Your five personal favorite games of all time - with comments


Jul 14, 2003
Reaction score
During my days of forum reading/writing (whitch isn't that much, so don't blame me if this isn't true) I've seen many people make threads about their favourite games of all time, but that feels kind of impersonal, so I felt like doing something different for a change.

In this thread, I would wish for people to make a list of their five personal favourite games of all time, starting with fifth place. Also, add a comment to why they deserve their specific rank and some of the experience you’ve had with each game, making it special for you.

What I’m going to talk about is what I fancied the most about each game and not just plain info even if it sometimes may seem that way. Now my list will mostly depend on how hyped I were over these games back when they were new. I’ll try not to get too carried away here. At first I would like to start of with:

5th: Final Fantasy VII (PlayStation)
Now you FFVIII:ers probably wonder why I prefer this one, well to be honest, FFVIII simply is too dull. I haven’t finished the game (got to middle of second CD), but it’s simply because the storyline didn’t encourage me to. The stats system was way too complicated and to be frank, collecting 100 of each spell really doesn’t add up to the rank. In FFVII on the other hand, you have, probably the most interesting storyline of any videogame. You start off as a bunch of rebellions, that’s one of the reasons I got the interest for the game. Anything could happen. And every time I play through the game and I first exit Midgar, enter the first town and Cloud starts telling the story about him and Sephiroth I get tingles down my spine, the adrenaline just kicks you awake. That specific part of the game is just so ingenious to come up with and after that it just gets better. Good music, good stats system, good difficulty. All these alternative quests you can do after the game, all these enemies you can challenge that are harder than the actual final boss, the game never ends.

4th: Sonic & Knuckles + Sonic 3 (Sega Megadrive/Genesis)
At first it was Sonic 3 alone that made an extremely good game, the Sonic games prior to it was pretty good too, but this game wins by a large marginal to be frank. The stages were detailed, large and had such a wonderful atmosphere, it was almost sad you burst through every single one of them. One of the things I fancied the most was the chaos emeralds. You had the ability to turn into Super Sonic with all the emeralds in your possession, also the good ending could only be achieved by collecting them. And as usual the music was plain awesome. You had this 2-player mode where you race each other. Good music, good stages, good game play there as well. And compared to the other Sonic games, this one had a more interesting storyline than usual.

And it didn’t end there. You actually could combine this game with it’s sequel Sonic & Knuckles and turn it into a game, double the size and now the character Knuckles became playable to you and also the maps became slightly different as you played with him. They went deeper into the storyline and even the thing I fancied the most became more interesting, because now you had to collect the super emeralds, enabling you to turn into Hyper Sonic, also the final stage didn’t become available before you’ve got all the chaos emeralds. It was truly a magical period when that game was new.

3rd: Legend of Zelda III A Link to the Past (Super Nintendo)
That’s right; my favourite Zelda game is the third one, simply because after this one, the Zelda games just kept following the same pattern. The first and second was not that interesting, mainly because they were for Nintendo 8-bit and had very little replay value due to them being very monotonous.
When you start off with Zelda 3 you have the map to look at. I was rather fascinated by it because when I looked at it, I got to see these three gems and a sword indicating on where to go next. I was so excited to see what would happen when I could get that sword. And when going to the skull indicated on the map after getting it, I thought this is it, here comes the showdown! Boy was I wrong, not nearly half the game was finished, because as it turned out, I had seven more castles to explore. Just adding to this all the things you did in between to be able to pass certain areas to get to new places just made this game so encouraging to continue, because there was always something new to try out, there was always items to collect. I actually managed to collect all items in the game before I even knew what gamefaqs was… except for one bloody heart piece. It took over ten years for me to finally acquire it. The most interesting part is, it actually was in the vicinity I thought it would be. All in all, this game never died. The storyline may not have been of the biggest importance to me back then and I didn’t care much for it now either, but the music, the design on the world, the puzzles and ideas made this game so much more than most games today are. I don’t really have a concrete reason to feel why this game is better than so much else; it just has this atmosphere of awesomeness, all the way through.

2nd: Indiana Jones and the Infernal Machine (PC)
Now I hear most of you going “The hell!? I’ve never heard of that game!” well, I don’t blame you. It’s just that I adore this game. And no, it isn’t a Script Creation Utility for Maniac Mansion (SCUMM) game, like the other Indiana Jones games, but it is made by LucasArts, it’s an adventure/action game and it’s in 3D. To give you a hint on how old this game is, I’m going to reveal the system requirement. You ready? Alright: 200MHz. But I still love this game more than all but one game.
You play the role as Indiana Jones (not played by Harrison Ford, sorry Dr. Jones fans), but it really doesn’t matter much. The storyline here may be more of the super natural than the original movies, but I love it, because occasionally you get to fight with these big guardians and supernatural beasts, like Ice Guardian, Lava Guardian, and Quetzalcoatl and so on. In order to fight them back you must find these artefacts with certain specific powers. One that breaks through weak material, one that turns you invisible (not gonna reveal anymore).
The thing that I loved about it is all the puzzles you have to solve, every stage had ten secret treasures to find (they where optional) and the maps were all having this amazing design and atmosphere as usual. There was no music except for the classic Indiana Jones theme used in the movies, but for some reason, neither music, nor good graphics were needed for me to enjoy this game. Heck it was even buggy as hell but I still loved it. For those of you wondering, it was not just finding treasures, solving puzzles and fighting the super natural, but you also get to use regular weapons for taking out Soviet soldiers, like your whip, 9mm revolver and so on. This game starts off as a kind of every day game you usually play, but the longer you get into the game, the more interesting it becomes, the deeper the storyline goes. It doesn’t matter what anyone think (because almost no one has even tried this game anyway), I think this game is the second awesomest game of all time, because even if the graphics aren’t cutting edge, I still love the design of the maps, and the way you have to solve puzzles in order to finish them.

1st: Super Mario 64 (Nintendo 64)
Sorry Half-Life 2-fans, it’s an awesome game, I give you that, but all the previous mentioned games, including this one are just way better.
I was extremely hyped over Half-Life 2 before release, I looked at all the screenshots, movies and interviews as if they were gifts sent from God the all-mighty, but the game itself didn’t blow my mind away as much as all these games did.
Super Mario 64 was simply so awesome because… because… I don’t know where to start!
All the stars you had to collect, all the secrets, all the music, maps, the originality. It was all so perfect. I used to dream about this game more often than I cracked my knuckles (which was pretty often back then). I remember at first when I saw the images of this game, me and my friends though: “Meh, it doesn’t seem that interesting, it’s all about Mario doing acrobatics.” Boy, were we wrong. You could have fun by just running around and poking stuff back then. Collecting the stars was merely something you felt like doing at certain occasions. And the fact that you required 70 stars to be able to finish the game, whereas I myself felt like ten was finishing an average game back then (because, let’s face it, that controller stick was a hardass, but since it was a new thing to have sticks on your controller you didn’t really know if it was a good controller or you just being crappy at 3D games), and not only that, but that the game had a total of 120 stars, just blew my mind. I particularly liked the song being played at the Bowser stages. The background, the simple map and the song being played, really made it a wonderful feeling. I must have been in love back then or something, because I’ve never had such a satisfying feeling before when playing a game. I’ve never before loved a game as much as Mario 64. Sex is the second best pleasure compared to the feeling I had when this game was new.
Hmm... that's a toughie. These aren't my all-time favorites (for the most part) simply because I can't make that kind of choice. But they're 5 games I've enjoyed an incredible amount. And certain games, like Shadow of the Colossus, SHOULD be in here... but I haven't finished them.

5th: Devil May Cry (PS2)
This game is just plain awesome. Challenging (but not annoyingly difficult), dark, and amazingly fun. The levels and enemies fit the game perfectly, the acrobatic swordplay and gunplay combat is both brilliant and addictive, and Dante is simply badass.

4th: Far Cry (PC)
Plenty of people dislike this game, mainly because the plot is trash and the dialogue is corny. But I say: look beyond that. Look beyond, and see the brilliance. The long-range, stealthy combat is infinitely satisfying. The AI was incredibly advanced for its time, and the difficulty level was brutal (I always love a tough game). And as for the graphics... I still think it's the most beautiful game around.

3rd: Resident Evil 4 (GC)
This game owned my soul- at last count, I've beaten it over fourteen times. The over-the-shoulder combat was ingenious, very natural, and utterly fun. The control scheme was completely organic- Leon controlled perfectly. The game was long, with tons of unlockables, two fun minigames, and plenty of sidequest-ish treasures to get. The levels were memorable and fun. The enemies were brilliant and intense, the graphics are amazing, and it's just about perfect. And the game is so damned intense! It's not the hardest game I've ever played (although playing through on Professional is quite a bitch) but it's by far the most powerful. I'd come out of tough squeezes completely blown, a bundle of nerves, unable to play any other game for hours. It's amazing.

2nd: Half-Life 2 (PC)

1st: The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (N64)
While I have some doubts about the other games on this list, there is not a shred of doubt in my mind that this is my favorite game ever, and easily the best game I've ever played. First, let me give some background information on it: when I got it, I was nine, full of imagination, and this was the third N64 game (in fact, third console game period) I had. And it changed my life. The FEEL of the game- the amazing landscapes and locations (all in the huge map), the diverse and unique people, races and towns, and the story and characters. The gameplay was spotless, with untouchable combat and wonderful puzzles. To this day, no boss fight I've experienced has come close to taking on an Iron Knuckle. At the time, the graphics seemed simply spectacular to me, and they still do! The game had endless replay value: all the expansions, the items, the abilities, the upgrades, the quests, it made it so that I could pick it up and play it again and again. Indeed, I still do from time to time. I've probably beaten it (with the far majority of sidequests completed) over 20 times. In fact, my pride and joy in this game is my fully completed file- that's right, I did EVERYTHING. I have all 20 hearts, all 100 gold Skulltulas, every ammo upgrade, double magic meter, every spell and magic arrow, even the cow in my house- everything. From the first time I powered on and saw the intro video to now, as I'm typing this, the game has held me absolutely spellbound. Ladies and gentlemen, this is the perfect game.
JNightshade said:
1st: The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (N64)

I wish I had the will to finish that game once so I could give it a personal opinion too. The furthest I've gone in it is to finish the first cave in the second world, however I've seen large portions of the game when other people play it and I do find it a rather interesting game, if I were gonna make a top ten list it could easily end up there somewhere.
I'm only going to do one because nothing matches it.

1st: Final Fantasy VII
I mean, c'mon. Wonderful graphics, awesome storyline complimented with awesome characters, engaging combat, etc., etc., etc. I loves this game so much and cried (I was 7) wehn I finished it because it was so aweseome.
If I were you, I'd beat it right now. Screw whatever else you have to do, just sit down and play through it. It's that good.
Thief 1
roaming trough castles and towns stealing what you want, lockpicking every door, sneaking around knocking out ppl and hiding their bodies, looking around corners (you could even look forward down ftw), dont know but this game was very complete and there is no game better for stealthing, the atmosphere was great, and i especially loved just listning to guards talking to each other :). All the kinds of tools and arrows you had, mmmmm *drools
I never played thief3 tho.

Transport Tycoon Deluxe
Grew up with this game, nostalgia :)
If i look back at it its actually a pretty simple game, but I don't know any game better, loved the train stuff a lot, watching your trains wait at traffic lights, go trough tunnels, just makes me cum instantly watching my train system that took me a few days to make that goes trough half of the level, making it more efficient all the time, adding more trains, observing it and fixing the problems. sigh just love everything about it, watching the small towns grow into metropolis just cuz you built an airport and a train station.
So many kinds of road vehicles, trains and airplanes/helicopters, I even watched the statistics for hours XD

GrandPrix 1/2/3
Another game i grew up with, I could have chosen for GT becuz i loved the endurance races, but GP1 is the race game i started with and played it a lot more (never had a ps, nintendo fanboy here :) )
The realism, the whole F1 experience, So many options, loved the tuning, going for endurance, racing strategies and trying to make your times better. Grandprix 3 was very complete in realisism, rain and slippery road and everything, if you want racing, a real racing games without the bullshit. Havent play GP4 tho.

Grand Theft Auto 1/2/3
Im gonna talk mostly about gta1 since when i bought that game, i never expected a small game like that to ever get a sequel, it was my biggest dream in that time, i probly even prayed to god for them to survive and make a sequel :)
The freedom, the cities that looked very awsome (and their themes, new york miami sanfransisco), cruising around with your car, selling your car, painting it, equipping it with a bomb, the criminal missions, the cops, the extra missions all around the map, motor cycles, the superb radio that i still listen to sometimes XD

Quake <just put this as 2nd cuz well it deserves the place lol
first games i ever played were Wolfenstein3D, Doom1 and 2 so I guess you might imagine why the *uck i like Quake :p

Natural Selection

back in 2002/2003 I used to dream about this game every week, its a piece of my life back in that time, and thx to this game I bought Hl1 legally and got onto IRC and the whole clan thing, I didnt really do this stuff b4 altho I used to play Quake, TFC and cs online, heck I didnt even have a legal half-life key, i always used a warezed one and it worked almost always, but when i got into a ns clan i decided to buy hl1, I also got more interested in the whole mod scene around hl so i decided to join HL2 channel and this forum. I dont know if i can explain the love I had for this game but the teamwork in this game was the best, biting marines, sneaking around as a little skulk, scaring the shit out of marines and biting them to death. So much fun I had ****ing around with marines, parasiting them all first, then making them paranoid and stuff then killing em one for one. Its just a part of me in those years and i did it nonstop, failed my school thx to it(didnt go to school for a few months and just kept on playing ns 24/7)

[edit] dont forget the hot maps, altho i liked the more chaotic versions of them at the release of ns [/edit]

So many games I could have chosen, and im really a nintendo sega fanboy, metroid mario megaman zelda sonic mortalcombat ftw
but I dno I just like being in my own little world, and these games are excellent for that. I like innovative revolutionary games and so basicly i dont really have favourite games but hey i had to choose.
Gah, this is hard. This list is not absolute, I find it hard to choose my favorite games as I've had alot of games that made a huge impact on me when I was younger, but are now too old and newer games have beaten them in every field. But, here we go. Please take notice that I wrote this for 1,5 hours, and it's almost 0200 in here.

5. F.E.A.R. - A fairly new game, but I felt that I couldnt leave it unmentioned, as it impressed me so greatly. The pre-hype was amazing, and the first gameplay video, 16 minute long run in office complex with awesome graphics and a mysterious, bloodthirsty little girl left me shaking and paranoid for the rest of the week. The game itself had me completely ignore the rest of the world for a couple of days as I dodged bullets and grenade shrapnels non-stop. This was the first game I that had actual fear elements in, sure Doom 3 had me a bit nervous throughout the game, but nothing really happened in it. In F.E.A.R, I was constantly peeking around every corner for something, and searching every dark corner carefully. When the surprise finally came, it came without a warning and was something else than a regular imp saying "ROaaaaR". You were left thinking "what the **** was that" several times, which really addened the mood. Along with this were the undeniably cool action scenes with rubble and small objects flying everywhere. Every time that shotgun tore a head off, I was disgusted no matter how many times it happened. Ending sequence was also the best ever in a game, so I can safely say that this was one of the best games I've ever played.

4. Urban Assault - Yeah, you've probably never heard of this one. It's a RTS/FPS genremix from 1998, where you liberate Earth from alien armies and opposing human factions. Resembles Battlezone 1 in a way. I got this for christmas six years ago, because I wanted to play something, but there wasnt really any games that I wanted back then. I wasnt expecting much as I ran the game, but the mere intro video blew me away. Graphics are silly, there's zero realism, it can get very repetive sometimes, missions are either painfully hard or laughably easy, and it's very simple and primitive in a way. In spite of this, I cant stop lovin' the game. Flying around in my futuristic, impossibly well manouverable killmaching and dropping one borgish alien fighter after another is just so damn fun. Graphics may be really outdated and some parts fugly, but still combined with sounds the kill is pleasing and stylish.
Some could say the story is a one big cliche and filled with holes, but that doesnt stop me liking it. Mission briefing gives little hints and pieces of the game's psychedelic world, with strange little concepts as a human faction that worships stone and uses tanks and planes from World War 1 (with enforced armor, it seems) alond with floating fortresses and plasma-shooting satellites. All the bizarreness is fascinating and makes you wonder what the designers have been drinking while making this.
Along with the addictive singeplayer, I have recently been playing this on LAN with my friends. Normal multiplayer is not fun because of all the limitations in number and type of units. Luckily almost everything can be tweaked from the configs, so our games involve 400-800 unit armies with multiple factions. This can easily level down cities and several bases in the game, and is ofcourse awesome fun. I cant help but wonder why this game is known so badly in the internet.

3. Starcraft - While it maybe obsolete with all the new funky features and functions in modern RTS's, this game was my absolute best game ever for so long, I cant leave it off the list. I used to go playing this to my friend's place for several days in a row when I didnt have my own computer. We just sat there rushing our carriers on top the zerg hordes day after day, and when we had played every possible map through ten times with all species, we started making our own. Then I had my own computer, and what's most important - internet. So many months wasted playing AirZones and MegaEvolves in Battle.Net, I dont know how I wasnt kicked out of school. I also learned triggering scenarios in StarEdit, and made a few UMS maps myself, along with singleplayer missions. I was also involved in a few clans, but that didnt really click, mostly because I wasnt skilled enought to beat those crazy Koreans.
I still play this few times a month, and on LAN parties, just for the kick of it. Nothing beats a good zergling rush.

2. Half-Life 2, + Deathmatch, various minimods, and Garrysmod. - While it may not be only one game, I think I can mention it here because none of these would exist without Half-Life 2. The reason I have to mention this, is because Half-Life 2 was THE game, the game I waited the most in my life, and almost passed out when I was finally holding in my hands. While the original singleplayer is not THAT good afterall, all the entertainment I've had from minimods and relating games is worth a lot more than 50 euros. I have probably launched some Source game (including CS:S and DoD:S though, while they are not included in this list) for every day after I bought the game. Garrysmod is a chapter of it's own, the possiblities of what to build in that are endless, you can even make pretentious modern art in it.
Along with that, I like to map alot to Source. While I havent released nothing else than a few fy_ -maps to CS:S, I have made several dozens or projects consisting of few rooms or a single object. For example, I found a neat little tower that I thought looked nice in all it's details, so I made a small map with even smaller island with the tower modelled in it with every little detail.
Deathmatch for HL2 is not maybe the best multiplayer game out there, but I use to play it alot with my brother on LAN. It brings me great pleasure to see the ragdoll fly away after I blast him with the rocket launcher from an distant rooftop. If a game makes me go "Hahahaha that's awesome" if must be a good game.

1. Battlefield 2 - Even if this is in the first place, it doesnt mean I could outright say that BF2 is better than HL2, it just means that I couldnt really decide what game to put first. Anyhow, the first Battlefield installment didnt really impress me, as the multiplayer was too slow, and most servers felt empty even when they had 64 players. Desert Combat was a step forwards, but really didnt achieve that "Awesome" feel. While I was playing DC on a LAN party last summer, someone said that multiplayer demo for Battlefield 2 was released.
I wasnt really expecting anything else than a remake of Desert Combat with prettier graphics. Oh my, how wrong I was. Yes, the graphics are pretty. Battlefield 2 has probably the best rendition of a forest I have seen in a game, and looking a scenario from two hundred meters above it really looks damn impressive. The best part of the game is definately the squad system, or more like the combat it creates. This really allows real frontlines without two hundred players, and commander system really adds the feeling of being in a real modern battlefield. Feeling of running up on a hill, looking back to the rest of the squadron running steadily forward behind a tank, hearing the roar of the jet engines when two fighters fly above your head chasing eachother and observing the war otherside of the river is like nothing before.
Stats system and BattleRecorder are like made for me, I love having detailed stats about your games and competing on global points with your friends. Unlocking weapons also makes the game feel fresh even after several months, even if it feels silly having to play several years to see every possible weapon in the game. I cant wait for my Special Forces to arrive :)
Cukel said:
4. Urban Assault - Yeah, you've probably never heard of this one. It's a RTS/FPS genremix from 1998, where you liberate Earth from alien armies and opposing human factions. Resembles Battlezone 1 in a way. I got this for christmas six years ago, because I wanted to play something, but there wasnt really any games that I wanted back then. I wasnt expecting much as I ran the game, but the mere intro video blew me away. Graphics are silly, there's zero realism, it can get very repetive sometimes, missions are either painfully hard or laughably easy, and it's very simple and primitive in a way. In spite of this, I cant stop lovin' the game. Flying around in my futuristic, impossibly well manouverable killmaching and dropping one borgish alien fighter after another is just so damn fun. Graphics may be really outdated and some parts fugly, but still combined with sounds the kill is pleasing and stylish.
Some could say the story is a one big cliche and filled with holes, but that doesnt stop me liking it. Mission briefing gives little hints and pieces of the game's psychedelic world, with strange little concepts as a human faction that worships stone and uses tanks and planes from World War 1 (with enforced armor, it seems) alond with floating fortresses and plasma-shooting satellites. All the bizarreness is fascinating and makes you wonder what the designers have been drinking while making this.
Along with the addictive singeplayer, I have recently been playing this on LAN with my friends. Normal singleplayer is not fun because of all the limitations in number and type of units. Luckily almost everything can be tweaked from the configs, so our games involve 400-800 unit armies with multiple factions. This can easily level down cities and several bases in the game, and is ofcourse awesome fun. I cant help but wonder why this game is known so badly in the internet.

!!! dude!
Thx for reminding me, this game is so ****ing hot
the whole thing about controlling one of your helicopters or tanks in your squad, one thing i remember tho is that your army was more like extra lifes for you becuz they sucked so much themselves if you didnt control them :S
1. The Chronicles Of Riddick: Escape From Butcher Bay

Hmm, I first never thought of getting this game when it came out, but since i love Pitch Black I decided to get the game aswell. It's in my opinion one of the best games ever made, best looking, well made and an interesting gameplay aswell as the story.

2. Silent Hill 2

This one is difficult, don't really know why I love it, but might be because of its uniqueness and that it feels more like a book or movie than a game.

3. Alien vs Predator

Scariest game of all time, I got it for xmas the year it came out and I remember I never wanted to play it for very long because its so damn scary. So I played until I died or it became to horrible and continued the day after :D

4. Half Life/ Half Life 2

I dont have to say why these two are so good, since we already know why :rolling:

5. Unreal

One of the first 3D games I played. Just incredible =D
4. Urban Assault - Yeah, you've probably never heard of this one. It's a RTS/FPS genremix from 1998, where you liberate Earth from alien armies and opposing human factions. Resembles Battlezone 1 in a way. I got this for christmas six years ago, because I wanted to play something, but there wasnt really any games that I wanted back then. I wasnt expecting much as I ran the game, but the mere intro video blew me away. Graphics are silly, there's zero realism, it can get very repetive sometimes, missions are either painfully hard or laughably easy, and it's very simple and primitive in a way. In spite of this, I cant stop lovin' the game. Flying around in my futuristic, impossibly well manouverable killmaching and dropping one borgish alien fighter after another is just so damn fun. Graphics may be really outdated and some parts fugly, but still combined with sounds the kill is pleasing and stylish.
Some could say the story is a one big cliche and filled with holes, but that doesnt stop me liking it. Mission briefing gives little hints and pieces of the game's psychedelic world, with strange little concepts as a human faction that worships stone and uses tanks and planes from World War 1 (with enforced armor, it seems) alond with floating fortresses and plasma-shooting satellites. All the bizarreness is fascinating and makes you wonder what the designers have been drinking while making this.
Along with the addictive singeplayer, I have recently been playing this on LAN with my friends. Normal singleplayer is not fun because of all the limitations in number and type of units. Luckily almost everything can be tweaked from the configs, so our games involve 400-800 unit armies with multiple factions. This can easily level down cities and several bases in the game, and is ofcourse awesome fun. I cant help but wonder why this game is known so badly in the internet.
OMG! I played the demo for that..oh many memories. Just the demo I played for ages and ages. Didn't have any money to buy the full thing.

Oh I'd kill to play that whole game.
1. Starcraft
This game captured my herat for 5-6 years. Utilizing a perfect balance and diversity. Requiring Macro and Micro skills. It still holds as many users are any other RTS, and has more than any other RTS discluding Wc3. Amazing community leading to breakthroughts in mapping and a community that has made tons of their own quality maps. RPG's that rival Big-Time ones even. Want to roleplay? It's all here, every gametype imaginable and some far beyond your imaginations... I just cannot get enough of it..

2. Half-Life 1\2
Just amazing.

3. Zelda Ocarina of Time
I love it, I still play it emulated on my computer. It's just that fun.

4. Super Mario 64
First 3D game, First N64 game I played. Just fun as hell, I have it emulated on my computer and I still play it. I mean it's No other way to put it.

5. Goldeneye
Just simpleyy fun.
This is bloody hard :|

X) All the Westwood FPS'es, starting from Dune 2 and ending at RA2 (excluding Tiberian Sun, was enjoyable, but didn't fit into the C&C theme)
The Mother Of All RTS'es, Dune 2 rocked so much Shens in every way possible. Also, you had to be a real strategist, because you could only select one unit at once.
Rating: A++

X) Beyond Good & Evil
This game is one of the best game EVER created. It is perfect in every sense and way; balanced gameplay, a great story, a PERFECT balance in every emotion that the game sends to you, incredibly new innovative and creative features, the coolest transportation ever that just kept on going better and better, and the most thought out and well-placed characters ever.
Fun fact: I actually broke a mouse by clicking too much in this game.
Rating: A++++++++++++++++++++++++++ (* infinite)

X) Warcraft II
Quite possibly the second RTS I've ever played and more than certain the one that impressed me the most. This game literally forced me to think out plans rather than just mine everything in my direct surroundings and spam out soldiers. Great gameplay, great story and great units. Never got around to actually finish it, I think. (I was about 7 or something when I started playing)
Rating: A+++

X) Max Payne 2
A true gem. Max Payne 1 was great and all, but it didn't really get to me as much as Max Payne 2 did. I replayed Max Payne 2 about 24 times, playing it with every mod that was then available. Hell, I've even got an ache to play it right now. The story, the characters, the slow-motion, the absolutely lovely firefights and the Cinema 1.5 mod really made this game timeless.
Rating: A+++++

X) Mafia

An absolute god under video gaming, Mafia had all of it and was the first to have it: Real-time dynamic shadows, realistic reflections, cars that exploded into parts realistically, realistic car crashes, a city that was actually alive. Combine that with a great story with multiple twists, great firefights (you can really take cover and actually use it, not like CS:S where you get insta-killed whenever you run behind a box), fabulous characters, the ability to freely roam in the city and being able to be an actual gangster really did it for me. Oh, and who can forget the absolutely divine theme?
Rating: A+++++++

Honorable mentions because I'm not allowed to put them above :<
X) Swat 3 (DEMO)
I've played the demo more than a hundred times. Well over. The game is just perfect; great AI, great enemies, incredibly fun fighting, actual tactics, and a First Person View. I played the demo online for about 3 weeks, only 2 maps were available: A theatre and a night club. Played both until my copy of SWAT 3 (LITERALLY) corrupted.
Rating: A++++

X) Doom 1 and 2
Wrongly called the Mother Of All FPS'es, DooM 1 and 2 did have a certain attractiveness. The now primitive looks were extremely advanced in that time, and the American army used a modified version of it to train. The story was very good, and the enemies and weapons were very creative and innovative (for that time). Being one of the first games I've ever played, DooM 1 and 2 have earned a place in my Hall Of Fame.
Rating: A++++

X) One Must Fall (DEMO)
What's cooler than big-ass robots? FIGHTING big-ass robots! Completely customize your robot, chuck them in an arena (the demo only had an iron cage arena that was continuously attacked by lighting, resulting in a hefty shock whenever you or your enemy was thrown against it), and start fighting! A very new and creative way of fighting games, One Must Fall really was one of a kind. Played the demo to death, and I just drooled at the lovely robots that were available in the full version.
Rating: A+++++

X) Slipstream 5000
An absolutely lovely racing game with space ships, guns and really hard tracks. Great fun to upgrade your space ship and then go fly in the Amazons (All the tracks are on earth). You can also choose Arizona, New York, Egypt and much, much more. Great flying and racing experience, and probably the only racing game I'll love forever.
Rating: A++++++
In no particular order

Tetris Alexey Pajitnov
The first truely addictive video game I ever played. I discovered it around 1988 or 1989. Played it for hours on end. Best puzzle game ever period.

Lemmings DMA Design (now called Rockstar North)
Another addictive puzzle game. Simple premise: get yer lemmings from A to B by letting them use all kinds of tools or abilities. Was a very big time sink for me at the time. I might have flunked one or two exams during uni because of it.

Wolfenstein 3D iD
The first 3D fps ever. I had to overcome fps nausea to play it, but after I got rid of that, I knew I had found my favorite genre. Spear of Destiny soon followed, and 1995 brought DOOM. The rest is literally history.

Half-Life series Valve
Idd self-explanatory.

Battlefield series DICE
I'm hooked since 1942. Online fps mayhem on huge open ended maps with land, sea and air vehicles. My favorite maps include Gazala, Coral Sea, Operation Hastings, Sharqi Peninsula and Devil's Perch.
I think these are mostly console games, and these are in no particular order.

1. Sims 2

I liked this game because I loved the original Sims, so I decided to get this one. It's awesome, and my sister still plays it. I was filled with satisfaction when I realized and built a whole castle in the game. And it was hilariously funny to play survivor with eight sims who only had a bed, refridgerator, and teddy bear.

2. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
I actually played this game after Majora's Mask, but it was just as good, if not longer. I knew I loved the Zelda games when I played this game for a short time at a friend's house, but I thoroughly enjoyed it with improved resolution and graphics on the Gamecube's collector's edition disc. This game was one of the few games that made me feel sad toward the chracters.

3. The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask
When we first got our N64, my brother bought Hey, You Pikachu!, but I purchased the gold Majora's Mask. After I realized and bought an expansion pack (for N64, doubles RAM), this game was the best N64 game ever for me. It was very scary, and it was very hard, but the story was much better than Ocarina of Time's, and it pulled me through the increasingly hard and weird "dungeons". The temple with the light arrows was the best dungeon ever. You got the treasure chest and expected to beat it, but you had to go out of the dungeon, flip the world upside down, and do it all over again except you're on the inside of the ceiling. And the boss fight was very rewarding, but I had to go to the Romani Bar at the end of Day 1 so I could drink the unlimited MP milk.

4. Counter-Strike: Source

This game was fun, and it formally introduced me to on-line gaming (my only other experience before that was with BF1942). It definitely lived up to its name as the most popular on-line action game ever.

5. Battlefield 2

When I downloaded the demo the day it came out, I couldn't stop playing. Even though the graphics looked...ugly (I have a 128mb FX 5200), the gameplay was different than everything else. The squads were a blast, and I soon grew to love being a Sp Ops and feeling like I was part of a team.
-Doom2-It was the most fun SP game I have played at that time. I loved the whole theme, enemies, and level design.
-Quake2-Same reasons as the above.
-Half-Life/HL2/CS-The half-life series was always unique in its gameplay since it didn't have levels, but more like 1 ongoing story that you were part of. CS is what got me into online multiplayer, and is still my favourite online game.
-FEAR-Great graphics, sound, AI, and unique(at least for me) levels and story.
-WarcraftIII-The best online RTS game. I have played it countless times at an internet cafe with my friends.
5. Wolfenstien 3D
This is the first ever game to feature 3D graphics, without this game you can forget every single 3D game ever made!

4. Duke Nukem 3D
Duke Nukem 3D had amazing graphics, plus the guns were really fun too. There is nothing like shooting the crap out of aliens in this game due to the enormous feeling of power the game gives you. The music was great to and added tremendously to the feel of the game.

3. GTA (whole series)
Grand Theft Auto is such a massive game where you can do pretty much whatever you want, it's kind of like real life except you can do whatever you want and not feel pain.

2. Mafia PC version
This isn’t necessarily the most popular game but it did it for me and the story line was wonderfully written, I love all the cars, the music is pretty damn good. I mainly like this game for it's story line which was the best story line I've ever seen in a computer game.

1. Half-Life 1 and 2
The Half-Life series is one of the most realistic game series' out there. They suck you right into the battlefield giving you the illusion that what’s going on is 100% real. It also has one of the greatest game characters of all time; Gman, no one knows who he is and he has got large masses' of people trying to work out what he does and how he will fit into the story line at the end, I'm assuming there will be some great ending to this series. The physics in Half-Life 2 are pretty good too they are near what I would expect in real life, you could spend hours just messing around with props and rag dolls.
theSteven said:
5. Wolfenstien 3D
This is the first ever game to feature 3D graphics, without this game you can forget every single 3D game ever made!

4. Duke Nukem 3D
Duke Nukem 3D had amazing graphics, plus the guns were really fun too. There is nothing like shooting the crap out of aliens in this game due to the enormous feeling of power the game gives you. The music was great to and added tremendously to the feel of the game.

3. GTA (whole series)
Grand Theft Auto is such a massive game where you can do pretty much whatever you want, it's kind of like real life except you can do whatever you want and not feel pain.

2. Mafia PC version
This isn’t necessarily the most popular game but it did it for me and the story line was wonderfully written, I love all the cars, the music is pretty damn good. I mainly like this game for it's story line which was the best story line I've ever seen in a computer game.

1. Half-Life 1 and 2
The Half-Life series is one of the most realistic game series' out there. They suck you right into the battlefield giving you the illusion that what’s going on is 100% real. It also has one of the greatest game characters of all time; Gman, no one knows who he is and he has got large masses' of people trying to work out what he does and how he will fit into the story line at the end, I'm assuming there will be some great ending to this series. The physics in Half-Life 2 are pretty good too they are near what I would expect in real life, you could spend hours just messing around with props and rag dolls.
1)Yesh. And who could forget the thousand-and-one secret rooms :p
2)Yes. The shrink ray was one of my favourites :p
3)Very good, but the times missions really made me crave for virgin blood.
4)Check my post :p
5)All I have to say is "QFT" :p
I forgot about about GTA III. Such an awesome game... sucked me in until I reached 100%.

Tbh, VC and SA blew ass.
5.) Thief 1/2/3
Highly underrated and very innovative.

4.) Battlefield 2
Playing with Ennui, Mr. Redundant, Amish Slayer, Foxtrot and all of the others when the game first came out provided perhaps the best multiplayer experiences I have ever experienced. It really is a shame we all never met up again.

3.) Zombie Master
Maybe if I act like I have played it the team will give it to me when I tell them my PC accidentally got reformatted.

2.) Day of Defeat
Once again, a multiplayer game which has provided so much fun and entertainment.

1.) Half Life 1/2 and every valve expansion
Qonfused said:
I forgot about about GTA III. Such an awesome game... sucked me in until I reached 100%.

Tbh, VC and SA blew ass.
VC and SA were more complete from a gameplay standpoint from building on the foundation of GTAIII and adding new features, more vehicles, and larger worlds with more diversity... but the cohesiveness was lacking and the story wasn't as good. So, IMO, until you don't have any more things to accomplish GTAIII is the better game... but, after that, there's a lot more you can do with all the free time in San Andreas.
VC wasn't bad...

OK, let's go.

5) Transport Tycoon Deluxe

Yes, I played it too. What a brilliant game. I don't know where it is anymore, and besides i have a nagging feeling that if i ever play it again I'll scoff and hate it forever more. But, seriously... it was a big model train kit with attached aeroplanes. I was 5 or something when i first started playing and 7 when i stopped, and I remember the joy i got when i figured out what 'subsidaries' were.

4) Red Alert/Red Alert 2/Generals

RA and RA2 were the game to have during my year 5 and 6 years, when i really begun to get into gaming. I mean, OMG. Stalin. Einstine. MIND CONTROLLING RUSSIANS! What's not to love? Just the sounds of the time, the pleasure at outwitting the relatively simple AI, the fun of steamrolling a massive flood of Mammoth Tanks. And in Generals, playing as a GLA Stealth General and watching as n00b players rolled right through your base and out the otherside without noticing, and then ramming a couple of demo trucks up their ass. Ah, good times.

3) Sims 2

Seriously, this game is so addictive. One of the most awesome games imaginable, it's just... so... addictive. Shape your small person's life! Destroy it! Make a band! Cheat on virtual people! ...just... so... addictive...

4) City of Villains/City of Heroes/Discworld MUD

I love superhero games, and being an evil bastard is what i do best. Monthly fees, whatever, but the best bit is - it's not an inventory based game. Everybody in the game is unique. I've been playing for months and I am yet to see two heroes/villains with exactly the same costumes. There is a definite roleplaying community (I danced on the spot with a lvl 30 mastermind and his 10 robotic drones yesterday, and then we moved to the n00b island and scared some n00bs - all while IC) and it has an imaginative backstory, heroes and villains duking it out in the PvP battlezones... and I love the MUD because i love the MUD.

1) Half-Life2 and mods

'Nuff said.
x) Metal Gear Solid

x) Halo 1 (Xbox MP)

x) Final Fantasy VII

x) WC3 & SC (Countless hours of UMS and custom games)

x) Half Life 1 + Mods
JNightshade said:
1st: The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (N64)
While I have some doubts about the other games on this list, there is not a shred of doubt in my mind that this is my favorite game ever, and easily the best game I've ever played. First, let me give some background information on it: when I got it, I was nine, full of imagination, and this was the third N64 game (in fact, third console game period) I had. And it changed my life. The FEEL of the game- the amazing landscapes and locations (all in the huge map), the diverse and unique people, races and towns, and the story and characters. The gameplay was spotless, with untouchable combat and wonderful puzzles. To this day, no boss fight I've experienced has come close to taking on an Iron Knuckle. At the time, the graphics seemed simply spectacular to me, and they still do! The game had endless replay value: all the expansions, the items, the abilities, the upgrades, the quests, it made it so that I could pick it up and play it again and again. Indeed, I still do from time to time. I've probably beaten it (with the far majority of sidequests completed) over 20 times. In fact, my pride and joy in this game is my fully completed file- that's right, I did EVERYTHING. I have all 20 hearts, all 100 gold Skulltulas, every ammo upgrade, double magic meter, every spell and magic arrow, even the cow in my house- everything. From the first time I powered on and saw the intro video to now, as I'm typing this, the game has held me absolutely spellbound. Ladies and gentlemen, this is the perfect game.

Well said. I remember the wait for OoT, it was tortuous. Every screenshot released both excited and tormented in equal measure - it was as though Nintendo had this perfect game and wouldn't share it with the rest of us. Needless to say, it was worth the wait, and exceeded everyone's expectations.

OoT doesn't quite make my top 5, though, ranking no. 6 in my all time favourite games list.

The order changes everytime I think about it, but the games don't:

Street Fighter 2 - I remember when SF2 first appeared in my local arcade (1990 I think). It was the biggest leap i'd ever seen in video gaming, and still is. Compared to the games we were all playing before hand it seemed to be around 3 or 4 generations ahead.

The fighting was electric. It took skill, patience, and looked utterly fantastic. There were crowds of people around every machine, with little kids (one of them being me) trying to squeeze through for a view. Scores were settled and new grudges formed. This was the good old days when the arcade was the place to game, and the best SF player was the king of the arcade :)

After the first fireball I was hooked. Many 1000's of hours later and i'm still playing it - the sign of a truly superb game.

Mario 64 - The perfect game.

My only gaming memory that even compares to seeing SF2 for the first time was the first 20 minutes of Mario 64. It was the first game to use analogue control, and is still the best example of how to do it right.

So, the game starts and there you are, Mario, standing outside the castle. There's no music, just the sounds of your footsteps as you walk about. After 15 minutes of tiptoeing, running in circles, jumping, climbing trees, wondering why we ever bothered with digital control, I went into the castle to see what was there. More of the same would have been enough. After a quick look around I found a painting, jumped into it, and found a whole lot more.

Nintendo took a classic 2d game, added a dimension, expanded the gameplay 10 fold, and made it believable (if it's possible to believe in a place that's so crazy). In the way fairy tales can feel real when you were a kid, so does Mario 64. It was the first game to do this, and the first game I played that felt like an experience rather than just a game.

Secret of Mana - Squaresoft's masterpiece.

SoM is one of those rare games in which everything works, and the most magical i've played. Visually it was unsurpassed, and had a score to match. The gameworld really was beautiful and, a little like Mario 64, was a place you wanted to believe in. It felt happy, sad, epic, amazing, wonderous. Being able to experience it all with 2 other friends changed it from being just a game into an occasion.

I was 14 when SoM came out (1993) - the awkward age where on one hand you want to still play conkers and knuckles with your mates, but have discovered that girls are starting to look a little more interesting than they used to and that smoking might actually be 'cool'. In a rush to grow up SoM is the last thing I remember of being a proper 'grass stains on your knees' kid - that, combined with the memories on an entire summer holiday spent playing it with my brother and best friend, is why it's so dear to me.

Golden Eye and Perfect Dark

GE completely revolutionised the fps genre. It actually felt like you were firing a weapon and shooting the bad guy - something no other fps had managed, and very few have since (looking at you HL2) Not only that, it made you feel damn cool while doing it.

I could go on about the almost endless replayability, challenge and unlockables, the way the game demands practise and rewards skill, but that's pretty much it. It's a first person shooter that makes you feel like a shooter (not someone who moves a crosshair over a bad guy and holds a button down untill they fall over)

Perfect Dark took everything that was great about GE and expanded upon it, and still has the best arsenal of any fps (by far) today.

Modern day shooters still have a great deal to learn from these two games. Physics, facial animation, cutscenes etc are all well and good, but if the combat is lacking then so is the game.
I dont think I could answer accurately ..I mean games have evolved in leaps and bounds in the last 20 years making it difficult to compare or judge which ones stand out. ..I got just as much enjoyment from space invaders as I did Half-life2 even though they're light years apart. At the time space invaders unlike anything I'd or anybody else had ever seen. The blips actually moved when you pressed the buttons!! how cool was that? ..seems like small fry by todays standards. with that in mind I give my fave games of all time (based on how much I enjoyed at the time I played it), I couldnt pick just 5


space invaders
pole position
Elevator Action
dig dug

console games:

spec ops
syphon filter
grandtheft auto 3

pc/mac/Texas Instruments ti-99:

Tunnels of Doom (no not that doom)
Star trek 25th anniversary
Command and Conquer
return to castle wolfenstein/enemy territory
day of defeat
world of warcraft
First of all, I'd like to list the Honorable Mentions:
The early Westwood strategy games
N.O.L.F 2

5. The splinter cell series Simply put, sneaking through the dark and snapping peoples necks turns out to be a lot of fun.

4. The Lucasarts adventure games Seeing as there were too many to list, I had to catagorize them. These were such fun adventures that actually made you think hard.

3. Alpha Centauri Think Civ4 is addictive? Think civ 3 is addictive? Well, think again. This game gives a whole new meaning to "JUST ONE MORE TURN!!!"

2. Deus Ex I'm rather suprised that no one has mentioned it yet. This game fit together so well. The gameplay, the inventory, the story, and the dialog all meshed together incredibly well to create a perfect sci-fi conspiracy theory plot with lots of real world implications.

1. The Half-Life series Basically, it defines "epic fps"
5. Need for Speed 3. I played this for years, basicly until I got NFS High Stakes...Very solid game.
4. Call of Duty (1 and 2): Awesome game, very cinematic. It was this and Bf1942 that got me interested in history.
3. Battlefield 2: Best online game I've played (note, i've never played a MMO and don't plan to), and improves upon BF1942 in everyway (1942 would have been in its place if there was not BF2)
2. Deus Ex: Amazing Story, Overall awesome gameplay (the combat was a bit lacking, but nothings perfect).
1. Half-Life 1/2: I honastly liked HL1 better than 2, though I'm not sure why. There was just something about HL1's vibe. Like Hl2 should have been my favorite, as the story and setting appeals to me more. Go figure eh?
5. counter-stike- so many great lan parties and playing with friends. This game started it all for me fo defeat source-uinbelieveable game, only a few setbacks from earning it number 3. Very close, I would say this and #3 are tied

3.battlefield 2 I have never played such a good multiplayer game (except for day of defeat source). Great graphics, incredible combat, action. I love being in a great squad and using teamwork to win. Great game.

2. Half life 2- Simply stunning, i cant tell you how many times ive played this game with goosebumps every time, its that good.

1. Half-life 1- Best game ever. Nothing can match it, nothing
Beerdude26 said:
Honorable mentions because I'm not allowed to put them above :<

I don't prohibit you from making a larger list than five games. Go right ahead. :)
5) Half-Life 2 (PC)
Just the shear scope of the entire game is breathtaking. The visuals and the environments are top notch. Plays beautifully and makes you want to go back for more.

4) Perfect Dark (N64)
Holy crap. Just imagine, being a Goldeneye freak, having all of those weapons and gadgets at your disposal, and then hearing Rare were to make a new game based on their original masterpiece? Wowzas! Plethora of multiplayer options, new missions and stunning graphics. I shift+comma+3 this game.

3) Spider-Man 2 (GC)
After a slew of Spidey games that had you restricted to small indoor levels, or tiny portions of city-scape, although stretching as far as the eye could see, was inaccessible, imagine picking up a game where the web-slinger has the whole of Manhattan island to spin webs and catch the bad guys. No more firing webs into the clouds for a swing, this time around, you needed purchase to get around Spidey-style. Sure, the gameplay did get a bit stale, rescuing dangling people or catching those stupid baloons, but this title is a gem.

2) Goldeneye OO7 (N64)
Imagine a bunch of first time developers creating their first ever game that when released, flew off the shelves so fast people couldn't get a copy for love nor money? This game is the balls. Gameplay, graphics, sounds, characters, three additional missions away from the main Goldeneye story, and a ton of unlockable cheats? Not to mention the first true 4-player that really brought people together by shooting each other in the face. Fantastic stuff.

1) Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (N64)
Just read most of the posts in this thread. Go on. I dare ya!
5. Empire Earth
Best RTS I've ever played. I miss it *sniff*
4. F.E.A.R.
Incredible graphics, incredible fun. First scary game I've ever completed too :eek:
3. Far Cry
I loved this game and still do. Great action FPS. I didn't mind the monsters so much. The fighting/sneaking was great fun.
2. Red Orchestra
Yeah, it's a mod, but I've played it more then any other game I've ever owned. Firefights in this game are incredible fun. Killing people is very satisfying. And there's nothing like dealing a good close range pwning with a PPSH or MP40.
1. Half Life 2
'Nuff said.
its hard question :(

* Half-Life Serias : You know why...

* Mafia : GTA but with Mafias :D

* GTA:1\2\SA : Loong hours play , good story , good actors , big game world , jack cars...

* Beyond Good & Evil : i have to agree with beerdude with this , cant wait for sequal...

* Max Payne 1/2 : Great story + Great gameplay

* Metal Gear Solid Serias : Hideo Kojima is one of the best delevopers, if not the best , the MGS serias is a masterpiece everything is great about it, story, gameplay, EVERYTHING !!... oh and the new (old) snake looks badass.

* Resident Evil 4 : Im not even fan, but i love this one
I've had dreams about only three games. Two of those games I dreamt of playing long before their release, Half Life and Fallout. I mean, I dreamt of them almost all the time (at two individual periods in my life, mind). When I first fired them up, and realised that they were even better than I had dreamed... Nothing can compare to that. Add in the fact that it took a load of convincing my mom with both games to allow me to buy them, it was just an incredible experience when I finally played.

The other game I've had dreams about is Resident Evil for the 'Cube, but only after I'd played. It too is serious sweetness.

Outlaws, Dark Forces, Monkey Island 1 & 2, Full Throttle, King's Quest 5, QFG series, Loderunner, Tomb Raider, LOZ:OOT, Goldeneye, Perfect Dark... You lot I've never dreamed of at night, but you all gave rise to innumerable daydreams in your time. I have a special place in my heart for each one of you.

And though these classics all stand foremost in my mind as my favorites, I cannot begrudge the new hotness of its well earned props. The new Prince of Persias have given my wife and I hours of enjoyment. The same goes for Silent Hill 2 & 3, Bloodrayne 1 & 2, and many other less well known games, a majority of which are in our beloved Survival Horor genre. These games, though perhaps not considered as great as my other favorites by most, are the ones I remember most fondly. They are the games that my wife and I played at her house before we got married, the games we play together still on cold nights, where our cuddling can both keep us warm, and keep us from getting too spooked when La Plaga pops out of a townsperson's head, or a ghost appears out of nowhere and we have the wrong film loaded in the Camera Obscura. I would not trade one night of playing these games with my love for all the rest of the games on my list.

Gaming is the only hobby I've ever really enjoyed. It's the thing I've done alone on my Pentium 75 when I should have been studying, the thing I've done with my brothers and sisters and dad until mom said that Goldeneye was evil and threw it away, the thing I've talked about with my closest of friends during long boring sermons at church. But it's more than all that. To me, now, gaming is love.

And don't think for a minute that I didn't jump straight in that dumpster and get my Goldeneye cartridge back.
Hazar said:
2. Deus Ex I'm rather suprised that no one has mentioned it yet. This game fit together so well. The gameplay, the inventory, the story, and the dialog all meshed together incredibly well to create a perfect sci-fi conspiracy theory plot with lots of real world implications.

Crap, I forgot about that! I remember thinking about that while making my post, but it must have gotton nudged out of my mind.
1. Half-Life / Half-Life 2: These two games were some of the most amazing, atmospheric, innovative, and generally awesome games I've ever had the pleasure of playing. I was completely sucked into these games while playing through them the many times I did, and I've not played a game since them that rivals either of these in terms of quality, story, atmosphere, immersion, and gameplay. Hell, I need to justify my 7000 posts on this site somehow, so this series takes the #1 place.

2. Starcraft / Starcraft: Brood War: Starcraft is a game that has captivated me and kept my attention constantly for all eight years that I've played it. No other strategy game has ever touched the perfect balance in Starcraft - 3 seperate races, each with wildly different styles of play, but yet perfectly balanced. The UMS community has kept the game alive all this time, and I still enjoy a good game of Starcraft fairly often. The defining factor in this game, however, was the storyline and ambience of the singleplayer campaigns. The universe is amazing, the characters are real and interesting, and I've never seen a singleplayer RTS since then that's been anywhere close to as incredible. Hearing the Starcraft music brings a wonderful sense of nostalgia imbued with that quintessential Starcraft feel to me, and I love it.

Beyond that, there are far too many others to name. Day of Defeat, Counter-Strike, X-Com, Wolfenstein, Dawn of War, Age of Empires, Baldur's Gate, Battlefield 1942, Battlefield 2, and countless others have captivated me since I started gaming when I was five years old, getting to be nearly twelve years ago now.

7000th post. :D
1.Half Life (along with the mods)
revolutionary game+great community+endless amount of mods=my life.
seriously,this game practically introduced me to the online gaming world and i am very greatful for it.if it wasn't for HL,i'd still be playing Goldeneye on my n64.

2.Before HL there was "Goldeneye".
I still play the damn thing from time to time.That's how much i love it.
What can i say?One of the best shooters ever made.If it wasn't for this game and Turok, i would've sold my n64 years ago.

3.Jagged Alliance 2
Very underrated.
My first turn based RPG game.
I bought it along with HL a few years ago.
it caused me a lot of sleepless nights.
I just fell in love with it from the moment the music started playing during the
beginning of the game where you get to hire your mercs.Great storyline,characters and overall gameplay.Something every gamer should try out.

4.hmm...many on my mind i have...tricky it is...hmm
GTA Series.Yes the whole series.The non 3d titles aswell.
I remember playing a copied version(yes,copied!) of the game during the winter of 1997 while still living in germany.My best friend got it along with the Playstation and a few others games for Christmas.Great mindless fun!What more can u ask for?

5.Street Fighter.
"Hadouken!," "Sonic boom!"
Screw all the other Super Nintendo titles.
This was the only game worth getting for that console.
I wish i still had it with me. :(
1. Max Payne series-Amazing plots, great characters, and fun as hell gameplay.

2. Deus Ex series-Amazing plots, great gameplay. Yes, even the sequel.

3. Xenosaga series-Amazing plots, great characters, fun turn based combat.

4. Metal Gear Solid series-...Amazing plots, great characters, fun as hell gameplay.

5. Grand Theft Auto series-Great plots, great characters, fun as hell gameplay.

Half-Life series gets an honorable mention.