I think we should all be thankful for what we have...
Long ago people didn't know
didn't know where development would go
didn't know if a game was gold
they didn't know when a game would be sold
but long ago the industry did grow
and afterwards fans did fallow
they would have to go to a game show
or otherwise they just wouldn't know
then one day some joe smoe
wrote a magazine making it easier to fallow
EGM, CGM, and even GamePro
decided to make sites for the globe
and with these sites more fans did come
but at what time did the dev plans change
people think that for being a fan they should get something in exchange
well that is not the plan or the way things flow
devs make a game then you go to the store
but it was never said they owe you more
then a box with a game at its core
so if you think they owe you more
then let me point you to the door
i wish some fanboys would hit the floor
because it was better long before
flames and attacks as if in a war
so shut your face and pray to the lord
that this just isn't another Duke N. Forever...
Anyways I really wish people would quit their b.itchin.g cause it really doesn't help, and you know a whole lot more then you need to. Back in the day all you knew was the game's title and maybe who was making it. Be thankful for what you do know...cause they don't owe you jack shit unless you start to put out money...and enough money that would mean anything to a multi million dollar company. I would say that knowing this much about a game before it is even completed is a nice guesture. The game will be out sometime and then you can find out if it has the features you want. I don't get why everyone thinks they deserve anything. If you deserve anything it is a punch in the face from valve. They do a whole lot more then just B.itc.h on the computer all day long.:dozey:
Long ago people didn't know
didn't know where development would go
didn't know if a game was gold
they didn't know when a game would be sold
but long ago the industry did grow
and afterwards fans did fallow
they would have to go to a game show
or otherwise they just wouldn't know
then one day some joe smoe
wrote a magazine making it easier to fallow
EGM, CGM, and even GamePro
decided to make sites for the globe
and with these sites more fans did come
but at what time did the dev plans change
people think that for being a fan they should get something in exchange
well that is not the plan or the way things flow
devs make a game then you go to the store
but it was never said they owe you more
then a box with a game at its core
so if you think they owe you more
then let me point you to the door
i wish some fanboys would hit the floor
because it was better long before
flames and attacks as if in a war
so shut your face and pray to the lord
that this just isn't another Duke N. Forever...
Anyways I really wish people would quit their b.itchin.g cause it really doesn't help, and you know a whole lot more then you need to. Back in the day all you knew was the game's title and maybe who was making it. Be thankful for what you do know...cause they don't owe you jack shit unless you start to put out money...and enough money that would mean anything to a multi million dollar company. I would say that knowing this much about a game before it is even completed is a nice guesture. The game will be out sometime and then you can find out if it has the features you want. I don't get why everyone thinks they deserve anything. If you deserve anything it is a punch in the face from valve. They do a whole lot more then just B.itc.h on the computer all day long.:dozey: