Yay for life.

Here's one I just remembered: when going through a rough neighboorhood, don't look at the ground, chin up and walk straight.
CB | Para said:
Here's one I just remembered: when going through a rough neighboorhood, don't look at the ground, chin up and walk straight.
And don't forget to run like your panties have fire on them...
Bad^Hat said:
heh, if you dont look away when someone sees you're staring at them, they might take it negatively. so as it may make you feel less guilty, it might make them feel more uncomfortable or possibly angered

If your stare ever meets someone elses then look them straight in the eye and give a small nod. As if you were acknowledging them or showing respect. Never had anyone offended by it so far.

There are of course always exceptions but surround yourself with good people and you'll never have a problem.
Farrowlesparrow said:
It is much harder than most people say...but the rewards have no end....Really, I know

Also, the only way to do it is...Well, to just do it. The best advice (Which at the time I thought was just silly and too hard) was to just do it. If you are ina situation with people you don't know, just say something, anything, it doesn't matter if you look a foolish, its all good practice and people who are worth knowing will see you as you really are anyway.

Yeah I know, even on these forums I like to put up a screen image of someone I am not I dont want to be the person who is stupid or immature but thats the way it goes once people get a first impression its hard to change really. It sucks :( and there is nothing I can do about it.

As for the staring thing, If you catch someone that you see often staring at you(opposite sex :p) then next time you see them show them the same for looks like that are much more powerful then words. I got that before ....but well me being me was unable to go further then that
Bad^Hat said:
I get this feeling sometimes. I feel slightly intimidated by people staring, but other times I'll be afraid I might be intimidating them.

Just let them know that you noticed.

A nice tip for checking if someone is looking at you is to look at your watch. The person that looks at you should also look for a watch, it's a standard reflex and works great to check if the girl on the other side of the room is checking you out.
Heh...I do that moppe....Only I don' have a watch strap anymore so people just think I'm staring at my arm. Then I realise, and check my pocket which contains my watch.

I know what you mean Bad Hat, about intimidating people. For me though, its just, I don't want to freak people out by staring. However, when I try not to freak people out I have a really blank look on my face which is probably really weird..

That reminds me actually...I was going to buy a new watch :D
Farrowlesparrow said:
Heh...I do that moppe....Only I don' have a watch strap anymore so people just think I'm staring at my arm. Then I realise, and check my pocket which contains my watch.

I know what you mean Bad Hat, about intimidating people. For me though, its just, I don't want to freak people out by staring. However, when I try not to freak people out I have a really blank look on my face which is probably really weird..

That reminds me actually...I was going to buy a new watch :D

Man, I hate clocks.
It's the one simple thing that cause more stress then anything else.
Mostly because the sleep, people are bound to follow it.
A standard human can survive and feel great by only 2 hours of sleep a day when past puberty, you just need the REM for dreaming.
moppe said:
Just let them know that you noticed.

A nice tip for checking if someone is looking at you is to look at your watch. The person that looks at you should also look for a watch, it's a standard reflex and works great to check if the girl on the other side of the room is checking you out.
Whoa, I have to try that...
Yeah I dont get that watch thing, I cant imagine it happening. But im assuming your right, why is this so?
moppe said:
Man, I hate clocks.
It's the one simple thing that cause more stress then anything else.
Mostly because the sleep, people are bound to follow it.
A standard human can survive and feel great by only 2 hours of sleep a day when past puberty, you just need the REM for dreaming.

Yeah, like my friend (Who has actually done this now) I have been considering getting rid of all time pieces in my room, and about my person.

Clocks have their uses, granted, but today we are ruled by time and the seeming lack of it. Clocks sometimes feel to me like some strange device sucking away my life...Then other times, it something that makes the time slow down. I don't know, time isnt something that can really be cut up in the way a clock does, without and consequences.

Then again...Maybe I've just been reading Discworld too much. I seem to share a lot of views with Terry Pratchett

Fat Tony, I think it happens because we have been living with clocks and watches for so long, that we automatically try to find "The Time" throughout the day, and someone else doing it prompts us...Plus its a habbit most people have to look at their watch then they don't have anything else to focus on.

Im not a phsycologist though, so I don't really know :p
Great advice but not being shy is super hard i've trying not to be shy for years but i'm becoming more and more confident so it's very slowely working. :)

Did you know if you don't sleep for a week you'll start going mad :rolling: I tried it once, i only managed two days and two nights :(
It's also a good way to reset your body clock (not sleeping for as long as possible) :thumbs:
Yeah...heh, body clocks are weird.

But yeah, not sleeping for a long period of time is something you have to try at least once. I went about 3 days(It was over new year, I had to work on new years day, so I didnt sleep. Then when I got home, I wanted to carry on cellebrating with my family) or something once, and it messed me up. It was kinda like being drunk, only not...More fun actually. Also, when I was at work, because I was used to it I kind of did it automatically and dreamt as I worked. It kind of makes life seem more interesting actually, because you start thinking crazy things and..I dunno I can't explain it.
Yeah, since late last year I don't really care about it when small things go wrong, and I try not to be too badly effected by negative things. Nowaday I get pissed at people who take stuff too seriously. What you've said is 100% true, and I agree with everything. I just wish more people would live like we do...
MaxiKana said:
Yeah, since late last year I don't really care about it when small things go wrong, and I try not to be too badly effected by negative things. Nowaday I get pissed at people who take stuff too seriously. What you've said is 100% true, and I agree with everything. I just wish more people would live like we do...

Now, one more tip that I just learned the hard way:
Dont ever ****ing jump the last step of a stair (is that even a word? the things that make you go up, many steps.) cause your ancle will be ****ed.
Now I'm off to the hospital for an Xray.
moppe said:
Now, one more tip that I just learned the hard way:
Dont ever ****ing jump the last step of a stair (is that even a word? the things that make you go up, many steps.) cause your ancle will be ****ed.
Now I'm off to the hospital for an Xray.
are you swedish :X

hope your ankle gets better :)
CyberSh33p said:
are you swedish :X

hope your ankle gets better :)

Yeah, I'm Swede. How come?
Thanks, second day of school and this happened. :)
Well, still better then last year when I dislocated my knee first day of summer.
moppe said:
Yeah, I'm Swede. How come?
Thanks, second day of school and this happened. :)
Well, still better then last year when I dislocated my knee first day of summer.
I just recognized "Bild", jordnöt :p

sound slike you got bad luck with that :(
I'm charmed in that way. though I've hit my head an extraordinary number of times :|
CyberSh33p said:
I just recognized "Bild", jordnöt :p

sound slike you got bad luck with that :(
I'm charmed in that way. though I've hit my head an extraordinary number of times :|
Well, my bad luck is a great conversation starter. :)
And by the way, it's just nöt. Jordnöt translates in peanut, nobody insults anyone with a peanut.

I suppose you can be thankful that you don't have to pay for the treatment really.

Disloacted your knee? Ouch...and you can still walk? Doesn't it have any problems. Just that knees generaly don't heal well from incidents like that.
moppe said:
Well, my bad luck is a great conversation starter. :)
And by the way, it's just nöt. Jordnöt translates in peanut, nobody insults anyone with a peanut.

I full well know what jordnöt means ;)

its my favorite word, which I use as an insult just cause :p
CyberSh33p said:
I full well know what jordnöt means ;)

its my favorite word, which I use as an insult just cause :p

Oh, sorry then. :)
My foot hurts so much. :(
Ouch! That sucks :(

I almost fell with my bike last week, and I fell with all of my weight, and my bikes weight on my ankle, and I "miss stepped" and my ankle said *scroinch*. Man ;( I couldn't even support my weight properly on that foot for about an hour, hurt like hell. Didn't get much better the next day, but now it's pretty much fine.
I'd take ANY broken bone over the situation im in right now.......
Try coming up with 16,000$ within a week... heh... im going nuts right now, at the same time opening a nice ulser in my belly from the anxiety and worry... not to mention the constant headaches.. and im starting to get tha shaky hand, like Tom hanks did in Saving Pvt. Ryan....

Yay for life.

oh, almost forgot... going through a divorce aswell.

Yay for life #2.

PS: the window in my office looks soooo tempting :p.