Your favourite HL2 scene?

Aug 26, 2004
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What was your most favourite 10-30 second scene in HL2? Was it the first time you encounted Dog, Alyx or a Strider. Maybe it was just the thrill of the first 30 seconds of playing HL2. Or the last 30 seconds of playing HL2. Come on, you all remember how you felt at the end of HL2... you thought there was going to be another level didn't you :p
Possibly the first time you encounter a fast zombie, i think i actually might have crapped my pants :bounce:
in route canal when you're deep in the sewers and civil protection units come swinging down a rope. the music at that scene was insane too.
the fight at the lighthouse was a highlight.

as was follow freeman just before u get to the citadel and i was running away from one strider when another one where i was heading appeared by clearing loads of cars and rubble out the way. all i remember thinking was "shit"
THE GRAVEYARD. thats the most fun ive had in a game in ages, i mean killing a zombie with a box of magnum shells is satisfying to know that ammo isn't just useful in the gun.
G-Man56789 said:
Possibly the first time you encounter a fast zombie, i think i actually might have crapped my pants :bounce:
when you first see them or first fight them?
Yes, the graveyard was intense and where gregori got all flam-ed up.
when raced in the boat away from combine helicopter and there was a huge smokestack, felling over and I thought: "crap" and drove like insane, hoping to manage to do it to the other side but it crashed right onto me, which resulted, of course, in instant death. but it really was impressive.
The airboat chases are a highlight, but seeing dog for the first time beats it hands down.
When i walked from one room to another, and there was a combine soldier who looked exactly the same as the last one, and i shot him, and he died.
The railroad bridge.

I remember I thought something in the lines of "what a nice background element" when I saw it from far away, when the first train drives over it.

Then I thought "Wow, it's no background, it's an actual part of the game" when I realized I had to cross it with the buggy.

Then: "OMG I have to climb around in its supports!" when I realized that ;)
The game semed to amaze me from the start to the end. I was astonished by the big magnit- the one you use to move the buggy. Yes it rocked you could lift those grest big metal cantainer, I don't know how to call them, and you can lift metal object, stuck together. Yes, it rocked!
Also the Industrial scene where you're carried around in the metal casket!- Most amazing scene ever.
Mine would be teleporting all over City 17 at the beginning. Especially those final seconds in the office when Breen realizes who you are. Chilling stuff.
When you're on the boat and there's an explosion and a car comes spinning wildly at you, I was like, "Oh s***!" and then swerved and barely missed it.

another one is when you are near the citadel and there is a bomb in the parking lot, I had drained my HEV suit so I had my flashlight off, when that bomb went off I was so confused, so I threw a nade and it bounced off a car in front of me and blew me up, lol
I followed a Citizen through the train station, queueing up for the clothes, then followed him out into the town square and I saw the little scanners flitting about everywhere, and Metrocops standing around with their stun batons. These were my first 15 minutes in the Half Life universe having never played HL1 before and I was absolutedly terrified by the fact I was surrounded by enemies and I was utterly helpless. Just going through this while writing it down is giving me a warn feeling in my stomach. Valve truly are masters.
In the end of Nova Prospekt, when you jump off the window 3 or 4 Combine soldiers come backwards with their guns firing, then the door blasts and boom, the antlion guard presents herself! This was a very good scene, but afterwards of the scene wasn't good at all for I was busy trying to evade the antlion guard's charges :).
When the gunship lowered itself into the kanal in Route Kanal, just before the bit with the access-ways and the 'barnacle-slides.' I saw how nasty those dark sewer corridors were so I thought I'd try and avoid them by stepping back outside. I was met by dust, water and objects as they all got kicked up by the 'choppers machine gun fire.
The one thing about this game that was a truely beautiful moment that will stick in my memory when the rest of the game has faded is when, on Highway 17, I was driving the buggy out of one of those long tunnels, and as the light faded and the vista of the coast and highway was shown, the music started at the perfect moment.

MuToiD_MaN said:
I second that motion.

I third it!

At first I thought DOG was dead, because the APC rammed him into the wall really hard. I was like "Aww man" then all of a sudden, I hear the APC backing up, look and DOG is on top of it. "Hell yeah!" was my response, then DOG beats the APC into a can and throws it into the Combine taking cover in the building

When I saw the Citadel lauching hundreds of scanners from a cinematic background, I went "Cool.."
Alyx .VS. Combine

It was quite freaky when you enter this room,you open the door and a whole group of combine come whacking you!

And when Alyx wakes me up i say "what the" the first time i played

EDIT : My favourite part was chapter 13-14 when you travel high in the sky.
Oh god it was a lovely view down there :thumbs:
One of the most satisfying things, IMO, is feeding an explosive barrel to a barnacle (especially one in a big group), putting 2 bullets in with the pistol, and just letting it do what it does best... :thumbs:
When your heading for the mines, turn around, see Father Gregori back into the flames followed by Zombies. I just went, "Damn"
The whole beginning sequence of the game

Being teleported all over the place, including the Ichthyosaur about to eat you

When the Citadel goes on full alert and all the scanners just keep on flying out and Barney gives you the crowbar

Exploding stuff with barrels in Route Kanal

Meeting my 2nd zombie (the one that pops out of the swampy water and hits you)

Going in the airboat and the headcrab pod destroys the big chinmney which falls in your path: Me: "oh shit oh shit oh shit oh shit oh shit O_O!"

First fast zombie

Dog attacking combine

The sequence where youre in the tunnel and the strider blows up the debris and chases you

The assault on the citadel with the super gravity gun

The final ending sequence, so gripping.
"When the Citadel goes on full alert and all the scanners just keep on flying out and Barney gives you the crowbar"

i always thought those were birds
Sheikah42 said:
"When the Citadel goes on full alert and all the scanners just keep on flying out and Barney gives you the crowbar"

i always thought those were birds

Breens pigeon collection :LOL:

No, they are actually scanners...
There was one part, right before you get into the citadel, there's a little underground parking lot and you have a squad with you. A strider kept patrolling, so I ran from the building into the parking lot once the strider had its back turned. When I got in there, there was a big explosion and 4-5 combine were after me, and I started shooting everything at 'em and hiding behind a car. one of the combine came from behind a pillar, rushed towards me and hit me with a burst from his pulse rifle and killed me. Right then, music started playing, my body draped itself over the hood of the car, and I saw the combine guy who rushed me fire a burst into the chest of another of my allies, killing him. My head fell down to the hood, and a pair of combine rushed ahead at the same time, finishing off my squad. Finally, my head rolled over to the size, looking right into the eyes of my dead ally, who was propped against the car like me, with a look of utter disappointment in his eyes. The screen was filled with red and the dark music was playing.

Hah. >> I died. It was cool. So sue me. (That doesn't mean you, Lawyer.)
Nova Prospekt. Right after you scale the cliff (the fast zombie in the vent scared the crap outta me too) and come out of the sewers, you see all these guard towers. Chuck a pheropod over and watch the chaos :D
Sober said:
(the fast zombie in the vent scared the crap outta me too)
No kidding... you get up there and go "OH SH**!!!" I think the second time he just fell off the cliff... :dork:
Water Hazard was kinda cool sliding down the canals along with the combines chasing you closeley.