Your beliefs on marrage.

EDIT: Sorry guys, I missed out a page :eek:. This post is now rendered irrelevant. Damn.

Foxhound888 said:
Firstly you proved nothing.
All you said is that i can't give any logical reason why two gays shouldn't be together/married. Don't tell me that i can't prove anything when you can't either,

Here's a little thing about debate - you have to use logic in your arguments. If you don't, then thats just arbitrarily plucking things out of the air with nothing to back them up. Also, you are the one who made statements suggesting the persecution of millions of people, therefore the burden of proof is on you. I don't have to prove anything.

for instance you didn't even name the culture that accepted being gay as normal...i don't doubt that there was one out there but i'm pretty sure that they were wiped off the face of the planet for a reason(the great flood:p ).

Ok, I didnt think it would be nessecary, but there was (for example):

Ancient Greece You know, those guys who invented Democracy, Maths, the Theatre, Philosophy and guess what? Logical Thought! Something I suggest you familiarise yourself if you wish to be taken seriously on this forum.

The secular world is the one that supports gay rights how can i make an argument against gay rights that's secular?

Easy: you can't. And if you can't give me an argument that isnt based on religion then you'd better give up now. Religion has no place in politics or lawmaking, frequently it will only serve to infringe upon the rights of people who do not subscribe to that religion. Again, lets hear an argument against Homosexual marriage that has some legal standing.

The only thing that i can think of is giving you an estimated "best fit line" for what the world is coming to in regards to who can marry who: People will marry animals and have sex with them(it will be widely accepted by people like you), people will have sex with dead people and be able to marry them(necrophiliacs).

An animal cannot give consent. To have sex with an animal would be rape of an innocent creature, which is wrong. Same goes for Necrophilia, not to mention the fact that it would be extremely insulting to a person's memory, and distressing to the family. A same-sex marriage is consentual, and between two adults who wish to share their lives together. Who are we to deny them that right?

Your right when you notioned to the fact that sex isn't the only thing marrage is for but the fact is that the sex has alot to do with keeping a marriage together and if you really consider gay sex the way things are supposed to happen you've got problems.

Why? Arguments please, not baseless statements and accusations.

Its almost like asking a mentally retarded person to run in government positions, basically we're letting semi-retarded people gain rights that you licentious people don't understand is wrong.

Hmmm, mentally retarded eh? Are you suggesting that just because people prefer the company of one gender to another, that they are mentally inferior to the rest of the population? That is probably the most stupid thing that ive ever heard. Again, lets have some stats to back that up please.

You cannot generalize our medical practitioners as being in agreement that gays have mental problems: oh so lets just say their different, well don't we call mentally disabled people different or special?:dork:

Again: stats please? And please sont compare gay people to the mentally disabled if you have nothing to back up that (frankly offensive) assumption.

Don't you guys honestly think that gay people get all sorts of diseases from doing eachother in the butt for a reason?

Examples? And please dont say AIDS, because straight people get that too you know!

The answer is right in front of you all and you don't see it, how can i be more clear. Opposites do and always will attract just how it's ment to be in nature, until someone can prove me otherwise my beliefs and thoughts are completely logical.

When rimfire was destroying that other idiots argument, he metioned this:
Homosexuality is found in nature, therefore it is NATURAL. OH NOES! D:

A few things to think about:
With the legalization of homosexual marriage, every public school in the nation will be required to teach this perversion as the moral equivalent of traditional marriage between a man and a woman.

Again - please explain (without resorting to religion) why that would be a bad thing. Also, I'd like some assurances that schools would actually be required to do so, please.

The implications for children in a world of decaying families are profound. Because homosexuals are rarely monogamous, often having as many as three hundred or more partners in a lifetime(some studies say it is typically more than one thousand).

Heterosexuals are less and less monogamous today as well. Got problems with that, or is it just teh gheys that you have a problem with? Also, please link to these studies, so that we know you arent pulling them out of your backside. Also, prove to us that Homosexual couples aren't faithful once they are married.

We’ve already seen evidence from the Scandinavian countries that de-facto homosexual marriage destroys the real Mc Coy. These two entities cannot coexist because they represent opposite ends of the universe. A book could be written on the reasons for this collision between matter and antimatter.

That really doesnt make any sense. Another lesson on debate - using badly thought out and totally inappropriate analogies do little to further your argument.

These are just a few "logical" arguments i dug up.
Dario D. said:
-Your maths fail to present any indication of an increasing trend.
1990: 2.8%
2000: 9.7%
= an increasing trend.

That would be true if the total human population count didn't change, and well it has. If anything there are too many humans. Eventually the planet will be consumed by us and that would not be a good thing.

You fail at logic!
Mechagodzilla said:
Go figure.
Mister Morality broke the rules in an attempt to senselessly persecute a minority group.

I wonder if there is a lesson here...?
To his credit, he did reveal his actual issue with gays in his dying breath: "BUTTSECKS IS ICKY LOL!~!@@$#~"

Stupidity is lovely ;)
straight people have anal sex too.

yes we would die out if EVERYONE was gay. but they aren't

so gay people can't reproduce. so what? this is about marriage and two people who love each other should be able to marry. also, there are plenty of children who need homes.

one of my gay friends is contantly telling me about her daydreams about getting married and having kids just like everyone else. she imagines that she'll probably get a sperm donor, or adopt. but this is straying off the issue. my point is, if she loves her girlfriend, why shouldn't she be allowed to marry her? even if you are homophobic, how is marriage going to hurt you? they're still gay even if they aren't married.
There are many reasons to marry. My mom married my step-dad partly out of financial need. They both had two children to take care of, and putting them all under one roof saved a boat load. They love each other, sure, and I know they appreciate each other, but financial worry is a good motivator.
you don't have to marry to live together. but if you live with someone and their child, you should marry, otherwise you have no legal right to that child (if you are not the father)
rambler said:
you don't have to marry to live together. but if you live with someone and their child, you should marry, otherwise you have no legal right to that child (if you are not the father)

There are also tax benefits, along with a plethora of other, marriage-required, benefits.
The only reason to really get married is for the tax benefits. I mean, do people truly in love need to get married? No. That's just crap society has fed us.
DeusExMachina said:
The only reason to really get married is for the tax benefits. I mean, do people truly in love need to get married? No. That's just crap society has fed us.

Getting married is like saying to the one you love, "I love you so much, I'm going to give away half my shit, 3/4 of my free time, and only receive 1/2 as much pussy."

That's love, baby.

anyway, in responce to YOU deusex, it may be a facet of our society, for a long time i thought it was pointless too. but saying 'i love you' is also a something that out society has made important. marriage is about declaring your love for each other to everybody around you, and to each other. you're saying that out of everybody in the world there's no one you would rather be with.

sorry... i can get a bit mushy sometimes. i blame it on the fact that for most of my life the majority of my friends were girls.
I bet if we polled women on this subject the answers would be drastically different ..and that's all that matters because in the majority of cases it is the woman who wants it (children etc) not the men, it's their big day ..we're just along for the ride ..anyone who says differently is lying to themselves ...everything, I mean everything is centered around the woman guys need to hit 30 and still be single, I guarentee your opinion will change by then
Nice to see you back Pes. :D

The problem with all these arguments against homosexuality is that they rest entirely upon some very bullshitty claims.
Basically it's a crazyhouse of stupid and baseless arguments leaning upon each other.

1. Homosexuality is a communicable disease or some sort of extremely virulent meme.

The evidence for: some stats which don't conclusively prove a trend (although they do suggest it). All they prove is that more people are admitting they have had homoshensual relations in the past. If society is indeed, as Dario posits, more accepting in general of GAY (!!!) then this suggests the statistics represent two things: 1). People are more willing to explore sexuality. While this may suggest that GAY isn't necessarily beyond conscious control, it doesn't anywhere near prove that universally. 2). People are more willing to admit it without fear of disgust and disapproval. It should also be noted that 'non-genital sexual encounters' are probably not always any indication of any 'spread' of homosexuality.

Certainly the huge amount of people who have been exposed to homosexuality in the media yet remain straight seem to suggest this particular claim is a load of old balls.

2. Gay parents make gay children

The only evidence apart from 'lol duh' is anecdotes: these are A. isolated and B. can be countered with several opposing annecdotes: an ex-girlfriend-of-mine's mum was a lesbian, and she was concieved through artificial insemination. She wasn't gay. A guy named Stephen I know, who is gay, had straight parents. Both of these provide evidence that opposes the assumption that sexual orientation is passed from parent to child during upbringing. While nobody knows where homosexuality comes from (upbringing? biological?) the fact that it happens in animals with little in the way of parental upbringing suggests it is at least in part determined entirely independently of the sexual orientation of the parent.

3. Homosexuality is disgusting.

So are fat people. So what?

4. Homosexuals can't produce children.

- Yes they can.
- Niether can infertile couples - naturally anyway.
- The purpose of marriage is not to produce children.

5. Acceptance of homosexuality inevitably means the end of society.

Go and look at Mecha's post with a load of societies where homosexuality was widely accepted. It should be noted that often, the end of society would depend on the 'spread' of homosexuality. It seems unlikely that homosexuality is actually spreading or could do to the point where it threatens population levels. Besides, we've got science. So actually it wouldn't matter.

6. Homosexuality inevitably descends into bestiality/necrophilia/paedophilia.

- Evidence?
- I invoke Mecha's clever rule: can't remember the exact wording but it's to the effect of "as long as things are between consenting adults the 'slippery slope' argument is total tripe."

6. Something about homosexuality being a mental disease/links with STDs/blah bloody blah.

- Evidence?
I apologise to the people who've already seen this. It's obligatory.

01) Being gay is not natural. Real Americans always reject unnatural things like eyeglasses, polyester, and air conditioning.

02) Gay marriage will encourage people to be gay, in the same way that hanging around tall people will make you tall.

03) Legalizing gay marriage will open the door to all kinds of crazy behavior. People may even wish to marry their pets because a dog has legal standing and can sign a marriage contract.

04) Straight marriage has been around a long time and hasn't changed at all; women are still property, blacks still can't marry whites, and divorce is still illegal.

05) Straight marriage will be less meaningful if gay marriage were allowed; the sanctity of Britany Spears' 55-hour just-for-fun marriage would be destroyed.

06) Straight marriages are valid because they produce children. Gay couples, infertile couples, and old people shouldn't be allowed to marry because our orphanages aren't full yet, and the world needs more children.

07) Obviously gay parents will raise gay children, since straight parents only raise straight children.

08) Gay marriage is not supported by religion. In a theocracy like ours, the values of one religion are imposed on the entire country. That's why we have only one religion in America.

09) Children can never succeed without a male and a female role model at home. That's why we as a society expressly forbid single parents to raise children.

10) Gay marriage will change the foundation of society; we could never adapt to new social norms. Just like we haven't adapted to cars, the service-sector economy, or longer life spans.
some of those are actually true. one time, i was sitting on the sofa with my lesbian friend and her gf and i realised i too, a man, was attracted towards women. just like the gays!! ahhh, it's contagious!!
If you love that person, then that's all that matters.

Wow, I just owned everyones arguements with one sentence.
Tr0n said:
If you love that person, then that's all that matters.

Wow, I just owned everyones arguements with one sentence.
What if you are mentaly imbalanced and you love a goat?
Well you love a goat might be ****ed up, but hey each his/her own.