Yet another "show us yer pic" thread

Also I'm gonna try to get a digital camera so I can post a pic of me.

Are you telling me you're not that green pile of bricks from your avatar?! :O lol omfg0rz!!1
Swift said:
ok this may seem a little harsh... But if you are ugly... DO NOT put your picture up. Im not gay or anything but I would rather look at a normal dood then an ugly one.

so like 50 pct of the pictures are ugly.... the rest of you are normal.

So your logic is that you prefer to look at better looking members...but you're not gay? And boy do I wanna be your friend. Mmmm mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.

Sure, say that to the gay police.
I'm also sure that Swift looks like a male super-model.

And even if you do, you're still an idiot :D
pr0nking said:
Nah :P...But mine is 2mm! Whereas yours is standard 1.5mm I bet :P...I'm getting more tongue piercings soon.
Well, fine. But whereas yours (I'm guessing) are a form of self-expression, mine is just cuz the ladies go nuts over it, so I'm set with just my one 14 gauge.
lePobz said:
We're all idiots here.
Am not!
CptStern said:
no waaaaay ..sorry no pics guys ...not that I'm an ugly mofo it's just that some people here would like to see me dead (k, maybe just beaten to a pulp) I prefer to stay anonymous

besides I dont want that suspicious looking car with "fbi" plates following me around know that I'm on to them.

what the hell, no-1 here would want you beaten to a pulp, what the hell are you on about Stern .. ? :/

were just all people discussing nicely (in the politics forum aka angel and fiary forum :E ).

naa what makes you think people would want you battered.. :rolling:

EDIT: OOPS didnt realise how far behind in the discussion i am, sorry :o
this actually, less asciified... although that ascii one is kinda funky if I do say so myself...
how did you do that thing with all the letters and stuff ?
8888888888888888oc. .::coC888888@888888888888
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awwww, i just wanted a free ipod. :(

oh well, ta joims
The iPod isn't free ... it costs you your soul, your dignity and any ounce of respect anyone had for you.

you can always change your sig, though :thumbs:
ah dammit how'd u find me out!!

better disguies next time that person posing there wasnt a good enough distraction!
oi burner ime off 2 blackpool on march 25th for 3 nights clubbing, ime into bits or rave, house, trance, happy hardcore and all that shit ;)
Scunna said:
oi burner ime off 2 blackpool on march 25th for 3 nights clubbing, ime into bits or rave, house, trance, happy hardcore and all that shit ;)

Nice one mate...
....erm.... do I know you? :P

Who you goin see in Blackpool? Or what club u goin? Heaven n hell?
Okay, gotta dig out the diggie camera and shave my balls ( :naughty: ), that'll give you guys some time to prepare yourselves for sexiness (i suggest preparing by looking at models to adjust your eyes to maximum sexy, cuz goin from lookin at yer ugly friends and family to looking at me would be like living in a dark cave for 2 years then walking onto the surface of the sun). I'll be back to live up to my hype, if i find my damn camera :thumbs:
By using my immensely powerful psychic ability, I have looked into the future and seen that kmack has misplaced his camera, or the batteries are dead, or something.

lePobz said:
By using my immensely powerful psychic ability, I have looked into the future and seen that kmack has misplaced his camera, or the batteries are dead, or something.


Ha, perhaps.

"Look at sexy men to prepare yourself for the sight of my shaved balls." I hope that's the first time he's ever said that.
lePobz said:
By using my immensely powerful psychic ability, I have looked into the future and seen that kmack has misplaced his camera, or the batteries are dead, or something.


Oh no its coming, i just like to build suspense! Hehe, was checking out some pics on my camera (none of me since i took em :( ) and came across this beauty for a ripper we threw.
Do I know his name? no.
Do I know anything about him at all? no
Why was he at our party? because we are the balls.

ch0ke said:
cheers skate at all by any chance?

Haha! I tried to learn once. I can skate in as much as I can stand on a board and propell myself forward, but not do anything more fancy than roll off a kerb. I tried dropping in 14 times, and was only sucesful once. And yes, all thirteen times hurt like hell... unlucky for some, it seems.
burner69 said:
Haha! I tried to learn once. I can skate in as much as I can stand on a board and propell myself forward, but not do anything more fancy than roll off a kerb. I tried dropping in 14 times, and was only sucesful once. And yes, all thirteen times hurt like hell... unlucky for some, it seems.

lol you sound like me
bliink said:
lol you sound like me

Raver and a skateboarder eh bliink. What else might we have in common... ooo oooo! Have you played half life 2? :p
burner69 said:
Raver and a skateboarder eh bliink. What else might we have in common... ooo oooo! Have you played half life 2? :p

lol.. hmm half-life2... yeah; on hard :frog:

although, hl2 is the only one of those things I still do
Just curious about something and dont see the point in starting a new thread ... here goes: -

I'm unsure about wether to get my hair cut tomorrow - its long-ish now and I dont mind, when its shorter its lower maintenance though... just wondering which you guys think looks better: -

long hair or short hair?
lePobz said:
Just curious about something and dont see the point in starting a new thread ... here goes: -

I'm unsure about wether to get my hair cut tomorrow - its long-ish now and I dont mind, when its shorter its lower maintenance though... just wondering which you guys think looks better: -

long hair or short hair?

They both look pretty similar there.. but I reckon short usually looks better (on most guys anyway)... no.. go long.. short,, yes

Gah.. I'm too indecisive for this!
/me runs