear a hat in the wintertime, it's probably the most important article of clothing you'll wear the whole season.

Learn CPR.

Lighter Fluid, the kind you put in your zippo. Its a great solvent, it cleans plastics, melts the glue on stickers and always evaporates away to nothing. I use it for cleaning all sorts of stuff. Its good at getting tar and oil out of clothes, and its a great degreaser for mechanical stuff. Its also cheap. brilliant for taking the price tags off gifts etc, even book covers.

If you're in a large group that's singing, and you know the tune of the song but not the words, you can just mouth "Watermelon" over and over. No one watching will be able to tell, except the deaf.

Always keep a knife and a lighter on you if you're leaving your house.

If your ever in NYC going through a shitty neighborhood on a bus, don't sit in the back. Everyone I know that got robbed on NYC buses were sitting in the back.

Keep a diary.

Keep a blanket and a snack in your car, not just for emergencies, but for whatever.

STOP LIVING IN FEAR Stop double bolting your door, stop checking all your windows before you go to sleep, stop carrying a gun, stop jumping at shadows, stop carrying a flashlight with you everywhere at night - you live on a ****ing college campus in the middle of nowhere for ****'s sake you stupid, ignorant bit... sorry. Unless you live in the ghetto of some huge city where bad shit REALLY DOES HAPPEN on a regular basis (in this case, see my next point).

Stop drinking. It has been proven conclusively over and over again in bar labs that all the "beneficial" social effects of alcohol are entirely psychosomatic (i.e. - It's a placebo... at least in that respect) whereas all the dangers and negative effects are very, very real. Re: the glass of red wine a day thing... they come out with a new study about weekly that "proves" that it is now either good or bad for you. Proceed at your own risk.

Think, goddammit. You don't do it enough.

Listen to the viewpoints of others seriously, even if you don't agree with them. Try to learn to look at things from the point of view of others, if only so you can understand why they're wrong (or, God forbid, why you're wrong - yes, it happens).

Slow down.

Know how to tie a half-windsor knot. Most people won't know the difference, but the people who do are the ones you want to impress.

Hydrogen peroxide gets blood out of clothes.

Need to open a door? Thermite is the answer.

Have a firm handshake.

Don't loan money to friends.

Don't EVER get rid of someone's phone number, unless you're in their bad books. On that note, try to stay on as many people's good side as possible. Getting a job isn't about what you know- it's about who you know

Drink alot of water, more water then you need during the day.
It'll keep you more focused.

Breath through your nose, it'll keep you healthy.

And for the last advice:
When opening a valve or something similar, righty it tighty.

Feel free to contribute. :)

Yes, I'm so stupid, why did I ever talk?
Masturbate in a shower only, nobody wants to smell your dirty underwear when you decide to go out in the real world.

P.S. White people masturbate like this. Black people masturbate like this.
Thats deep man...deep :P I NEVER HAVE TO GO TO SCHOOL AGAIN!!! wooho (unless i want too)
moppe said:
To start this, I'll say if you spend alot of your time at computers, get a Mac. Windows is the worst thing that ever happened to computers, and a Mac will save you from alot of it. If you're worried about not going to use your favorite program on it, look at versiontracker.com or use one of the many free win-emulators to get it. If you're addicted to games, Mac is getting more and more of them.

I was with you right up until this. They you lost me and I couldn't take anything else seriously.
Wow, this should be printed in a book called "Life for dummies".
I do agree with pretty much everything there. Other than the Mac part that is. :D
Personal preference.
Wow.. Thanks for the list. I learned alot from it!
moppe said:
Dare I ask why?


I just highly dislike macs. Much prefer PC's for everything.

But other than that, great little essay on life. :thumbs:
I like your philosophy sort of its kind of the way I live life. But my main idea is like this.. When you can talk to yourself and make yourself laugh by talking to yourself, and not care what others may snicker, then you are genius.
I find the way I live life sortof helps in really tough situations it sort of makes you keep a light head, but sometimes I get really angry when my friends do stupid stuff, or hurt themselves for no apparent reason. Its a feeling that my whole body feels I swear like all my nerves just become really sensitive for a couple seconds then I cool down... When I was a kid i had horrible temper tantrums btw ;x
moppe said:
Hydrogen peroxide gets blood out of clothes.

Heh I have a bloody polo shirt that I couldn't get cleaned, now I know how :laugh:
nofx said:
I like your philosophy sort of its kind of the way I live life. But my main idea is like this.. When you can talk to yourself and make yourself laugh by talking to yourself, and not care what others may snicker, then you are genius.
I find the way I live life sortof helps in really tough situations it sort of makes you keep a light head, but sometimes I get really angry when my friends do stupid stuff, or hurt themselves for no apparent reason. Its a feeling that my whole body feels I swear like all my nerves just become really sensitive for a couple seconds then I cool down... When I was a kid i had horrible temper tantrums btw ;x

Well, I thought about adding talking to yourself to the list, but that isn't a tip, it's a behavior.

I'll do it all the time, and enjoy it since my brain gets a voice.
I don't know if I laugh to my self, only to the situations I get myself involved with. :)
CB | Para said:
Heh I have a bloody polo shirt that I couldn't get cleaned, now I know how :laugh:

Hydroperoxide is good for alot of stuff, always have it at home.

And add tips, right?
I think hydrogen peroxide works good for cleaning out zits... Not sure tho.
nofx said:
I think hydrogen peroxide works good for cleaning out zits... Not sure tho.

Use standard toothpaste for that, works great.
If you don't like the red dot after, buy some eye-drops and put it on, it goes away in a second.
Wow, this guy is useful ;o

Another tip: buy a pet (a dog or a cat preferably)
Let the little things go. If someone crowds into line don't start a fight over it. If the ref makes a bad call don't spend the rest of your day cussing at him. Some things just are not worth it.

Don't be a man of words. Be a man of action.
moppe said:
If you lost your wallet and starts bitching about it next day, I'll ask why. It already happened and there is nothing that can undo it. Never complain about stuff that you can't affect, it'll just do nothing. For me, life became alot more relaxed and enjoyable this way.

Just click on F7 to quickload, and take that mo-fo out
I've got a pretty laid back attitude about life now, and it rules.
If I can affect something I'll give it my best, and if I can't change something I won't worry about too much.

A pretty great saying:

Those who care don't matter, and those who matter don't care.

Maybe not true 100% of the time, but you might wan't to think about every once in a while.

About that 'girly' way to punch, it's not girly.
In Shorinji Kempo, it's called kumade zuki (bear punch). It's pretty good because you don't risk breaking any knuckles, and I'm pretty sure not punching somebody with your fist helps you out in court, should it ever come to that.

Only, you don't clench your fist like when you're punching regularly. Imagine a 'judo chop' from austin powers (:D ) but fold your fingers so the tips touch the end of your palm(right before where your fingers start). And don't stick out your thumb and break it! :)

Also, guys remember this:
(In the words of some girl, can't remember from where)

"Guys only have to look like they think they're hot to bet hot, girls have to actually be hot to be hot."

Self esteem shows, and can help you alot on your way to friends/girlfriends and all of your social life.

Live life to the fullest and don't worry so much, your life will be great!
Ugh, the one thing I cannot do is stare someone in the eyes. I know it makes me look awkward but I can't for the life of me hold a stare for more than a second and it pisses me off. My handshake is really weak too... and I'm always forgetting my manners >_<

Anyway, advice. Know when to give up, and when not to.

There's nothing wrong with learning the hard way, except for the obvious.

Don't be a bum (see above).
I must say its much harder then it sounds to start being confident or to stop being shy.
It is much harder than most people say...but the rewards have no end....Really, I know

Also, the only way to do it is...Well, to just do it. The best advice (Which at the time I thought was just silly and too hard) was to just do it. If you are ina situation with people you don't know, just say something, anything, it doesn't matter if you look a foolish, its all good practice and people who are worth knowing will see you as you really are anyway.
The problem is I'm never in situations with people I don't know :)
really good advice that I will never take because I suck at life. :(

but about thermite... that'll open a door, and another one in every story below it. or the ground.

unless you wanna burn clean through an apartment building, I'd say try a credit card, or a good swift kick :|
Bad^Hat said:
The problem is I'm never in situations with people I don't know :)

Well, even with people you do know, you can take action :P Thats not what being shy is all about anyway...:)
Yeah guess. I'm also really bad at taking advice :P
Always indent and comment.
3 space is nice but 4 space is better.
And busy wait is bad.
Thats all I got.

[edit]kind of sad...
Don't me a musclehead, specially around anyone who matters, it makes you look stupid :)
heh, if you dont look away when someone sees you're staring at them, they might take it negatively. so as it may make you feel less guilty, it might make them feel more uncomfortable or possibly angered
If someone slams you with a good joke, take it AS a joke and bash yourself, acting like a dick and getting pissed over it doesn't help you.
CyberSh33p said:
Don't me a musclehead, specially around anyone who matters, it makes you look stupid :)

Depends who you're around :P
poseyjmac said:
heh, if you dont look away when someone sees you're staring at them, they might take it negatively. so as it may make you feel less guilty, it might make them feel more uncomfortable or possibly angered

I get this feeling sometimes. I feel slightly intimidated by people staring, but other times I'll be afraid I might be intimidating them.