You know your a programmer when......

Angry Lawyer said:
-- you know you're a programmer when you made the flight control system for my airship!

-- lol can I ride

-- No.

-Angry Lawyer

Bah, the woman I have has perfect coding!

And modelling too!

-Angry Lawyer
Angry Lawyer said:
Bah, the woman I have has perfect coding!

Yeah! Just too many bugs. Behaves strangely at random times for no apparent reasons.

You know you're a programmer when:
You put the semicolon character at the end of every line of text you write;
print "lol"
beep c d e f
sleep 1

print "I have only coded in qbasic"
print "coding is seriously hardcore by the way"
sleep 4
goto 10
void CheckBetterness(char* nameA, char* nameB)
//if (nameA > nameB)
//cout << nameA << " is better than " << nameB;
//cout << nameB << " is better than " << nameA;
//Lawyer: Bugger this, we know the answer to this question!

cout << "Lawyer is better than you all!";

-Angry Lawyer log in to tell Angry Lawer that he forgot to comment out the "else"
...You slap Carrera in the face with a certain part of your anatomy

-Angry Lawyer
while (sizeof(TheDan.penis) > 57983)
// omgosh infinite loop D:
}'re sitting in the university library, supposed to be writing a paper about the history of Java, you go to the boards thinking of asking anybody if they know any sources to look for information, and you find a thread about "You know you're a programmer when...".
void CBaseLawyer::Think()

int Main()
AngryLawyer = new CBaseLawyer();
While (AngryLawyer)

-Angry Lawyer



Remember to dereference your pointers properly!
Attempting to un-derail this thread..

You know you're a programmer when...

...You can correct the uber Angry Lawyer =o!

Well, I do have to juggle coding with a hawt girlfriend.

-Angry Lawyer
...When people offer you money to join their non-profit mod team

-Angry Lawyer think you can solve all of today's political problems with pseudo-code
You know your a programmer when you take a look at real world "games" (poker, word games, etc.) , situations, sports statistics, the way a human reacts to different situations, etc. And you start considering how such things can be either represented, analyzed, or simulated in a programming nature.

Also you know your a programmer when the novelty of having been able to develop a program that crashes your computer wears off and you just become enraged whenever it happens.

You know your a programmer when you start to describe various glitches and bugs as "features".