Your favourite part?


Oct 4, 2008
Reaction score
mine is in the secondary silo.

there is something about obliterating all those combine in that enclosed space, so fun.
"Riding Shotgun" contains my favourite bits: first fight with the hunters, the advisor in the barn, the helicopter. The advisor scene was probably my favourite of all. Anyone else think, 'oh Shit, Mr Friendly is back!' when it cracked out its tentacle?

Wait, first person sexual assault isn't the reason why I love that scene or anything. It's just... uhm... cool.
Eli's comment about the supression field. I loved that scene and Alyx's reaction, a credit to Valve's animation and facial expression technology. It looked so damn realistic and human.

The smartass in the Silo who said that he beat Hunters to death with his fists and that the city was full of "AR3s" :laugh:
Eli's comment about the supression field. I loved that scene and Alyx's reaction, a credit to Valve's animation and facial expression technology. It looked so damn realistic and human.

The smartass in the Silo who said that he beat Hunters to death with his fists and that the city was full of "AR3s" :laugh:

"Riding Shotgun" contains my favourite bits: first fight with the hunters, the advisor in the barn, the helicopter. The advisor scene was probably my favourite of all. Anyone else think, 'oh Shit, Mr Friendly is back!' when it cracked out its tentacle?

Wait, first person sexual assault isn't the reason why I love that scene or anything. It's just... uhm... cool.

I always like the parts where Gordon gets to relax and chat with his pals, sooo near the end.
If only there were more parts were you are off duty and can talk to the rebels in some sort of base.
The final Strider battle (Could it be anything else?) I got so involved in the game at that point, I actually felt as if I were Gordon Freeman himself, it was probably the best experience I've had yet while playing a Half-Life game.
The final battle. It was sad, when it was over and there was nothing else to kill.
I've always considered the beginning bit in the antlion hives to be the weakest section, but thinking about it now it also contains one of the smaller scenes that I look forward to most. Gman's speech, Alyx's revival and the little prior scene in the elevator all give me a nice little thrill. It's so cosy when you're in the pitch black shaft, with only the glow from the extract in the vort's hands as he burbles about how awesome it is. The non-combat parts later in the silo are all highly enjoyable too.

As for gameplay, probably the final strider fight or the assault on White Forest Inn.
Probably the finale with all the striders.
My heart wouldn't stop pounding.

Or when you fight your first hunter.
I really like the part where you have to hold back the antlions while the vortigaunt is healing alyx. The music they put just gives me an adrenaline rush. Another part that I like is when you go to that facility and the hunter sorta like stalks you. When you go in the building to open the gate, you look back to the window there is and you see a the hunter running away.
Finally, FINALLY seeing White Forest with a garden gnome in tow. Then going in and tossing the bugger into the rocket.
Don't know if I can say I have a favorite moment. The end still gives me chills when I play it though.
"Ah, no pit would be complete, without a Freeman climbing out of it."

Made my day.

Other favourites include the antlion guards fight and the White Forest Inn onslaught on hard. Yeah, I just love dying. The secondary silo fight's also pretty rad, especially the first bit with the hunters.

EDIT: Oh, and the vortigaunt calls at the start.
The White Forest Inn battle. Also the antlion battle with Griggs and Sheckley.
I liked the journey in Riding Shotgun with the car, the car itself was awesome and the route was too.
Probably all the major set-pieces in the game. But, if I were forced to choose, I'd probably have to say the White Forest Inn Ambush. I remember feeling so disconcerted about how empty the whole place was, noticing a few unusual occurrences around the sidelines, and then jumping out of my seat when I smashed into the force field at full speed.
I would be amazed if one person that played through ep didnt get a boner when they heard the music play as you and the vorts got to slaughter the antlions. One of the greatest moments of the hl series.
My favourite part is when you fight both zombies and antlions in the mine with the vortiguant.

I would be amazed if one person that played through ep didnt get a boner when they heard the music play as you and the vorts got to slaughter the antlions. One of the greatest moments of the hl series.

What is the name of that song, anyway?
Vortal Combat

Got it on my iPod, that's how sad I am.
I really loved all the major parts in the game, so I can't choose one. But I really remember the antlion defence battle in the mines and also the ambush scene at that creepy little village. The whole ending chapter is really memorable to me, mainly because of that atmospheric credit music.
Vortal Combat

Got it on my iPod, that's how sad I am.

I have the entire Orange Box OST on my iPod plus Path of Borealis and its remixed retail cousin Triage at Dawn.

That's how sad I am
My faviourite part is when the striders are ****ing up the town :D and Dr. Kleiner is talking in the big TV then my eyes goes :O

:D Kidding have no the whole game is ****ing awesome. but the funniest moment is
"Barney: I still have nightmares from that cat
Kleiner: bla bla bla
Alyx: What cat?
Kleiner: bla bla bla
Alyx what cat?"
Hard to pick. Final battle was pretty cool, but I just wish Valve hadn't taken the soldiers out of it. I do hope they introduce a harder than hard mode like they said they would and have it alter the maps and not just enemy health and damage. If they applied it to the previous games they could reinsert the original EP1 elevator fight. But that's just wishful thinking.
Easily the ending. The moments leading up to it were intense for me. While Eli and Alyx were walking towards the elevator, I remembered what Valve said about a major character dying and how Half-Life games don't end happily.
"Oh shit. This is the end."
"Judging by what Gman said, Eli might die"
"Maybe Valve was trying to trick us when they said a major character would die?"
"Maybe there's going to be a twist on expectation."
"Someone's going to die here. But who? Alyx or Eli?"
fighting all the striders definitely that part is just insane, don't let them get near the silo!!!!!! lol also the ending, I actually stood up out of my seat and yelled WHAT!!!! after what happened, then I got mad cuz I couldn't continue playing any further, damn you Valve! Give us Ep. 3
Every moment in Riding Shotgun.

What can I say about Magnusson screaming :hmph:
Well, It's kind of hard for me to pick. By what my Gordon Freeman experienced durring the Half-Life games, I'd say I allways felt every gun shot or every sentence like I would If I was Freeman. One of those things that put me on my toes was the Tentacles in the original game, the intro with the monorail ride to Sector C, the moment where i was nearly killed by a satchel threwn in the pipe I was crawling in, the moment before I entered the portal to Xen and, of course, the final meating with the G-man himself.
There were lots of "Oh sh*t" moments, lots of swears, lots of symphaty to the killed scientists and security guards but never I was so pleased to see the G-man awakening me in the start of Half-Life 2. There was never a moment of dullness, never. Another good example is the chapter "Water Hazard" - oh boy, I was so pumped with adrenaline, my hands were shaking, I was so focused that I passed it without even one of those Roller mines to harm me, thats how drawn into the game i was.
I'd say lots of you got bored allready so let me just stop here, shall I. :)
Mine was the part right after you destroy the helicopter dropping mines when that guys helps to repair your car and you have to destroy that gun blasting at the zombies.
Been a while since i played... if memory serves, it was probably your first actual fight with the Hunters. I really like those guys.