You have to love propaganda...


Companion Cube
Jan 11, 2005
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Today, I saw a sign which basically said:

"Watch out for liberal criminals disguised as democracy supporters and turn them in to police"

Then, 1 km later:

"Turn in North korean spys to police"

Right above:

"Reunification is our dream"

I had to laugh at the above two..... :)

(note: Its kinda hard to translate.)
I would sorta expect that in North Korea but didn't know they had it in South Korea too.:)
I think SK was ruled by the military until not too long ago.

I saw propaganda in China too, not to mention lots of Chinglish:

eg: "Protect circumstance, begin with me" was wrote on a rubbish bin.
"Department of Pain" in the hospital (must be the torture ward?)
Now I think liberals are shit. :p
Lol, pretty stuipd, the normal version would be funnier than the translated version i guess...
How long has north and south korea been "towards peace"??
Go urinate on the signs. That'll teach them liberals.