Yes, GTA:SA is THAT good.

Do ai controlled drivers drive at more than 5mph now?
Is there low fps when theres a lot of things going on?
I've practically whiped out the ballas. Grove street in da house! Anyways less talk more play :).

Oh yeah. I was walking throug the street and a couple of my gang members were standing around talkin and this cop turned on his sirens and started trying to run them over. The cops stopped and got out of the car and my gang had a fire fight with that cops. The cops were hiding behind the car taking cover and a few gang of me gang members were smashing into the cop car with their own car. It was pretty cool.

If you're on a border between your gang territory and anothers and the other gang attacks you and your gang sees it they'll say somethin like "I got yo back n****" and start fighting with them.
im going out tomorow out of desperation to see if australia has it, not gettin my hopes up though ;(

i wish i lived in the states right about now...
You can also chat with NPCs using the directional pad. I was in some Latin gangs territory and I was walkin around and about 5 of them circled around me and started talkin to me. I told it to give a negative response say my guy said something like "Grove Street forever." It was about that time I started running because guns were going off all over the place. I'm gonna go back later and take over their territory. I've almost got all the ballas gone.

My guy has full muscle and full stamina. The only time I eat is when my health is low because that's what fills it up. I don't have to spend any time keeping my guy in shape really.
Hoally Crap, I want this game so bad on my comp ! After Hl2, this what I want. !!

Question !

Can you control your gang to follow you ?
Can you actually run people over in the BMX? :eek: And does it keep you fit? If so, im just going to ride on it all the time.
When you eat food you buy ,what happens ?

Do you see CJ eat it, or the screen goes black ? :)
simmo said:
When you eat food you buy ,what happens ?

Do you see CJ eat it, or the screen goes black ? :)

You press "x" for each time he chews and to swallow hold "L1" and "R1" and press triangle, square, triangle.

Repeat till finished ;)
Adrien C said:
Hoally Crap, I want this game so bad on my comp ! After Hl2, this what I want. !!

Question !

Can you control your gang to follow you ?
Yes later in the game, when you get more respect

The best thing in GTA: SA is there is no loading between the places :D , the only loading is when you enter houses
oh! oh!, ive got another question :D

has anyone taken part in a house robbery yet ?, if so plz tell us every detail, hehe :D
simmo said:
oh! oh!, ive got another question :D

has anyone taken part in a house robbery yet ?, if so plz tell us every detail, hehe :D

I'm currently trying to figure thios one out. I'm thinking maybe a mission unlocks your ability to do it. Same with robbing banks. When you eat you buy the food and that's it it's over. Riding the BMX keeps you're stamina high. There's also an emptied out pool type thing in the city, which you can take you BMX to :).
I haven't got the game, but to rob houses you need a big van like a removal van or sommat and press R3. I want the game!

after reading all of this thread, i can definately say I CANT WAIT TILL FRIDAY W00T :D :D :D

my PS2 is half brolen, but it WILL work for GTA san andreas. all ive been playing on it recently is old PS1 games (im replaying FF8 again :p ) but i dont know how it will cope with DVDs (timesplitters 2 drove my PS2 to its limits, then eventually made it break down when i was loading a big level :( damn you timesplitters!! ).


*plays VC for the PC
Pressure said:
I'm currently trying to figure thios one out. I'm thinking maybe a mission unlocks your ability to do it. Same with robbing banks. When you eat you buy the food and that's it it's over. Riding the BMX keeps you're stamina high. There's also an emptied out pool type thing in the city, which you can take you BMX to :).

heh kewl, thxs m8ty :)

yeah, as Harryz said you need a removal van first :)
TIIMMEHHH has a question!

Can you do tricks on the BMX, and use ramps and stuff? Have you driven the combine harvester yet?
TIIMMEHHH has a question!

Can you do tricks on the BMX, and use ramps and stuff? Have you driven the combine harvester yet?

You can do wheelies, stoppies and hops.
Harryz said:
You can do wheelies, stoppies and hops.

Ive got another question!! :D

I hear that your car acctually gets dirty! :O the more you use it and you have to wash it n' this true ? :)

edit: Also!, is it true that if you flip your car upside down it dosent blow up, but instead gets towed away and you have to get it back by going to the impound ? :O

anyone know if theres a planned xbox version??????
like they released gta 3 and VC :afro:
argh, I shouldn't really spend my Student Loan on games... but what the hell, I'm not going to do much else with it anyway!
simmo said:
Ive got another question!! :D

I hear that your car acctually gets dirty! :O the more you use it and you have to wash it n' this true ? :)

edit: Also!, is it true that if you flip your car upside down it dosent blow up, but instead gets towed away and you have to get it back by going to the impound ? :O

I flipped a car and I think it blew up. I'll try it just for you after my class :). I haven't kept a car long enough for it to get dirty :p. All the cars at the start of the game are crap. You gotta remember you start in the ghetto. I do however have a police car in my garage lol.
how does the quality of the game compare to VC when you play freestyle, ie. ignore missions etc, what sort of additions are to occupy your time more so than in VC. I just felt that in VC, during the duration of completing the game, you pretty much do everything, so once I completed it, i got bored fast of just cruising around and such, with only pizza missions etc to occupy my time.
simmo said:
Ive got another question!! :D

I hear that your car acctually gets dirty! :O the more you use it and you have to wash it n' this true ? :)

edit: Also!, is it true that if you flip your car upside down it dosent blow up, but instead gets towed away and you have to get it back by going to the impound ? :O

Remember in VC when you went in a property, came back out and the car was gone? Well, their excuse for that is that it's been impounded, and you need to go steal your car back!
Pressure said:
I've practically whiped out the ballas. Grove street in da house! Anyways less talk more play :).

Oh yeah. I was walking throug the street and a couple of my gang members were standing around talkin and this cop turned on his sirens and started trying to run them over. The cops stopped and got out of the car and my gang had a fire fight with that cops. The cops were hiding behind the car taking cover and a few gang of me gang members were smashing into the cop car with their own car. It was pretty cool.

If you're on a border between your gang territory and anothers and the other gang attacks you and your gang sees it they'll say somethin like "I got yo back n****" and start fighting with them.

Now im really, really.... jealous ;(

I don't know what to do. Tell me bro to bring the PS2 home on friday and buy GTA:SA on friday when its released in UK (damn yanks :p) or wait for the PC version and play GTA:SA on a crisp screen because the TV i'd be playing on with a PS2 is only the little 15" TV in my room :| Or maybe i'll just buy it on PS2 and PC like i did with VC. Damnit i want this game noooooooooow!!
Hmm if your skills with certain weapons get better by using them, can other weapon skills actually go down if you neglect them for a while? That's sounds rather annoying aka much work & constant fine-tuning...

Edit: I read somewhere that a good way of getting yourself in good shape is riding a bike up & down that huge mountain. Imagine the bloody speed you should get on that bike if you ride it from the top :E (there are tunnels and stuff in it)!
Who is on the talk radio station? Any possiblity of a scan of the manual where it says who is on it?
On Friday I get to play it when it's released here. Wipii!
i just spent 3 hours playing Vice city, and it just made me want to buy san andreas SOOO much... while cruising along, listening to my custom built MP3 radio station (with microsoft sam as the host, saying stuff like "next is a track by the lost prophets etc". with adverts and stuff from speech bots with funny accents :p ) icould only think about SA. like when i arrived at an airport i thought "can i ride that?" and when i was listening to the radio i was thinking "will the music be cool?" and when i was doing jumps on a motorbike i thought "i wanna do this on a BMX!" and when i fell in the water i thought "will swimming be cool?"

dammit i want this game :D

QUESTION: what happens when you leave the game borders? is there just a fence, is there water, or is there a minefeild? lol :)

Great game. :)
:O Woah, that does actually look fecking amazing lol.

Can anyone tell me what the basketball/pool's like? hehe, I dunno why, but the mini-games interest me :)
BTW, for the person who asked about eating, you don't actually eat. You buy the food and it increases your energy. There's no button combinatin to scarf down the food. There are several meals at each location to choose from though. Small meals, full meals, salads, etc. Giving varying amounts of energy and costing varying amounts of cash.

As well, your car doesn't get impounded. If you flip it, it blows up just like in the other GTA games. I haven't seen my car disappear yet when I enter and come back outside, so perhaps that is fixed. But there's no impound that I'm aware of.

The mini-games are great. They'll eat up a lot of time themselves. Riding a bike is almost like a mini-game. My skill isn't completely full so I don't know if you can ever do tricks, but you can bunny hop pretty darn high. Then there's the typical stoppies and wheelies. The bike is a blast to ride though, and there are plenty of BMX parks around. So maybe you can do tricks once you reach a certain skill level.
Pressure said:
I'm currently trying to figure thios one out. I'm thinking maybe a mission unlocks your ability to do it. Same with robbing banks. When you eat you buy the food and that's it it's over. Riding the BMX keeps you're stamina high. There's also an emptied out pool type thing in the city, which you can take you BMX to :).

There's a mission that introduces house robberies pretty early on. You have to get a certain type of van at night. I assume it's like any other side mission set (ex. Taxi missions, vigliante missions, pimping missions).
Dalamari said:
Who is on the talk radio station? Any possiblity of a scan of the manual where it says who is on it?

It's Andy Dick on the garden show :p

EDIT: A mission I just got done doing - no story spoilers or anything -
I was on a dirt bike with a passenger on the back driving down some train tracks while my passenger shot at people on top of the train :) There was an oncoming train I had to dodge and some other paths off to the side (first time in the countryside and it looks really good). I think there was a point I could jump off...but I crashed and screwed up the mission. Then I drove the bike into the ocean/lake er whatever and I survived :p I started swimming around a bit.
Well I gotta goto work. More on GTA:SA later
AmishSlayer said:
There's a mission that introduces house robberies pretty early on. You have to get a certain type of van at night. I assume it's like any other side mission set (ex. Taxi missions, vigliante missions, pimping missions).

Yea, I just got done doing that mission but I dunno where to get the van. Maybe they just drive around.
abconners said:
What kind of planes can you fly in SA?

I've seen two planes so far, a learjet and a cessna, which brings up a funny spoiler...

I stealed a learjet and started heading for Mount Chiliad(you are not supposed to leave los santos until you complete an unknown amount of missions) I almost made it there, but all of sudden the music station I was listening to goes out and fighter jet(possibly two of em') wasted me with sidewinders!

This game is insane.
Good news on the airplane front. I have yet to get one...but on the manual... The controls list for airplanes includes a Primary Weapon and a Secondary Weapon button. There's also Turret/Camera rotation used by the right analog stick. The airplane control list is separate from the Helicopter list in case you were wondering :)