your feelings on graffiti/street art

i mean like one missing finger/ toe ...fine..okay..its not cool at all is it :|
Street art with talent i admire, gang territorial signs and whatnot, complete distateful

In Perth, there's this awesome wall that you pass on the way to the Perth traino from McIver station that depicts the struggle between good and evil by picturing an angel with a scimitar and skeleton demon with a sword fighting on horseback... epic stuff

i'm trying to find a pic now...

In Perth, there's this awesome wall that you pass on the way to the Perth traino from McIver station that depicts the struggle between good and evil by picturing an angel with a scimitar and skeleton demon with a sword fighting on horseback... epic stuff

i'm trying to find a pic now...

Open up any fantasy book.

Most graffiti is shit, but there are some really talented people out there who paint some really amazing stuff..

But sometimes it's just funny, like during election time there are giant pictures of people on billboards, and people paint mustaches, beards, eye-patches, speech bubbles (particularly the 'I'm gay' bubble), sometimes it's just shit, though.

Election day every day! Yay!