You Know Your Obsessed with Episode One when... (Spoilers... I guess)

2. You make one of those Obsession threads where people are supposed to give signs of obsession with EP1.
3. You start crying during buy mainly at the start and end of the game. (I mean this it really happened)
GordonFreeman911 said:
5. You beat the crap out of people with a crowbar untill their skull Bleeds.
*Note to self, stay away from him...*
You try to escape from your city, screaming to everyone "SHE'S GUNNA BLOW!!!1!11" while pointing at a radio tower. :p
You run to help defend some one who looks like Alyx from "Antloins" and "Zombines".
10. You blindly assume H.G. Wells ripped off the Tripod concept from the Striders.

11. You blindly assume those bugs from Starship Troopers are copies of the Antlions.
12. You plough on through a second playthrough despite the fact your computer freezes, locks up and otherwise stops responding with every 5 minutes that you manage to advance through the game (which is exactly the s*** it's giving me right now)
kupoartist said:
12. You plough on through a second playthrough despite the fact your computer freezes, locks up and otherwise stops responding with every 5 minutes that you manage to advance through the game (which is exactly the s*** it's giving me right now)
Your video card could require updating, I had the same problems and they were solved with a video card update.
Black Op said:
Your video card could require updating, I had the same problems and they were solved with a video card update.
I have the Catalyst 6.5s, and my latest onboard sound drivers to no avail. I have had the problem for perhaps as long as a year now, across a number of games (though quite regularly not at all with some games) so it's looking more like weak components or inadequate cooling (main culprit is my motherboard's chipset fan. I had to disconnect it ages ago when it started making an insane ammount of noise. This at least allowed me to connect a rear exhaust fan that also takes a 3 pin connection, but I never got round to replacing that chipset fan. I put an order in the other day, but etailers take their sweet f'ing time :p)

edit: It could also be a problem with the powersupply which is a no brand piece of crap, probably about 5 years old plus and therefore either giving me inadequate power to my components (probably only if it is malfunctioning though, I don't have an awful lot of hardware), or simply overheating from too much dust and shit buildup.
You know you're obsessed when:

1) You think a cat's growling sounds like a Headcrab begging to mate with your skull.

2) You think the Crowbar can solve every problem in your life

3) You draw up the exact plans for the Gravity Gun after falling off the toilet while hanging up a picture in your bathroom. (If you get this line, you win one internet.)
Ph4t N1nj4
3) You draw up the exact plans for the Gravity Gun after falling off the toilet while hanging up a picture in your bathroom. (If you get this line, you win one internet.)

Wooo Back to the future ftw ;)

15) You try to build your own Dog, but realises you dont have any Combine Scanner parts lying around
16) Realises that Combine Scanners doesnt exist
17. You join the local police force in the hopes you'll obtain a high beating quota.
You play it over and over again until you've forgotten about your loved ones and thew fact that you got your pink slip in the mail. You don't eat, you just go around collecting health packs and fantasizing about Alyx. Before you know it, you're dead...
20. After the message was sent out from the Citadel, you believe the Combine will attack earth on Independence day.
22: You've played it through completely more than twice already. (Lol, anyone?)
23: When you say "Hey babe, there is enough room for two in my hazard suit!" to every good-looking girl in the streets

24: When your only comment about Sarkawis death is: "Damn, they missed Breen!"
Since we don't know what really happened to alyx, you should hope the Vortigaunts can raise people from the dead, or better yet, Alyx just had her nap!
You put your face over a burning candle till your skin peels off, all the while shouting, "Marry me, Alyx!". :eek:
You speak the Vortigaunt language and Combine Newspeak in your daily life.
26. When you keep looking at the hug scene of the two lovers: Gordon Freeman & Alyx Vance.
28. If you constantly see a creepy hobo following you and realise that he hasn't followed you since you played Episode One.
30. your last train ride ended... badly
31. If the batteries you put inside your flashlight never last very long
32. You are thinking of ways to please Alyx. However, you find that she has already fallen down the cliff when you decided to do something for Alyx.

33 You try not to use flashlight and sprint at the same time.