You guys prepared for some HUGE news? Oh man......

Quad SLI? Wow, it's 2x more pointless than Dual SLI!

Feel sorry for anyone who wastest money on that.
That's just ridiculous. You'd have to be extremely rich or just extremely stupid in order to buy something like that.
Wtf why? I would buy that in a heard beat. I am so rigging up a dx10 pc with quad gpu. Ill see the people crying about low fps while playing Crysis or UT2007 on full servers with everything maxed then ill be the one calling everyone a dumbass! Muahahhaha.

_Z_Ryuken said:
The picture looks faked.
Any real pics?

Oh its real!

You can find the official dell post also has pics.
Why on Earth? Not even UT 2007 with upgrades will need this.
Well running at 2048xwtfisthisnumber with 8xAA and 16xAF with everything on max (Hdr?), id say would give anything a run for its money for the foreseeable future
Yeah i'll be giving this a miss...... Other than to enhance your e-penis, i see little need for 4 graphics cards. Especially until 2 graphics cards can actually offer double the power of one.. which at present they cannot, but even then, 2 graphics cards running efficiently would more than suffice for the foreseeable future. So tbh 4 is a waste. Purely designed to give nvidia an "edge" and for those with more money than sense.
satch919 said:
That's just ridiculous. You'd have to be extremely rich or just extremely stupid in order to buy something like that.

Raziel-Jcd said:
Wtf why? I would buy that in a heard beat. I am so rigging up a dx10 pc with quad gpu. Ill see the people crying about low fps while playing Crysis or UT2007 on full servers with everything maxed then ill be the one calling everyone a dumbass! Muahahhaha.

Says it all really.
Yeah this isn't huge, Dell is already planning on using it, their one pc had quad sli 7800's on it. IMO more than 2 is just wasting your money, I doubt you'll get really any benefit with 4 for gaming.
as said before, playing in widescreen 1080p with AA and AF enabled will be taxing on any system, even that one.
Actually, all you're paying for is an increase in resolution. If you have this setup, all you can do is up the resolution to insane levels. AA and AF won't even play a factor in the graphics anymore. The Resolution would be so high, there's no need for AA anymore, while AF wouldn't totally be needed anymore as well. And the highest possible resolution for a consumer CRT monitor is like 19--x----.
This is indeed big news...but come on how much is really needed?!
That is the most retarded thing I have ever seen...It's like the mach 3 razors...1 wasn't enough. Soon it's gonna be 5 then 10 then 20 and on and on and on. What a waste of money.
Demo doesnt even work for me. Game starts etc and screen blinks some colors i heard everything i can move but i cant see anything....and yes drivers are updated.
Why are card manufacturers wasting their time and money trying to get multiple gaming cards together?

Gamers don't need it, and probably never will. I mean, yeah, if you can (IE have the money) then why not, but you really don't need it if all you're doing is gaming.

I'd bet there's a much larger market for 3D design cards hooked up in paralell.

Dirk Pitt said:
as said before, playing in widescreen 1080p with AA and AF enabled will be taxing on any system, even that one.

No it wouldn't.
Qonfused said:
Actually, all you're paying for is an increase in resolution. If you have this setup, all you can do is up the resolution to insane levels. AA and AF won't even play a factor in the graphics anymore. The Resolution would be so high, there's no need for AA anymore, while AF wouldn't totally be needed anymore as well. And the highest possible resolution for a consumer CRT monitor is like 19--x----.
Thats exactly what Dell wants to do with this Quad-SLi setup. They want it so that they can sell their new 30'' or 31'' LCD displays while giving gamers a chance to game at the its native resolution with 4xAA and 16xAF.