Yes, GTA:SA is THAT good.


Jun 11, 2003
Reaction score
I posted this a minute ago in another GTA thread, but thought it might get lost in the shuffle. If anyone has questions or comments on the game, I'll be happy to answer them. If you can pick up the game tonight, I highly suggest you do.

Well I've been playing for the last 3 hours. Picked it up early at 6pm CST. They were allowed to let it go then instead of 7pm for some reason. The game is an absolute gem. Somehow they managed to take a great game with VC and turn it into a phenomenal game with SA. Everything about it so far is fantastic. Of course visually it's somewhat disappointing, but that is due in large part to PS2's limitations. But the environments are more than convincing, and the sheer size of the land area is uncomprehensible. It could literally take a while to drive the highways from one city to another. Luckily they have major aiports in each city and after aquiring enough pilot skills, you get you licence and can fly the big planes at the airport yourself.

I can't say enough good things about this game, so if you have questions or concerns I'll answer them as best as I can. It's truly an unbelivable game.
How big is the initial area you're allowed in (and what do you have to do to get out of it) ?
Can you get NAKED?!?

But seriously, are the graphics on par with Vice City? Just wondering, and wondering if I should buy it tomorrow...

...even though I have three college essays to write that are due next Monday :p
How big is the initial area you're allowed in (and what do you have to do to get out of it)?

You have access to everything from the start, but if you enter another city before becoming an accepted visitor, you immediately get a 5 star criminal record and you can't accomplish anything that way. In fact this early in the game you'll easily be killed and sent back to a hospital in Los Santos.

Can you get NAKED?!? But seriously, are the graphics on par with Vice City?

You can strip down to some boxers and a wife beater, but not naked. Yes the graphics are on par with Vice City, only with better draw distances, and the city is much more alive. They've designed each area incredibly well, with freeways, onramps, overpasses, bmx bike parks, basketball courts, etc, etc. It feels and looks more like a real city.
do they have a speedometer now? i've always wanted to know how fast i'm going, and whether this p.o.s car is better then that p.o.s car
Sparta said:
do they have a speedometer now? i've always wanted to know how fast i'm going, and whether this p.o.s car is better then that p.o.s car

No speedometer. While driving in first person, you don't see any part of the car.
Wahoo! I always loved trying to fly the Dodo as far as I I'm glad there's airports to fly regular non-gimped planes :)

EDIT: Quick question. Do your driving/piloting/running/jumping skills go up by themselves...or do you have to manually upgrade them? I've heard that you get the basic skill lvl then it goes from there somehow.
I read this in some preview a while ago, and I'm sure it's false, but are their ragdoll physics or something along those lines in the game?
qckbeam said:
I read this in some preview a while ago, and I'm sure it's false, but are their ragdoll physics or something along those lines in the game?

I haven't noticed it, at least not to the extent HL2 does. The characters do have more polies than VC, but not many. The animations are more varied and smoother, but not by much. Think fine tuned, not overhauled.
AmishSlayer said:
EDIT: Quick question. Do your driving/piloting/running/jumping skills go up by themselves...or do you have to manually upgrade them? I've heard that you get the basic skill lvl then it goes from there somehow.

All skills increase depending on how you use them. There's no manually upgrading, that I've seen so far. If you want more driving skills, drive more. If you want more stamina, go to the gym, run, or play some kind of physical activity (basketball for example). Want better bike skills? Ride a bike more often. Same goes for weapons, piloting, etc.
Mods, can the lucky individuals who have SA post pics/scans of the map? Or is this considered copyrighted material?
Steelwind said:
I haven't noticed it, at least not to the extent HL2 does. The characters do have more polies than VC, but not many. The animations are more varied and smoother, but not by much. Think fine tuned, not overhauled.

Well I mean, if I shot an NPC standing next to a flight of stairs, would he tumble down them realisitcally, or just kind of lay flat?
qckbeam said:
Well I mean, if I shot an NPC standing next to a flight of stairs, would he tumble down them realisitcally, or just kind of lay flat?

I'll try to find a nice sized staircase and kill someone. But I don't think they'll fall down, no. From what I've seen there doesn't appear to be much, if any, ragdoll physics involved.
Steelwind said:
I'll try to find a nice sized staircase and kill someone. But I don't think they'll fall down, no. From what I've seen there doesn't appear to be much, if any, ragdoll physics involved.

Ok, thanks for the answer. Been dying to know if this was true or not, although I didn't think it was in given the fact that no place has made mention of it save that one preview. Thanks again :)
Steelwind said:
All skills increase depending on how you use them. There's no manually upgrading, that I've seen so far. If you want more driving skills, drive more. If you want more stamina, go to the gym, run, or play some kind of physical activity (basketball for example). Want better bike skills? Ride a bike more often. Same goes for weapons, piloting, etc.

Yay. That's what I was hoping thanks :)
Question: How are the radio stations? Is there a talk show like Chatterbox (GTA3) or K-Chat(VC)?
i got a question for you
how the hell do i change the HUEs for this game.
its daytime and all the characters are dark dark dark dark
no thats not because they are black, ive seen the previews and the guys arnt this dark.
and how the hell do i get the horn to shut up? all i can hear is this stupid horn when i get in teh vehichle, and it wont shut off
Kohman77 said:
i got a question for you
how the hell do i change the HUEs for this game.
its daytime and all the characters are dark dark dark dark
no thats not because they are black, ive seen the previews and the guys arnt this dark.
and how the hell do i get the horn to shut up? all i can hear is this stupid horn when i get in teh vehichle, and it wont shut off

someone downloaded a copy :dozey:

... a dodgy copy with glitches

also **** you steelwind and pressure

/me grumbles and goes back to playing VC
There aren't any ragdoll physics. I visited the gym 5 times and I'm as buff as you can get the guy. You don't have to put much work into making your character better at stuff. My stamina and muscle are way up there. Enough talk more play.
Pressure said:
There aren't any ragdoll physics. I visited the gym 5 times and I'm as buff as you can get the guy. You don't have to put much work into making your character better at stuff. My stamina and muscle are way up there. Enough talk more play.
I envy you Pressure ;(

Anyway, glad to hear it doesn't take much work to keep them in good shape, I was a little worried they might have gone overboard :)
qckbeam said:
Ok, thanks for the answer. Been dying to know if this was true or not, although I didn't think it was in given the fact that no place has made mention of it save that one preview. Thanks again :)

Nope, definitely not ragdoll.
someone downloaded a copy

... a dodgy copy with glitches

also **** you steelwind and pressure

/me grumbles and goes back to playing VC
actually no i didnt download it
I have heard this game is awesome. :)
No PS2 for me but I can wait for it on PC. :cheers:
burnzie said:
have you customised a car yet? whats that like?

Haven't tried it yet. Once I get some cash I'll let you know. Most of the first missions don't pay out. You get respect scores for most of the first missions, getting your reputation back to where it was before you left Los Santos.

Some really cool small features I thought I'd mention. I'll tag em in case people are afraid of learning too much.

There's a game system in your house you can play. The only game I've seen so far is an astroids type game.

You can speed burst on your bike which comes in handy in quick getaways and going uphill. Just standard pedalling won't get you up a steep hill. The bike riding is very realistic.

You can now climp, hang, pull yourself up onto many ledges, fences, walls, etc. It's a much needed feature and works great when trying to get by the cops. Jumping up a six foot fence, and hopping over while leaving those heavy ass cops behind is priceless.
Asus said:
I have heard this game is awesome. :)
No PS2 for me but I can wait for it on PC. :cheers:
I guess HL2 will have to hold me over :thumbs:

But it's going to be a long, hard wait :p
Kohman77 said:
i got a question for you
how the hell do i change the HUEs for this game.
its daytime and all the characters are dark dark dark dark
no thats not because they are black, ive seen the previews and the guys arnt this dark.
and how the hell do i get the horn to shut up? all i can hear is this stupid horn when i get in teh vehichle, and it wont shut off

I honestly don't know. I haven't had any trouble with the hues, brightness, or horns. I do know to sound a horn in the car you depress the left analog stick. So perhaps your controller is jammed? Or you're pressing it down on accident? Don't know. I can tell you that you really need to play this game on a nice TV in a dark room. The colors, textures, and cripsness of the game is much better. Going from a bright room with a 19" TV to a dark room with a 32" HDTV made all the difference in the world.
any info on when the PC version is a coming out?
ign gave it 9.9/10!
and gamespot, 9.6
wish i had a ps2 :p
I believe the PS2 is exclusive for at least 3-6 months. Don't know the exact time. Perhaps soon after that we'll see a PC version? I would hope they are working on the port as we speak.
damn im gonna have to bow down and asume its my controller.
dammit my mouse broke yesterday, now my damn controller
this is such a waste of money :(
I have a quick question

What year is San Andreas set in? (I am sorry for the wierd ass n00b question but I only found out about San Andewas 2 days ago)
Danimal said:
I have a quick question

What year is San Andreas set in? (I am sorry for the wierd ass n00b question but I only found out about San Andewas 2 days ago)

early 90's
It feels every bit like the 90's too. The starting city, Los Santos, is an awesome portral of Los Angeles. They really did their homework with this one.