Your favorite beer

i generally don't trust beer in a can. is that harloe (or whatever) good? or is it a 'party' beer?
Dedalus said:
when can we come round your place?

friday mate :P

the girl i bought it from had 1500 x 24(!!!) thats insane..

i generally don't trust beer in a can. is that harloe (or whatever) good? or is it a 'party' beer?

its some danish brew..i guess its a party beer its 5.9%
guinness is what i drink, but anything well rated on is worth trying, it's especially good if you have a liquor store that will let you make up your own 6 pack with 6 random beers, great for trying new beers.
Lil' Timmy said:
i generally don't trust beer in a can. is that harloe (or whatever) good? or is it a 'party' beer?

Easy there moneybags! Natural Ice (fondly refered to as Natty Ice by some) is not only a "party beer" -- it's awesome, and more!
i'm drunk now... i would heartily suggest no one tries the beers here in China, they are all very light and very shit.
lmao... i feel sorry for you, rupert. evne though i'm not a heavy drinker, it's great to have a nice beer when the mood strikes....
DarkStar said:
Easy there moneybags!
a fan of the nasty natty huh? well, i'll do you a favor and let you have all the beast, natty light, natty ice, etc.. that oyu want. i won't drink a single drop of it so there's more for you!