"Yeah,Barney about that CAT?"

It's just a cat they most likley used back in Black Mesa, to test out the portals.

Poor thing :(
WELL watever happened all i can truly say is based on what u guys and what barneys THAT CAT MUSTVE BEEN PRETTY ****ED UP!
The cat was a test subject for one of kleiner's teleports. It was blasted inside out.
Exactly. Everyone needs to stop over analyzing it. The cat was just a test subject for Kleiner's teleportation device. The test went badly...the cat died...Barney keeps making jokes about it...that's all...there's nothing else..really, that's it...really....
OMG. Are you going to come up with a massive conspiricy theory now? The cat was just mutilated in the teleport.

I would hardly call my two sentences asking why Barney is so horrified a "conspiracy theory." Basically, I was just defending the author of this thread who seems to be taking a lot of heat because he asked a perfectly rational question... what's the deal with Barney and cats?

And while this is hardly earthshattering material to speculate on, and most of the speculations up to now have been... less than earthshattering as well, I think we can at least have some fun trying to imagine how this cat is haunting Barney, or why he thinks it's haunting him.

maybe the cat is "out of phase " with our universe can see but cant be seen and is trying to get barney to open a tin of food for him/her ?

Like I said, less than earth shattering.

Anyway, my assumption was that something horrible and gorey happened to the cat... like being turned inside out, having its limbs change places... maybe it teleported into the the middle of a wall... or maybe it teleported into the middle of Barney and they had to surgically remove it. :)
Why do people join these forums if they don't want to discuss aspects of the game? These forums are to speculate everything in the game even those that aren't such a big deal make good discussion.
doomed14life said:
The cat was really the GMan is disguise
I'll just have to infer your kidding there. :p
Although I've heard worse G-man theories that were serious!
Blakeb155 said:
Why do people join these forums if they don't want to discuss aspects of the game? These forums are to speculate everything in the game even those that aren't such a big deal make good discussion.

Words of wisdom
Hmmm.Maybe it did.Thanks 4 once again explaining to others that this crap is JUST FORFUN
Barney: "Uh... doc? You just telefragged the cat." :x
Jenga said:
Barney: "Uh... doc? You just telefragged the cat." :x

Heh, Yeah - [UT2004 Announcer's Voice] MuhMuhMuhMONSTER KILLKillkillkill [/Voice]

I saw The Fly last night.It was frickin" DISGUSTING!!!!But somehow it reminded me of spaghetti sauce...........
You'll probably think im crazy but if u look an icthyosaur very closely its face kind of resembles a cat to me.Dont really know why.
Im going with transporter The Fly type error on the cat, became deformed when testing the transporter, and so scares Barney. Makes sense to the experiment on animals first, although I would have used the headcrab first rather than an unfortunate feline.
Calanen said:
Im going with transporter The Fly type error on the cat, became deformed when testing the transporter, and so scares Barney. Makes sense to the experiment on animals first, although I would have used the headcrab first rather than an unfortunate feline.
You monster! Poor Lamarr.
No. It's just an Ichthyosaur.

Well, I see the cat appearance, then. Look at the eye... the shape of the teeth and the shape of the mouth.
And that cat.......i dont if its just my computer but in chapter5 Black Mesa East I walked up to the cremator head on Eli's desk and i heard some weird sound.........
Antlion Hunter said:
And that cat.......i dont if its just my computer but in chapter5 Black Mesa East I walked up to the cremator head on Eli's desk and i heard some weird sound.........
That was your stomach, happens to me too. I play for days without eating.
Well the sound was kinda faint but it sounded kinda like Gojira(Godzilla's) death wail mixed with a headcrabs hiss.But it was barely noticeable.............
Was looking through some chem notes, when I remembered something, kind of a far off theory, but the scene could be a scientific joke, with the cat being a reference to Scrodinger's cat. If so then it kind of makes a bit more sense.
!@bLah:( said:
Was looking through some chem notes, when I remembered something, kind of a far off theory, but the scene could be a scientific joke, with the cat being a reference to Scrodinger's cat. If so then it kind of makes a bit more sense.

I think you are closest to the truth. The cat that was in two places at once...the cat that barney hears when you rescue him...the cat that is there, but isn't...would be along the lines of the whole storyline, and pretty much everything in the storyline having a root in science.
heh heh heh......I got the PRIMA Official Strategy Guide.It says:Just then Alyx pricks her ears up at the thought of a cat. And in another part:While typing Barney asks you"Dammit. Did u hear that cat Gordon?Damn thing still haunts me!Barney then brings up the question of a feline teleportation thAT DIDN'T achieve 100% success..........Those words were in the guide.
heh heh heh......I got the PRIMA Official Strategy Guide.It says:Just then Alyx pricks her ears up at the thought of a cat. And in another part:While typing Barney asks you"Dammit. Did u hear that cat Gordon?Damn thing still haunts me!Barney then brings up the question of a feline teleportation thAT DIDN'T achieve 100% success..........Those words were in the guide.
If you pick up a headcrab in Garry's Mod and have developer mode on it says thatt a headcrab weighs the same as a male cat!
On the topic of a cat, have you noticed the Hairball command, seems to create a hairball, and crash the game most of the time, can someone explain this?
Nope.Never even heard of it.tell me how to create it and ill see dude.
!@bLah:( said:
Was looking through some chem notes, when I remembered something, kind of a far off theory, but the scene could be a scientific joke, with the cat being a reference to Scrodinger's cat. If so then it kind of makes a bit more sense.

Yup your right. Half-life man. so much Depth.

"here's Schrödinger's (theoretical) experiment: We place a living cat into a steel chamber, along with a device containing a vial of hydrocyanic acid. There is, in the chamber, a very small amount of a radioactive substance. If even a single atom of the substance decays during the test period, a relay mechanism will trip a hammer, which will, in turn, break the vial and kill the cat. The observer cannot know whether or not an atom of the substance has decayed, and consequently, cannot know whether the vial has been broken, the hydrocyanic acid released, and the cat killed. Since we cannot know, the cat is both dead and alive according to quantum law, in a superposition of states. It is only when we break open the box and learn the condition of the cat that the superposition is lost, and the cat becomes one or the other (dead or alive). This situation is sometimes called quantum indeterminacy or the observer's paradox: the observation or measurement itself affects an outcome, so that it can never be known what the outcome would have been if it were not observed."

Lol, gotta hand it to valve.
maybe Barney himself placed the (his?) cat in the teleporter..when Alyx says "Barney,You're not an animal lover!"(about Lamarr),maybe she was wrong?He had loved and lost...thats all:)

and there is one aspect of the beauty of this game!!! look at all the different,and in some cases very plausible reasons for the inclusion of the cat people have come up with here
The cat is a homange to the original version of "The Fly", the black and white one that came out in the 50's I think. A scientist invents a teleporter, and his first live subject is a cat... only the cat never appears at the other end. Instead it's disembodied meowing can be heard emenating out of thin air.

...just like what Barney's is.

Watch the movie... it's obvious.
never seen the original.Never watch black white shit.But thats strange it still meowed even though it was gone.SUPERFREAKY!!
Well, here goes. Maybe Barneys fear of Lamarr is the result of the cat incident, considering the way Lamarr likes sneaking up on him (Lamarrs revenge for a friend lost???)

Sorry for bringing the conversation down an intellectual notch, but perhaps Aftermath deals with the aftermath of the cat incident, with the cat as a new foe?
