You Knows It

is a townie the UK equivelant of "white trash"?
oh ok...i refer to them as "skid marks" know like the kind you get on yer underwear if you have an "accident"
Heheh, I annoyed a charve so much a while ago that him and his friends started threatening to knife me. Such nice people...

Funny thing was they got kinda scared of me when I laughed in their faces and told them that If I saw a knife I would legaly be allowed to use self defence to the point of seriously injuring them or if I felt my life was threatended I could even kill them!!!

Yeah, they kinda just give me evil looks now. :thumbs:

(note: I dont like knives and If I did see one I would probably run for it. But my plan worked. They pissed off instead. :) )
or they could just shoot you the next time they see you ;)
CptStern said:
oh ok...i refer to them as "skid marks" know like the kind you get on yer underwear if you have an "accident"

Heh, that reminded me of a joke. I can't remember it exactly but its something like

"What do you do when you see a townie barely alive from being run over? Reverse"

Damnit, forgot about that possibility!!!

Oh wait, wait...

Its an imposibility because they barely have the brain capacity to work a knife let alone something with a mechanism ;)
ComradeBadger said:
Dedalus, did you listen to the tracks? :)

yeah quite funky actaully, and damn hilarious.

"i buy mines from matalans clart" :LOL:
Indeed :)

Try and get Dog Porn, which, is nearly the most revolting song ever.. but :LOL:
I'm quite fortunate in my area really...most of the townies and scallys are quite young. The town i live in is also a little too upmarket for them, so most nights, especially at the weekends, they go off to the next town "Ashton Under Lyne".
In Scotland we call them:

NED's : Non Educated Delinquents
Schemes - Schemies - Scum : Derived from "Housing Schemes"
Pleb : Derived from Plebeian :Definition: [n] one of the common people

To be honest thats all I can think of but im sure there must be more :eek:

I supose its a spur of the moment thing as well i.e. Ned walks past and says something about my mum, I question his sexual orientation, and point out if both his parents are white... why is he black...

Oh yeah, good ned joke:

What do you call the box on the end of a satellite dish....? A council house! :D
LOL he is mr. roboto!!! on a bike!!!

you can do the robot with JC...
ComradeBadger said:
Not really, for an accurate definition check out or

Comade, that site's great! Although I'm shocked and very disapproving that Mike "The Streets" Skinner only got a 2/5 "Chav Rating" The man is worthy of far far far more than that. He's great.
A fair few of those ratings are bollocks anyway (Jim Davidson!? I think someone was just trying to think of annoying working class people who were famous wich is WRONG - it sends out the wrong message)
My favourite term at the moment is "Scally" but townie is good also.
It doesn't mention "Rude Boys", but then that's something different I suppose.
Now let's start on those irritating mid-adolescent nu-metal tw*ts.
Scuse me whilst I jump up on my very stylish and oh-so-retro-ish-cool high-horse. SEE how it has Allstars for hooves, its mane covering one eye and battered denim for its hind-quarters. It is mighty.
I'm such a dirty pretentious indie kid.
On topic of GLC - my mate used to be taught by one of their mums :)
Dunno who, or what subject, I forget.
Dont worry mate, this thread is for British people really.. :p

Understandable if you dont know what the hell were on about lol
Yeah iv known about these for about a year or so now, but now they starting to get big.
you heard the 1 called "your mothers got a penis"?

very funny :naughty:
el Chi said:
A fair few of those ratings are bollocks anyway (Jim Davidson!? I think someone was just trying to think of annoying working class people who were famous wich is WRONG - it sends out the wrong message)

Well, Jim Davidson might not be a chav, but I think they gave him an honourable mention just because he's such a total twankunt. just gonna stand over here and not know what youre talking about....
Jammydodger said:
Yeah iv known about these for about a year or so now, but now they starting to get big.
you heard the 1 called "your mothers got a penis"?

very funny :naughty:
Yeah, thats song is genius...

G to the L to the C clarts! said:
Thats right, you know what I'm saying, your mother's offering me the goods and I'm not paying. It started as a laugh, a bit of a joke, something funny to say when I was having a smoke... I first heard of this bloke this ****ing rumour going round, your mother's reputation, it's not sound.
She's saving up her pennies hoping they turn into pounds to have an operation to swap her gender round. It's a shock to me, and it's a shock to you, your mother's got a beard, sandals and a penis to.
It don't look right, when she's walking down the street, to see her ball-bag jiggling to the beat of her feet.

I say Your Mother's Got a Penis
Man we call them waynes or trevs or traceies, basically their most common name denoting their group. I hate them all with such a passion, with their 'tooned up moters and their kappa pro shell suits' they roam the streets looking for places to die.
Ever tried townie baiting? Walk past a group of townies and pick one that hurls abuse and threatens to "Kick yer arse". Stand your ground a minute and let him get up in your face, as they do when they have 10 mates with them Leave. Wait untill the townie is alone. This can be achived by sitting at the end of the park they frequent (They always have a frickin park) and wait till he goes to buy 10 Lambert and Butler. As soon as he is out of ear shot of his mates, walk straight up to him, push him backwards, move back up to him, get your nose less than an inch from his, and hurl the same sort of abuse at him as he threw at you. Make the same threats he did, but act confident enough and he will think you will do it. Keep this up untill you get one of the following and mark yourself appropriatly.

*He pushes you back and walks away - 1
*He pushes you back and stands his ground, ending with him trying to hit you (At which point you break his nose. Legally) - 2
*He stands there and looks scared then runs off - 3
*He stands there and apologises - 4
*He starts to cry - 5
*He releases some sort of body fluid (Not including spitting at you) all over his adidas :) (You will prob have to act quite phyco to get this effect) - 10

Try it some time, its great fun
Well, as I live in London I wouldn't put it past many of the snot-nosed little tw*ts to knife me.
But generally you'd probably be right - many of them are just playing up.
Oh, and the sites appear not to work anymore... Argh.
Thats ok. If they pull a knife, chuck a fist full of coppers on the road (Take a pocket full ready) and run away whilst they pick them up. You get no points for this, but if any get run over you get 7 points for each. 9 if its some sort of HGV. :)
Heheh, just remembered another story concerning such "people"

Neway, my friend was out on the town getting drunk. And once he was fairly out of it some chava/townie/littlebastard nicked his hat.....

My mate them proceeded to run after the chava, hit him and then steal his money and his cigerettes..... lmao!!!

(He isnt normally like that. But alchahol does strange things :p)
I've had a nice conversation with one once.. it did mostly consist of the word arse, as I was off my face...

But we parted civily :)
Link said:
Thats ok. If they pull a knife, chuck a fist full of coppers on the road (Take a pocket full ready) and run away whilst they pick them up. You get no points for this, but if any get run over you get 7 points for each. 9 if its some sort of HGV. :)

Reminds me of a story someone told me - a townie asked for 20p for the phone (as they always do), at which point my friend flicked a 2p coin very aggressively at him. He looked startled for a moment but retrieved the coin anyway.

Then another time when one asked for the time (translating as "gisuz ya phone blud") and we pointed out the church clock tower. He wasn't too happy about that :bounce:

Another link I saw somewhere: What is a chav? Might even have been this site, but I can't remember