You are all idiots

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The intolarence and ignorency of certain members( Hectic Glenn,Lefty (oh god i hate him) and Xendance) my final post.bye

P.S not all of you are idiots,just the three of them

Right then... Well, now that you're banned we'll notify you when we start to give a shit.

(I don't think that's going to happen.)
I'm slowly beginning to agree with OP.

Yeah, me too... I hate everyone here.

Exept for everyone, exept for you and Co,bine advisor.

I also hate Left, becouse everyone here exept advisor seems to like him. That basterd.
That's some of the worst logic I've ever heard.
But tyguy was cool.

Baldrick, two people you know very well have exchanged clothing and now you don't know which is which.
Let us all mourn the loss of what was undoubtedly one of the most important, beloved forumites ever to grace :(

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