Your favourite quote in all Half life games

In addition to my previous post,

"In the meantime... this is where I get off." -Gman, of course.

"Aha! No pit would be complete, without a Freeman climbing out of it!"

"[Retrieving the extract] may not be unchallenging." (Why can't he just say it will be challenging? I love this line)

- Vortigaunt

Most of my favorite quotes:

Welcome. Welcome, to City 17. You have chosen, or been chosen, to relocate to one of our finest remaining urban centers. -Dr. Wallace Breen

Your first introduction to Dr. Wallace Breen and his Breencasts. The first time I played through, I couldn't help but stop and watch at every opportunity, and I still do occasionally. It's just something about his motivations and idealist thoughts that make me want to listen, or perhaps it's his pervassive presence everywhere? lol

When the singularity collapses, I will be far away from here. In another universe, as a matter of fact. You, on the other hand, will be destroyed in every way it is possible to be destroyed-and even in some which are essentially impossible. -Dr. Wallace Breen

I don't remember off the top of my head who was the voice actor for Wallace Breen, but he did such a great job on read this line. That, and I love the thought of something occuring that is "essentially impossible."

Great job, Gordon! Throwing that switch and all, I can see your MIT education really pays for itself. -Barney Calhoun

This quote really does reinforce, that even though Gordon is an MIT graduate and that at one time worked for Black Mesa on one of the most secret government projects, all we've ever done with him in-game is push things into other things, flip switches, and whack people over the head with crowbars and guns. But then again, do we really want to play a Half Life game in which we must solve eleven dimensional mathematics, lol.

The right man in the wrong place can make all the difference in the world. So, wake up, Mr. Freeman. Wake up and smell the ashes -The G man

I just plain love this quote. It really seemed to set the stage for things to come the first time I played through HL2, as I'm sure it did for everyone.

Some of my favorite quotes from the Half Life series are from the Combine Overwatch Public Address System. In my opinion, the Combine Overwatch Address System's bland uninterested automated female voice as it echos through the streets is a hallmark of Half Life 2:

Attention please. All citizens in local resident block assume your inspection position.

Attention residents. Mis-count detected in your block. Cooperation with your Civil Protection team permits full ration reward.

Attention occupants. Your block is now charged with Permissive Inactive Coersion. Five Ration Units deducted.

Evidence of Anti-Civil Activity in this community.

Citizen Notice: Failure to cooperate will result in permanent off-world relocation.

Individual, you are charged with capital mal-compliance. Anti-citizen status approved.

Individual, you are now charged with Socio-Endangerment Level 5. Cease evasion immediately. Receive your verdict.

Citizen Reminder: Inaction is Conspiracy. Report Counter-behavior to a Civil Protection team immediately.

(Why haven't they put Inaction is Conspiracy on a T-shirt yet!?)

Local Unrest Structure detected. Assemble, Administer, Pacify.

Attention all Ground Protection teams. Autonomous Judgement is now in effect. Sentencing is now discressionary. Code: Amputate, Zero, confirmed.

Attention Ground Units: Mission Failure will result in permanent off-world assignment. Code Reminder: Sacrifice, Coagulate, Clamp.

Warning: Malignant Viral Interface Bypass detected. Polysasic Core reprograming detected. Sterilizers and Containment Field may be comprimized.

Priority Warning: Perimeter Restrictors disengaged. All stabilization deligates move to incursion hard-points immediately.

Quotes that just make me laugh:

"Okay Freeman, be adequate!" - Griggs
"What the hell does that mean anyways?" - Sheckley
"Uhh... I dunno... Thought it sounded like somethin' the vorts would say..." - Griggs

"Hey, it's me. Open the door."
"What's the password?"
"I'm not even gonna tell you to shut up!" -Episode 1 upon reaching Rebel Safehouse

They're always saying something's about to blow. I ain't buying it this time. -Episode 1 Random citizen Rebel

Oh no, the Kleiner speech is starting again. Can't someone make it stop?! -Episode 1 Random citizen Rebel

No pit would be complete, without a Freeman climbing out of it! -Episode 2 Vortigaunt

If Wikipedia is to be believed, Ellen McLain is a mega-badass voice actress.

Pretty much the whole Kleinercast is win.

Agreed, along with the Breencasts.
Oh, and

"So, uh... is that your boyfriend?" -Mechanic, spoken to Alyx
Why don't more people remember HL1?

'Oh my god, we're doomed!'

'Take me with you! I'm the one man who knows everything.'
"My time at the shooting renge is going to pay today!" -Random Barney.
Why don't more people remember HL1?

'Oh my god, we're doomed!'

'Take me with you! I'm the one man who knows everything.'
Good point, some of the lines between the scientists and security guards were brilliant. I once went through Office Complex just saving and collecting scientists and guards, eventually I had 10 of them in one corridor. :LOL:
I really loved the guys in HL1. The guards where good shots.
Yeah, quite honestly the best quotes come from HL1. Barney's just brilliant. And the Scientist's comments are excellently sardonic.
I once hit a scientist with my crowbar and he screamed like a little girl...
"I see your new suit fits you like a glove! Well, the glove parts do, anyway..."
This one made me laugh out loud:

Griggs:Eat the vortessence you ant bastards!
the vortigaunts shouting "shiieett" at each other at the white forest, lawl.

found it funny.
*The master chief is surrounded by seven elites, all of them has swords*
*The chief takes out a plasma grenade and activates it*

"Betcha can stick it"
"Your on"

Woops, wrong game...
"Holy crap, I think I know that guy!" -Citizen (about a zombie)


"Doctor Freeman, can you hear me? Do NOT go into the light!"

Best ones!

Also: "You dispatched those guards with great dispatch" - Cecil
No, but GammyGoose called him Cecil and it seems to have stuck. ;)

Male citizen: "When this is all over, I'm gonna mate."
Female citizen: "Ha, you wish!"

i dont really have a favourite.

Combine guy: *knocks down a can* pick up that can
There was a time they cared nothing for Miss Vance...When their only experience of humanity was a crowbar coming at them down a steel corridor.
... such nostolgia

Dr. Breen -
Dr. Freeman. You really shouldn't be out there. At the moment of synapse, as I teleport, this chamber will be bathed in deadly particles that have yet to be named by human science. Perhaps when I have the leisure to do the work myself, I'll name one after you. That way you won't be completely forgotten.

"When the singularity collapses I will be far away from here--in another universe as a matter of fact. You on the other hand will be destroyed in every way it is possible to be destroyed, and even in some which are essentially impossible!"
-Wallace Breen

-love that one as well.

Resistance Memember
Sometimes... I dream of cheese

I don't miss Dr. Breen, but I do miss his show. Remember when he had the jugglers on?
"The Freeman must excuse us. It is rude of us to commune by flux-shifting in front of those whose Vortal inputs are impaired."
"Yes, we will vocalize in your auditory language as a matter of courtesy."
"Unless we wish to say unflattering things about you."
"Just so."
*Continue flux shifting*
What I think has nothing to do with it, it's a fact. Team Fortress 2 has about as little in common with the Half-Life series as Counter-Strike: Source does.
"I do apologise for what must seem to you an arbitrary imposition, Dr. Freeman. I trust it will all make sense to you in the course of... well, I'm really not at liberty to say. In the meantime, this is where I get off." - the G-Man's last words of Half-Life 2.
"I'm going to stay here, and wait for my collegues" - Scientists in HL1

It's funny because it's such a stupid reason to stay behind, when the whole facility is overrun by aliens and he wants to wait for his friends to catch up.
"I think we misunderestimated!" - Griggs or that other guy, I can't remember.

"Great job, Gordon. Flipping that switch and all, I can see your MIT education really paid off." - Barney

"If you see Dr Breen, tell him I said f*** you!!!" - Barney

"Pick up that can" - Random Metrocop
"Let me do the talking, Gordon." -Alyx Vance

I love the Overwatch radio voice chatter. The Combine soldiers, Combine Metro cops, and the Female-Overwatch-announcer voice.
I love the Overwatch radio voice chatter. The Combine soldiers, Combine Metro cops, and the Female-Overwatch-announcer voice.
Absolutely, I had a great time digging around in the .gcf listening to all the radio chatter.
"Remember, the aperture science bring your daughter to work day is the perfect time to have her tested" - GLaDOS

Scared the crap outta me first time I fought him because I had the volume up reeally high.
Everything the G-man said, but especially his speech in Episode 2.
The best quote of all time...

'And if you see Dr.Breen, tell him I said F*CK YOU!!
