Your Favorite Game Ending (PC or console)

BRODIEMAN2k4 said:
Personally i thought halo's ending was pretty generic.

but i have to say i hated the ending of FFX, it actually made me regret spending all that time on the game and having to put up with Tidus (ARRGH such a whiney little bitch, i often had him die delibratly)
I can't say the best right of the top of my head, let me think first

I loved how Tidus dissipated into nothing :) I was so happy.

Halo's ending was simple, yet very intense and exciting.
AmishSlayer said:
I loved how Tidus dissipated into nothing :) I was so happy.

Halo's ending was simple, yet very intense and exciting.
Yeah but he went all happy and with closeur with Jecht. THAT SHOULDN'T HAVE HAPPENED.

He should have been tortured, then sent to i dunno Farplain hell
like many of you guys said, my vote goes to max payne to, i love the max payne chracter
Valve had no idea how to end it.
Personally I see no reason to end something that is not finished.(As the HL series are not finished).
I personally loved the HL2 engine but best of all...
Something that I will never forgot....
The Diablo 1 ending.
Sc: Bw Ending(Considering you played the secret level).
Also HL1
I'm gonna pick some of the lesser known games:
Half-Life 1 & 2
Planescape:Torment - if you do the best ending ('best' may not be the right word)
Eternal Darkness - 100% ending was interesting & final boss battle rocked
The Neverhood
Thief 2 - short but great, and better than thief 3 ending (i honestly predicted word-for-word the last part of thief 3's end scene before the game's release)
Monkey Island 2
Shadow Warrior - "You weak as baby fart. Go live in fear"
Planescape Torment
If you merge with the trancendent one

Time, mr. Freeman?
Sparta said:
Zelda: Ocarina of Time

Thread. Over.
There was nothing amazing about the ending. The final boss, and the transformation into Ganon: King of Evil, though, was ABSOLUTELY MINDBLOWING and is the best final boss EVER!
Narcolepsy said:
There was nothing amazing about the ending. The final boss, and the transformation into Ganon: King of Evil, though, was ABSOLUTELY MINDBLOWING and is the best final boss EVER!
That's what i consider as part of the ending though. The final boss, how he dies, and the cutscene afterwards.

If we're talking straight-up endings though...

System Shock 2! Best anti-climax ever award!
Secret of Mana (only game ever to make me cry), no doubt about it.
Psychanalysis05% said:
Secret of Mana (only game ever to make me cry), no doubt about it.

Probably my favourite game :) - but certainly one of the most disappointing endings (if what happens at the end can even be considered an ending :/ ......... nothing happens. You see the trio travel to a few places while the credits roll down, and that's it)
Psychanalysis05% said:
System Shock 2! Best anti-climax ever award!
That game is awesome,
"______honey whats wrong?"
Or something like that.
On the note of dx:iw How many were there I know of
THe one where you do what jc wanted
The one where you kill jc for the templars (where they hang you and billie i think)
The one where you kill everyone (People become those cyborgs eventually)

But where there anyothers I really did not like any of them especially the first
There's also

The one where you do what the illuminati want. I think that involved killing JC too.

Deus Ex was way better than Invisible War anyway. Don't get me wrong, IW was a great game, it was just too actioney and not enough espionage.

And the SS2 anticlimax was

After SHODAN gives you the offer of ruling the universe together, the character just stands there and says "...nah" and blasts her with burning vigor!
Warbie said:
Probably my favourite game :) - but certainly one of the most disappointing endings (if what happens at the end can even be considered an ending :/ ......... nothing happens. You see the trio travel to a few places while the credits roll down, and that's it)

Hey that game had a great ending, it made me cry because it was so emotional.
And yes, it is the best game ever thankyouverymuchbye.
Me and my best friend played that game through together and playing through the whole thing and finishing it with two people - especially if it's the first time through - is a wonderful experience.
I remember buying that game back in '96, best £20 I ever spent. I still have the orignal, boxed and with the manual.
Doom III's, The Sands of Time's, Quake II's.
I would've said Far Cry, but my Far Cry was bought from China and it was missing a lot of cutscene content-especially a great portion of the ending.
here are my fave game endings:

Final Fantasy 7
That bastard. He killed her. killed her.
he's ruined everything. my life. my love. by hope... am I really just a clone- a copy... of someone so evil?
I will kill him. I'll kill him and relieve myself of his burden. This is it. No turning back. It's time...
Sephorioth, time to face your destiny.

Metal Gear Solid
she... she never did anything to harm anyone...
She only wantled to follow in my footsteps. to become a great soldier like the men she heard stories about.
And i.... I let her down... that BASTARD ocelot, he killed her!
... was my fault..... I wasn't strong enough....
I'll make it up to her. I'll live the best life i can...

and then I'll replay the game with a turbo controller, so i can beat that damn torture chamber and get a RED BANDANA! muhahahha!
Damn, that kinda spiled the suspense didn't it?

Four minutes and counting.
Shit! gotta get to the dropship. I have no time... in four minutes this ring will be blown to smithereens!!! Get out of my way covenant ****ers, or i'll crush you under my warthog!

Yes! home free at last! my ride out of here is decending to pick me-
What am i going to do now... two minutes to find another dropship...
Theres one to the north?....damn, this is gonna be one hell of a ride...

and i'm sure there were loads more, but i really can't think of them right now...