You might not want to be in New York this weekend


May 5, 2004
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Emergency management officials are gathering to prepare for the possibility that New York city residents would have to be evacuated if Hurricane Irene strikes the city.

The city's Office of Emergency Management Commissioner Joseph F. Bruno said today they've been consulting with the National Weather Service. He says officials are predicting a strong tropical storm with 40 to 60 mph winds that could hit New York City around midday Saturday. In a worst case scenario, the city could face a Category 1 storm with more than 72 mph winds and a dangerous storm surge affecting low lying areas.

New York City usually just gets the remnants of storms that were once hurricanes, not hurricanes themselves. When hurricanes have landed a direct hit, the precedent is pretty awful:

According to New York City's Office of Emergency Management, the last hurricane to pass directly over the city was in 1821 — and it caused tides to rise 13 feet in one hour, flooding all of lower Manhattan to Canal St

Up on the shore they work all day Out in the sun they slave away While we devotin' Full time to floatin' Under the sea
Good lord. Clearly someone on the US East Coast has seriously offended almighty God this week. Which one of you was it?

Every time they say the name of that storm, I think of that film. WICKED PISSAH, OUR CLAMS ARE GONNA GET SANDY, WICKED PISSAH FROM BOOOOYYSTON. Oh and better get the Sam Adams as the potable drinking wahtahhh... :cheese:
Sunday was supposed to be the day I moved into college, now their planning on postponing it. **** this hurricane.
Hang on a sec... didn't New York legalize gay marriage recently? :p

It's gawd's wrath I tells ya!
but the south is tornado alley and they're as close to jebus as one can get without killing themselves (please lord have them kill themselves).
All units, Irene. I say again, Irene.

****ing Irene!

EDIT: ****... Hool beat me... and in a cooler way. **** YOU HOOL! <3
Pretty much North Carolina is getting the CAT 2, and it's in Maryland atm. When it gets to NY it looks like a CAT 1 then a sloppy tropical storm when it hits MA. Max Payne anybody?
Good lord. Clearly someone on the US East Coast has seriously offended almighty God this week. Which one of you was it?

Me probably. He seems to throw storms at me all the time. I moved to Louisiana DURING hurricane Gustav, went through a few more minor hurricanes/tornadoes while living there, then I move back to CT and we get the worst winter in decades with massive snowstorms. Now He's throwing more hurricanes at me. **** YOU GOD, LEAVE ME ALONE.
Irene should've hit the East Coast a few days ago, but it was just waiting for Ellen McLain and John Patrick Lowrie to stop their autograph signings and return home from New York before heading in to tear shit up.

True story.
Me probably. He seems to throw storms at me all the time. I moved to Louisiana DURING hurricane Gustav, went through a few more minor hurricanes/tornadoes while living there, then I move back to CT and we get the worst winter in decades with massive snowstorms. Now He's throwing more hurricanes at me. **** YOU GOD, LEAVE ME ALONE.

He's probably trying to take us both out at once.
I moved to Florida during their blast of 4 hurricanes in a summer, like 6 years ago.
Now Earthquakes and hurricanes in my Massachusetts.
Thundering, lightening, raining, and gusting outside like a son of a bitch right now.
Scary shit.

Candles, fully charged mp3 player, pots and bottles of water, canned food, and junk food standing by.
Good supply list. Hopefully you don't need to use it. I don't think my family was ever that well prepared, even living in Houston. We were pretty lucky probably. Worst that ever happened was tree limbs falling on the car and cracking the windshield, car stalling, and a little roof leak.

Pittsburgh's got nothing except really gross humidity, and it's cloudy. But it's always cloudy, so nothing new.
Thundering, lightening, raining, and gusting outside like a son of a bitch right now.
Scary shit.

Candles, fully charged mp3 player, pots and bottles of water, canned food, and junk food standing by.
Calling BS on that one. It's been a downpour with drizzles then regular rain over and over all day with no wind. Plus it's sticky out but not the hot sticky kind. I'm near Lowell, MA. *TBH I just hope I don't lose power when Breaking Bad comes on tomorrow night.
The state of CT is sending out automated phone calls saying to keep in doors and etc, and that the power may be out for several days, if not longer. ****, right before the Red Orchestra 2 beta.
Awesome. The entire state of Connecticut is included in the worst possible expectations for the storm.


Awesome. The entire state of Connecticut is included in the worst possible expectations for the storm.
I'd be far more worried for the rich jerks on the sea coast (tbh I want them wiped off the map). I'm pretty sure you will be ok. The worst is probably your typical Nor'Easter without snow. However what I would do is turn on your AC machine and check from time to time your basement (if you have one). The wind will blow the rain inside your house and it's gonna feel like a jungle outside. Mainly I'm worried about family in Waltham as they live on the bottom of a hill and have a driveway with a steep pitch to the garage. I hope their sump pump can handle it.
I'd be far more worried for the rich jerks on the sea coast (tbh I want them wiped off the map). I'm pretty sure you will be ok. The worst is probably your typical Nor'Easter without snow. However what I would do is turn on your AC machine and check from time to time your basement (if you have one). The wind will blow the rain inside your house and it's gonna feel like a jungle outside. Mainly I'm worried about family in Waltham as they live on the bottom of a hill and have a driveway with a steep pitch to the garage. I hope their sump pump can handle it.

Yeah, I'm almost positive our basement will flood. The sump pump will only work for as long as we have electricity. Also, who said I wasn't one of the rich jerks on the coast? You'll recall that our entire southern border is coastline. But nah, I'm inland. Though I'm close to the Connecticut River, which connects to the ocean and will most certainly flood.
Damn, hearing the winds on tv never tells the truth, it's nothing compared to the real thing.
Yeah, I'm almost positive our basement will flood. The sump pump will only work for as long as we have electricity. Also, who said I wasn't one of the rich jerks on the coast? You'll recall that our entire southern border is coastline. But nah, I'm inland. Though I'm close to the Connecticut River, which connects to the ocean and will most certainly flood.
You got Long Island to shield you and besides, if you were on the coast you would know what you might get living there. It's 7AM and ya, it's windy outside but I have seen this stuff before. Just the news dramatizing it. Also:

So it's not as bad as expected, I take it? Nine deaths isn't a lot for an alleged "super storm".
Any deaths are too much.

But, yes, the storm is officially here and nearly gone too.
Windy as a motherf*cker and there's some drizzling but nothing as bad as it was yesterday when we were getting the whiplash of it.
It's only reached Connecticut so far (it's about 8am there) and is soon to move northwards to New York / Massachusetts / New Jersey. There is a lot more damage it will be doing, it's still early days.

Also it is ridiculous to rate a storm as being 'super' based on the amount of deaths it causes. The preventive measures which have been set-up in response to Irene have been immense to specifically keep that number down. This is still a very large and powerful storm...only 600 miles wide!
Actually the last 2 hours it's become far worse. It's really windy outside with tree limbs and crud flying everywhere.
Its still windy out but it looks like its mostly over where I am. Nearly half a million people in CT are without power, more than 4 million in all of new England so far, hooray for not being one of them! Some branches and shit came down, but whatever. It was also not a hurricane by the time it hit CT, just a tropical storm with winds no faster than 65mph. We did supposedly get two months worth of rain already though.
Power came back after being down for 9 hours, god damn.

I... I had a chance to be productive around the house and I took advantage of it!
I never want to experience this ever again.
No power/internet loss, nor anything particularly exciting happening in Boston. They shut down the subway service last night (and kept it down all day today) but so far it has mostly been wind. It's been raining a bit, but looking outside, I haven't really seen any flooding, here at least.

Kind of a wimpy storm, to be honest.
And it killed 18 people along with causing a fair bit of destruction.
I think he meant in comparison to some storms. I don't think he meant "It's not much of a loss".

If he did, well eh.
I think he meant in comparison to some storms. I don't think he meant "It's not much of a loss".

If he did, well eh.

It was kind of a joke on my part.