Your favorite beer

...I can't drink:(
But the closest thing to alcohol I am eligable to drink here in Canada is Coke Cola. But it still has cocaine.
i wanna try a sam adams light... just so i can scream at the bar :P
Only american beer I like is Sammy Adams......every other massproduced american beer has no flavor whatsoever.
Why are we talking about beer here? This reminds me of the "What drugs have you tried?" and "What crimes have you committed?" threads.
Though not as serious, it's certainly disconcerting.
Watch what you post, remember, this forum is non-age restrictive.
Spiffae said:
That's not healty.
And other beers are, what? Part of a weight-loss and healthy-kdney program diets?
If only.
Byrthuh wayee. Uh'll havaGrolschtooo p-leeeze. N,notaboddle - a PINT. Heh heh. Whoah... <Slams down on floor> Ha! Thufloor fell off my feet! :laugh:
<Passes out>
Javert said:
Why are we talking about beer here? This reminds me of the "What drugs have you tried?" and "What crimes have you committed?" threads.
Though not as serious, it's certainly disconcerting.
Watch what you post, remember, this forum is non-age restrictive.
huh? drugs? crimes? umm, alcohol is not an illegal substance.. should threads about cars be banned since you have to be of a certain age to drive them? call down and have a drink, if you're old enough :)

Y'know Javert? Joo need tuh lllightennn upabit! 'Ssssnot like w'rrr 'nforming thuh kidzzz howtooo shhootup or prr'pare mmmushr'ms. Here! Have a drink. <Passes shoe>
Ha! 'sssmy shooo! Ha!
<passes out again>

Well, certainly not the morning after, when you remember what you've said.

Oh, and seriously Javert, no there's no age restriction here but in the UK we're allowed to drink 18+, in other EU countries, it's lower. But seeing as it's 21 in the US, should this thread be 21+ only?
And can I have my shoe back please?
Lil' Timmy said:
huh? drugs? crimes? umm, alcohol is not an illegal substance.. should threads about cars be banned since you have to be of a certain age to drive them? call down and have a drink, if you're old enough :)

Alcohol is subject to possible substance abuse and requires responsibility. Being in college, I would know. That's all I'm saying, and this thread isn't too proactive about it. And no, threads about cars should not be banned for obvious reasons. :dozey:
And this is just my opnion, I'm not a moderator or some high role model, just saying what I think.

Yes, and take your shoe Chi, it smells. ;)
i suppose i feel that personal responsibility is the responsiibility of the person, javert. note that the vast majority of college-esque functional alcoholism involves cheap vodka and shit beers in kegs or 88-packs for $5.99 or something. here i'm promoting the appreciation of beer as a fine food, and brewing as a craft. i'm doing what i can to fight the tyranny of harmful alcohol!!! let us join hands!
hell i even made an art project in director mx about drugs and drug laws, but i tried to promote responsibility with it too... i'd say even something like that is "safe" to be viewed by youngsters. i think the point is education so that each person may make responsible decisions. take D.A.R.E. for example... you don't learn shit about drugs or any of that, all you learn is to stay away and to say no, basically... which isn't enough to overcome natural curiosity. i think timmy's motives here are just fine. i used to think beer was nasty, but then after i got old enough to drink at bars or restaurants or whatever, i saw beer as no different from say something "gentlemanly" like fine wines.

btw, sorry if i am sounding stupid or trollish... (god i never thought i'd say "trollish" ack!) but i'm very tired heh :(:)
lmao haha.. oh dear, did i ever post here drunk? i hope not... i forgot to mention, i also like murphy's ... another stout. also i heard that... voodoo... something something is a good beer and umm doggy style something is pretty good. and some of those rasberry wheat beers ag good too. wtf.. did i even spell rasberry correly? it looks wong...

edit: shit... so many typos... i was gonna edit them out but meh i'm too lazy now... but oddly not lazy enough to make THIS edit... blahe lahea blah

a;lksdfnwao: i also like efes pilsen in turkey. :) ...

sakje;haoiujsalda: please believe me i'm not drunk i'm reid
wait..i love alcohol abuse and you could too, smoking also rocks but my chest hurts right now so i'll get back to you on that one.
My favorite beer would be stella artois because it's nice and strong and tastes good cold. Or Wadworth 6x because thats a brewer thats like a 5 minute drive from my house.
Mix it with Blackthorn (the stella) and blackcurrent and you have one of the nicest drinks, 3 of those with 3 double vodkas and lemonade and you'll have a great night...Trust me Kids, you'll all see sooner or later!
Actually, in the UK, you're allowed to drink at any age in your own home.

So... does not promote under-age drinking in any shape or form. Drink responsibly, and legally
I think budvar tastes like crap :O

At the moment, my fav's are bud (the proper one :D), and stella, although stella seems to get me drunk as soon as I've sniffed it ;(
ComradeBadger said:
Actually, in the UK, you're allowed to drink at any age in your own home.

So... you...erm. You wanna get drunk? <Falls over again>

Oh and for your information Star Monkey, you're actually wrong: Budvar is infinitely better than the "real" Budweiser ( Pfft :hmph: )
This is not my opinion, but scientific fact.
Jackal hit said:
vb? venereal bisease?

Victorian Bitter

we dont export our good beers out of australia (fosters is shit, so is XXXX)

so u may not have heard of it.

strong, gives me a headache if i get drunk off it. nothing else does.
I like all kinds of beers but KUNG and Sofiero(swedish) and Carlsberg(danish) and Heineken(dutch) my favoruites..
I dont drink, #1 reason is that I am 18, #2 reason is that I dont feel like it, I figure, why drink if I dont feel like it, may as well not start an addiction I may not be able to stop.
well, i prefer cocktails tbh. they just taste much better, and you dont have to piss like every 30 minutes.. :p
Well, im not really one for beer. In fact i think its pretty rank, although i do rather like Guiness every so often.

Theres a lot of beer that is chemical brewed, take stella for instance. That is probably what causes the majority of drink related crime in this country because its just so wrong.

Cocktails are deffinately better though....and womens drinks. All those multicoloured fruit drinks taste so nice but for some reason men are relegated to beer.

Deadline said:
I dont drink, #1 reason is that I am 18, #2 reason is that I dont feel like it, I figure, why drink if I dont feel like it, may as well not start an addiction I may not be able to stop.

How do you know you will get addicted?
Farrowlesparrow said:
Well, im not really one for beer. In fact i think its pretty rank, although i do rather like Guiness every so often.

Yeah, Im not really into beer myself either. I like stronger stuff more. But then there are a few beers which I like. There's one that's only brewed here in finland called Port, and it's only sold at one bar. Thats my fav. It's kinda like guiness only better, it's taste is more rich... and so is it's price, ringing in at 4.99€ a pint, it's one of the more expensive beers.
heh, sounds about right with the price. Although i think its a little cheaper here, in London you would have to...ahem...arf inch a sparkle wagon to mint one of them.(My poor attempt at cockney slang ;))
Ooo. Best beer ever = desparadoes (it's beer with a shot of tequila in it [thats if it's not bottled] tastes sooo good)
eww, i hate it.

btw, spanish beer in general is really bad, me thinks.
How about Sam Smiths Oatmeal. Or Arrogant Bastard Ale. Or Fuller's London Porter. The ol' standbys have to be Guinness, Boddingtons and Fat Tire at my house.
yeah, so far edmund fitzgerald is my fav porter.. but i've never had fuller's london porter (though i here it's good)

*add's another one to the list*
Farrowlesparrow said:
heh, sounds about right with the price. Although i think its a little cheaper here, in London you would have to...ahem...arf inch a sparkle wagon to mint one of them.(My poor attempt at cockney slang ;))
Yeah well with the prices here in London village, what are we talking?
"Hi, I'd like to buy a copy of The Zutons album. How much will that be?"
"Same as an Islington pint, mate."
"Aw sh*t. I've only got a tenner."
Favourite beer of all time? Honestly couldn't say. It depends on the pub I'm in to be honest. If it's the local Wetherspoons, it's John Smiths all the way. If I go to one of the quieter establishments, I might well be tempted to a pint of Hobgoblin.

Guinness is also a favourite of mine, and even Boddingtons on occasion (I've had some really bad pints of Boddingtons though, but some really nice ones too).

I'm not a lager man myself, but if I'm forced to drink it it's usually Stella or Budweiser (although Bud tends to be a little too fizzy for me). And for the Americans, in case you didn't know, british Budweiser (and beer in general) is a hell of a lot stronger than your pisswater ;)
Zerimski said:
I'm not a lager man myself, but if I'm forced to drink it it's usually Stella or Budweiser (although Bud tends to be a little too fizzy for me). And for the Americans, in case you didn't know, british Budweiser (and beer in general) is a hell of a lot stronger than your pisswater ;)
isn't budweiser a pilsner? anyway, sounds like you should try some real american beers. the boston brewing co. is probably the best mass market brewer (sam adams line), but great lakes brewing and sierra nevada are also very good, fairly popular lines. american beers tend to be hoppier, which is good if you like bitterness :) british beers are generally more balanced. but obviously there's a wide range.
It may well be, but as pilsner is a type of lager, I was correct ;)
I havn't had many different kinds of beer before since i'm underage. However from what I have tried my favorites are Guiness and Molsen Canadian.

/me gets taken away by the Canadian beer police. ;)
lol no we don't have beer police. I would probably just get talked too by some municipal police officer if they caught me.