Your favourite 3 forum members?

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May 17, 2003
Reaction score
Which members are your favourites here on List 3 users and
write a short text about why you like the user.

1. ComradeBadger - a legend.
2. Farrowlesparrow - another legend.
3. TDE - Excelent artist, great moderator..

(4.) All the swedish people on this board, Munro this would not be possible without you, all the mods and basiccly everyone else here that has been around since the start! You are all great people..

Wow that was harder than i thought. It will probably be pretty hard for you guys too. So you can add some extra people under the three if you like.
Baal made this really kewl video once
Qckbeam is just sexy

Umm, ionno anymore, i recognize people by their avatar not their names :-/

Anyone with a warning level is pretty neat though.
Don't have any favorites....I <3 everyone. *hugs*
Tr0n said:
Don't have any favorites....I <3 everyone. *hugs*
::Hugs::!! ^_^
Oh yea, Tr0n is pretty kewl too

Pretty much all the Off-Topic people are kewl...
Now those darn General Half-Life 2 people are just weird.
I must stress that all people on these boards are cool and unique people, and I must say, there are a few who I would genuinely call 'friends'

ComradeBadger said:
I must stress that all people on these boards are cool and unique people, and I must say, there are a few who I would genuinely call 'friends'


I love you.Lets make babies....NOW.
h00dlum said:
1. ComradeBadger - a legend.
2. Farrowlesparrow - another legend.
3. TDE - Excelent artist, great moderator..

*cough* Mod arse kisser *cough* :stare:

I dont have 3 favourites :angel:
im not gonna make this list and thats sad because im awesome

kage prototype
Everyone is cool in my opinion. I love all of you guys. Let's hug :D
I know this thread is just trash with an utter disregard for feelings, present here purely to encourage destructive competition between sycophantic madmen and those harbouring grudges or willing to indulge in favourist bouts of drivel to further their own ends...

But I love this forum :p

It's one of the few places on the 'net that I can be bothered to frequent. For every idiot that signs up there's a thousand funny, intelligent human beings ripe for me to argu- uh, interact with :D I couldn't just choose three of you guys, it'd be like betraying everything the place stands for...
Edcrab said:
It's one of the few places on the 'net that I can be bothered to frequent. For every idiot that signs up there's a thousand funny, intelligent human beings ripe for me to argu- uh, interact with :D I couldn't just choose three of you guys, it'd be like betraying everything the place stands for...

It stands for everything we dont stand for! also, it told me you guys stink!
Ennui, bliink, f|uke.

EDIT: If anyone mentions me, I'll give you a hug.
*removes bliiink from list*
nah joke, only one guy here on the forums, rumblefish :D that guy cracks me up, i dunno why!

rf (lol what a dude :) )

And you rest are tied for fourth. :)
Dont really know anyone on the forums. You all suck anyhow.
What about good old Icarus?
I mean, that guy totally owns
Too bad he doesn't post anymore
PvtRyan said:
Make babies, not love!
Making one or the other is fine
But i suggest you dont mix them
But babies are evil! See, even Google image search agrees with me: (and the guy with Google is smart he knows everything). They drink all the Icarus milk, leaving nothing for us.

Oh wait, I just told you to make babies eh? Ahh... yes..there are still minor loopholes in my theory. The solution: Make 50% love and 50% babies and 10% war for that 110% commitment!
Don't have any...I don't really know anyone here on a chatty level. :(

But, a fair share are nice and helpful, and the others are, well...
Ritz is a svelte and sophisticated character. HE IS A GLORIOUS INCARNATION OF PURE ABILITY, AND OUR LORD AND MASTER!

So, PvtRyan, basically your advice is thus: make love, but use protection to limit the baby-making levels. When accidents do occur, the overflow of babies can be removed after a decent timespan by making war- the babies, now adults, will be conscripted and demoralised by humanity's most horrific creation, severly limiting their destructive baby-powers.

Still can't think of anyone specific, but man, this thread is going to produce some golden moments :LOL:
1. SpuD
2. CrazyHarij
3. Murray_H (only because I call him IRON MAN!!!!)
1. Those with higher a postcount than me.
2. Those with the same postcount as me.
3. Those with a lower postcount than me.
:E 1 & 2 are better than 3 ;)
If I posted just three there would be wide spread panic and mass suicides from all my fans...

...*cough*thewoolenone, thehattedone, and crush *cough*
There's too much love in this forum, dammit! It sickens me!

My heart is made of ice! I love nobody!
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