Your favorite hero

Someone should set up us a 'random fact about short recoil' site :)
Fox Mulder, judge dred.

I always interpreted Judge Dredd as an utter bastard and a prime example of how not to go about law and order. :o

That said it is a pretty cool comic.
Short recoils,to extreme to be my hero.

It would be a dishounour to him.
my heros are all mostly villians that i wished were good guys.

:upstare: looks at avatar...

Mainly because they're so badass looking.


or Leo/Chris from Scrapped Princess
Short Recoil eats large amounts of orphans to maintain his supply of protein in preparation with his fight with the 5th form of Godzilla.

Is that random enough, Brick?
Yes... yes... its all working out as we planned, Garfield

<rubs his hands together with an evil gleam in his eyes>
Of course! Don't mess with Garfield_. He is like a ninja, waiting in your birthday cake ready to explode in a mass ub3r nova of destruction as he wields his katana with +16 walnut slaying.
Danimal said:
Of course! Don't mess with Garfield_. He is like a ninja, waiting in your birthday cake ready to explode in a mass ub3r nova of destruction as he wields his katana with +16 walnut slaying.

Indeed. Remember what he did to that cook?