Your favourite HL2 scene?

greeny said:
All of breens speeches...marvellous writing. The best speech though is in nova prospekt where he's warning the troops of the consuquences if they don't capture you. (and the whole "doctor freeman is a theoretical physicist that barely earned the distinction of his phd" dr breen administrator of mankind sounded a little jealous. :angel:
Best part though was when you were travelling through the citadel in your coffin...chaos is breaking loose outside but inside it's all calm like the combine are not worried at all...but then you see why, they're getting prepared to send more troops, more striders, more gunships and even huge tanks are on their way and the farty little rebellion doesn't stand a chance :naughty:

My favorite part of HL2 was probably the initial run the Doctor Kleiners lab. You start walking real slow, people are being beatin on the streets, you start looking suspisious, then you the next thing you know your running from tons of CP's only the be rescued by the gorgeous and lovely Alyx..:D
man, this thread is old, still glad to see its going. I also like playing ball with dog :naughty:
The invasion of Nova Prospekt
When those antlions come over the cliffs and massacre the soldiers in the towers... *drools*
Remember the first chase scene? Running and realizing that the CPs mean buisiness when you realize they are beating the civs to death. At first im thinking they wont kill me and i see them beat the brains out of the people, then running and seeing the hordes of CPs charging up the stairs, giving you seconds to turn and go up.......then being pinned in the room with the CPs beating the door....and then thinking "CRAP" when you hear the door bust open.....original. I think that was my most intense part. The chase music set the mood. Ill never forget running along the rooftops with the pullets plinking around me and the CPs firing on me.....and then thinking its over when the CPs get you surrounded. Alot of suspense.
CrazyJeepDriver said:
The invasion of Nova Prospekt
When those antlions come over the cliffs and massacre the soldiers in the towers... *drools*
Just played through the first part of NP last night. Anyone here like me who tried the bugbait on the bull antlion?
definatly in water hazard. when the big smoke stack topples over.

i had the biggest grin as i drove past
I will say the part after you teleported out from NovaProspect, Dr. Kleiner opens the door with a shootgun in his hands, pointing it at me and Alyx, then you get to know there had been a week since you were in NP. And shortly after that the nice Dog-sequence comes:p
Probably my most favourite scenes are near the begining, when the combine soldiers raid the buildings, knocking on doors, and arresting people. What makes it so interesting is that the civilians try to help you continue moving.

That has to be one of my favourite scenes.
nova prospekt beach

sandtraps after the vortigaunt camp.. u turn off the thumpers instead of turning them on so as not to scare the antlions.. when u turn off the thumpers there's that female voice saying perimeter breach.. then the adrenaline pumping music starts when u assault the beach.. now the antlions are your allies instead of your enemies
btw any tips on surviving the 2 gunships at the end of sandtraps? im kinda stuck there and have to use cheats..
latterbuoy said:
any tips on surviving the 2 gunships at the end of sandtraps?
You mean in the prison courtyards? There are a few rockets lying around (hope you didn't waste any...)

Keep to cover, and remember that heavy battles often are accompanied by infinite ammo crates. Keep your eyes open for as you scramble about.
There's a big green crate with infinite rockets in when you fight the 2 gunships.

I liked the first chapter when you look outside and see the city, and of course "pick up the can"
Fredd2000 said:
My favorite scene must be when you ride that airboat ;)

I also thought that was cool, I don't see why so many hated that part. And first time I played that chapter, when that high thing fell down. MAN i turned my breaks on!!
First fight with Antlion Guard.
Second fight with Antlion guard. (Really cool how it knocked down some walls)
Third Fight with Antlion guard.(really cool how it could knock down the pillars)
Beggining of Our Benefactors when you come out of the sewer.
The very end.
Probably a lot, but a few I can think of off the top of my head:

1. The entire Point Insertion chapter. I wasn't following much HL2 news when I first got the demo, and was surprised to see the setting Valve chose. And even if I had known, it was beautifully executed.

2. Water Hazard, when that fast-paced music starts up and the helicopters starts dropping bombs all around you. That was one of the most andrenaline-pumping moments in the game. THe collapsing smokestack gets an honorable mention.

3. Highway 17, the entire chapter, but especially the bridge. I think it did a perfect job of communicating just how much the Combine ****ed up Earth.

4. Follow Freeman, walking out of the Nexus and seeing the giant Rebels vs. Striders battle, then participating in it. No-brainer.

5. Our Benefactors, the beginning when you walk out of the sewage pipe. I always spend a few minutes gawking at the Citadel before continuing on. Making the first few rooms of the structure empty and desolate was an excellent design choice.

6. Either pod rides in Our Benefactors. No explanation needed.

As you can probably tell, I'm big on atmosphere.
When I first got the upgraded gravity gun. And then I literally WRENCH Doctor Breen's monitor off and send it flying to a squad of Elite Combine. I felt like GOD.

remember the scene where the combine orders u to pick up the can?
another classic...

btw, a fun thing to do is you throw the can at him. I was a rebel second time I played the game. Grabbed the can, threw it at him. He came at me with the stun stick. I turned and RAN.
crazy russian priest, what a dude!
ravenholme rules
I love...

the atmosphere of the game world.

those trains.
The Bridge in Highway 17
It was just to impressive, i fell off and died about 30 times :p
the best scenes are : black mesa east when you take the elevator down to eli and when you see all the vortigaunts doing their business ... some are cooking etc. sandtraps , when that vortigaunt casts the electricity beam on the antlion guard to give you the pheromones.
3.the part in the citadel when you take the ride and see the business going on it it , how the gunships are built and the stalkers and the striders run around.
4.the very last scene when the game ends and the screen gets black,thats probably my favorite.
The bridge part everyone is talking about, is that where you are walking udner the one bridge, trying to unlock that one forcefield and almost get run over by a train once you do? My memory fails me

As for my faovrite scenes, there are tons of them. Here are a few:

1. Point Insertion. All of it. Best intro to a game I've ever come accross. Especially when the teleporter breaks and you get transported to Breen's office.
2. The end of Entanglement where you are transported to Kliener and find out its been a week since you actually teleported. That was quite shocking.
3. The road to Nove Prospekt where you have Antlions under your command. I loved this part, it was so fun.

I'm still on Anticitizen One. So I'm assuming there will be some great parts coming up.
I liked every intense part of the game. But my favorite part ( which isnt intense ) is when the G-Man does what he does best, 1. Elude, 2. Talk for an extened period of time, 3. Piss you off at the end. lol
There soooooo... many good parts to the game its hard to pick a favourite.

I decided that the moment where you open the doors from the trainstation and you look up at the Citadel and the square. I think that's when I realised that this wasn't like anything I've played before.
My favorite part was going into Ravenholm. The first area alone was the most fun I'd had in a long time.