Your Game Ideas: post in your ideas

spookymooky said:
I'd like a humorous RTS:

Ninja and Pirate Federation vs. Robot monkey alliance vs zombie lumberjack confederacy

would be pretty sweet
Not that it wouldn't be funny, but it would get old very fast. Think about it. Once the gimmick is done it's a mediocre (or most likely even worse) RTS.
vegeta897 said:
Not that it wouldn't be funny, but it would get old very fast. Think about it. Once the gimmick is done it's a mediocre (or most likely even worse) RTS.
thats the thing, it doesnt have to be.

Theres no reason it couldnt be as balanced as starcraft, with the graphics of AOE 3. It could be as fun to play as any rts, potentially. After all, the story, in most standard RTS, doesn't affect the multplayer.

As far as serious RTS's

I would love to see Starship Troopers. The real version, by Robert A. Heinlein, not based on the movie. There was such depth, especially with the bugs. They were smart, even made allies. They had spaceships and guns. Their society was simply based around a hive structure.

The matrix, the real world, would be sweet too. Humans v. machines.
All I want is an open-ended zombie survival RPG FPS, sort off like 28 days later perhaps, I'm too lazy to write a design document that's 60 pages right now tho, so I won't bother to elaborate.

But I sincerely hope that SOME developer sooner or later decide to do a modern-day open-ended zombie survival adventure, that plays out like a FPS.:)

With every building enterable, this is not too difficult, if you seperate the inside level from the outside level, you could just have templates for certain buildings etc, and hell, to make sure the game doesn't get boring, you could do like 450+ scripted sequences which happens randomly every game, along with an algorhytm that randomly places buildings and street along certain patterns.

So say, if you want a weapon, you could go to the police station and raid it, and there could be some survivors there also, with randomly generated quests, if you complete'em, you could get some rewards such as information of a new evac location, them as an NPC partner aslong as you supply them with food and ammo and a weapon, or perhaps some item..

/me dreams..
Something based loosely on Urban Dead - a zombie MMO - would be super-awesome. Writing that 'Longsword' idea made me think of this:

(working title which will later by replaced by a profound line from some poem or other in the manner of Consider Phlebas)

In the far future after mankind has abandoned Earth and probably gone through more apocalypses/near-extinctions than I've had hot dinners and the universe as we know it would be best described as something of a cross between Firefly and Iain M Banks' Culture universe (before the Iridan-Culture war) - with all the ubertech of the latter and the seedyness of the former. This universe is being ripped apart by massive war between two powers that threatens to engulf everything. All the fifty million systems caught in the middle face utter destruction at the hands of the kind of long-range weaponry that can blow up a star from three lightyears away. We're talking complete and utter apocalypse. There'll still be a universe left but the death toll is already in the gajillions as entire solar systems are incinerated, blown up, shot at, sliced in half, or sucked into artificial singularities.

As such, everyone who's not part of the opposing powers (which is nearly everyone) is scrambling to try and make as much of the situation as possible and just trying to survive. Normal people and normal civlisations have really shit technology compared to the might of the Powers, but good enough for space travel and cool things - so that'd be the bit that's more like Firefly. You play the captain of a shitty mercenary boat with only two crew, your trusted friends Alice and Baka (heh) - hard-bitten co-pilot/gunner and hard-drinking handyman with a rifle respectively. You have what's called in the business 'A History' which means some way or another you used to be involved with one of the Powers - but you won't tell either of your friends the specifics. The three of you had an interesting, if not happy life, as paid mercenaries in a quiet, closed system called Odesa Backwater - until a Power decided that it would make a good place to find a sun to hurl at an enemy armarda. The system was evacuated - the colossal energies involved in 'grabbing' Odesa's sun fried every planet there.

Unfortunately for you and your crew, you didn't quite get out in time. And this is where your History catches up with you, because you're taken aboard a five-mile ICU (Independant Combat Unit) - a relatively small spaceship by Power standards - and imprisoned. Hi there, Captain. You used to work for us as a spy - and you should have known that no-one can ever truly leave that kind of life behind. We have need of your services once again. We're looking for a man - or at least, the consciousness of a man - who escaped from an enemy spacecraft. He's free-floating through a hundred different dimensions right now but he knows certain information that we want. The enemy Power want him back too, so they can use what's in his head. Your mission is clear. Off you go. By the way, there are about fifty thousand other agents looking for the thing, half of which are ours, and none of us or them gives a damn which one survives or eventually completes the mission.

So, you're shot out through the blackness towards the core systems, and thus begins the game proper. Since you're a mercenary, you're completely free to do what you want. Trading runs, bounty hunting, heists, scavenging, pirate activity - think of it somewhat as a GTA like system, where story advancement is only possible through a wide but pre-set array of mission chains as you attempt to track down your objective across a wide tapestry of starsystems. But there's plenty of other side-tasks and fun stuff to do, not all of which is structured. Your hire new people through a boulder's gate style system (you can't hire just anybody) and you can buy upgrades to your ship - and at points, you'd get a new ship. Start off with a rustbucket, move on to a modified freighter, to a cool, sloeek thing, through small frigates and mini-cruisers to an experimental Power Black-ops prototype.

Around you in this freeform world, war rages. On the side of the Story missions, searching for the escaped consciousness, you complete missions at first for crappy crimelords, local freelance police forces, other smaller powers, slowly working your way up until you're affecting events on a large scale, deciding the fate of planets and doing missions for the Powers. Both are ideological opposites but niether is good or evil, and so you must choose which one suits you best (or just fight for both if you're that way inclined).

As other agents and entire factions of the Powers on the same mission become hostile close in on you, your meandering mission eventually, finally, points you to an ancient artefact world cordoned off within a pocket dimensions sustained by the power of nine suns arranged in a circle and linked by strong energy ties. The Consciousness you are looking for will decide the outcome of this war, and it will be your choice what to do with it...

Between the beginning and the apocalyptic, Heart Of Darkness style ending (individual crusade within a huge war, spiralling down the channels between dimensions equivalent to the Congo river) there's a hell of a lot of freeform gameplay, customisation, fun missions and a load of awesome shit that will take you from the Chain Stars, twin suns shaped into rings and linked together like links of a chain, past the Andali Artificial Nebula that's used for the most enormous and complicated macro-scale scientific experiments the universe has ever seen, across the empty gulfs between arms of the galaxy, through the aftermath of enormous battles, black holes, solar flares, red dwards, supernovas. The ongoing war will drastically effect your activities as systems and planets are obliterated, random collateral damage, and on more than one occasion you'll have to escape into a new area of the game because the one you're currently in has been targetted for destruction. You may even end up taking part in the huge, lightyear-spanning epic battles that form just tiny parts of each individual thrust, flank, defensive action by the Powers.

It's a game of two halves - sitting at your Captain's console you can give orders to crew, control weapons systems, fly the ship manually, aim weapons manually, communicate with others, pretty much everything. Often you'll need to request authorisation to land on a planet or enter a solar system, and when you dock at a space station you buy new equipment and weapons and so on through this system. Food supplies, ammunition and fuel are major considerations and you'll find yourself paying a lot of money just to keep your ship running. That's half one. The second half of the game is when you disengage from your console and walk around the ship in first-person. You can talk to your crew, fiddle with gadgets, train in the sensomatic jackin thingummybob.

More importantly, this is how ground combat and boarding missions are played out - first you choose the crew members to insert, equip them with weapons and equipment from your ever-growing armoury, draw up a plan if appropriate in something akin to a simpler version of the Rainbow Six mission planner, and then go-go-go. First-personing itself is like Deus Ex but with better shooting, but just as good for simply walking around and talking to everyone as it is for sneaking around hacking everything as it is for running around destroying everything. Awesome combat system with guns a-plenty hijacking vehicles and deploying your own vehicles and fixed guns that your bought in a bazaar. Either go down on the mission yourself, fighting and commanding your squad and blowing shit up or even, as the case may be, walking around and talking to people or exploring ancient ruins or infiltrating bases - delegating the ship to a certain member of your crew (usually Alice, co-pilot) and calling in support if necessary (of the explosive airstrike kind). You can set up cunning plans involving your ship, like dropping three men including yourself into a forest via grav-chutes, sneaking up to a radar emplacement, blowing it up and disrupting the anti-aircraft coverage allowing your ship to go and drop the rest of your people right in the middle of your objective, as you commandeer a groundcar and speed up there as well. Anti-gravity, jetpacks, crazy technology weapons, as much insane equipment as you can shake a dual-flux ultraplasma laser space stick MK2 at. Alternatively, send all your crew down and command them with exactly the same system as you use to order them about on the ground - only you're on the ship, doing it from above, with a far better tactical view and the ability to fly in and scare the pants of everyone by blowing shit up with your ship's cannons. At a point late in the game one of your crew would betray you and fire you off the ship in a tiny pod but you;'d be picked up by slavers, escape, beat them all off, run around one single planet with a huge hive city for ages until you're able to steal another tiny ship and hire like one person and set off in pursuit of your original ship. One of those back-to-basics moments after you have everything and suddenly it's back to stripped-down lo-tech conniving and backstabbing. Other cool stuff like that happens.

Rundown: freeform freelancer-style space simulator with cool spaceships and also with story missions and side missions but allowing you to go around talking to people and also assault planets and kill five thousand people with a plasma ejaculator or a tactical nuke or whatever this season's weapon is.

Now come on, admit it - you'd hit that.
Too lazy to read it, meh :p

So I'll just state the name of my idea:
Sulkdodds said:
Rundown: freeform freelancer-style space simulator with cool spaceships and also with story missions and side missions but allowing you to go around talking to people and also assault planets and kill five thousand people with a plasma ejaculator or a tactical nuke or whatever this season's weapon is.

In short. :p
In short, a mulitiplayer FPS with forts, vehicles, big guns and Geomod.
I'm so sick of MP games now, I want SP ones with good replayability(Open-ended) :(
As previously hinted at... a realistic (other than the zombies, obviously) class-based 3D urban zombie MMOFPS would kick ass. There really aren't enough good zombie games... especially in the MMO category. It would have to be capable of a truly massive number of objects on-screen at any given time. There would be sporadic news broadcasts (dynamically generated) over TVs and radios telling about major events in other parts of the game world... so that, if zombies were trying to destroy the power plant, the survivors could rush to protect it. There would be lots of vehicles in the world... but gas wouldn't be plentiful. There would be a large variety of weapons... including things like a golf club, baseball bat, 2x4, etc (in addition to firearms). Any building could be entered, barricaded, and used as a safe house (some better than others). The zombies would be mostly AI controlled... except for humans that were killed.

Unlike most other MMO games, sleeping (logging out) would be risky... moreso if it's not in a relatively safe place (a barricaded building). If you sleep out in the open, the chance would be calculated based on the number of zombies patrolling the world... and would increase if you stayed logged out for a long time (to prevent people from surviving by not playing). If you log out inside a building and it is swarmed by zombies while you're gone... they will kill any active players first, then work down the list of inactive people in the building. So, if you log back in soon enough you might have a chance to escape and run to another building... but, even then, it's risky. You just have to hope your friends can hold out long enough.

It would play out in cycles. Each cycle would start with all players living and some of the stores still open. The first part would be when the planning, stocking up, etc would occur. After a certain point, the stores all start shutting down as the zombies move into town. From then on, it's all about survival. When you die you turn into a zombie... and some AI zombies follow you around (until they find something to attack) since you would otherwise be a weak target against a survivor (as zombies win by strength in numbers). When you die as a zombie you can switch to another zombie either closest to where you died or at a random place in the world. AI zombies spawn in randomly where there are no nearby survivors and wander around until they find something to do... so the zombie population keeps slowly rising all the time until it overwhelms the living. It would end when only a small percentage of the population (maybe 1-5%) was still surviving. The final survivors would be rewarded at the start of the next cycle.

That's a game I'd like to play... similar to Urban Dead but with 3D graphics and rigged so that zombie victory is the inevitable outcome every time. I like the idea of the "winner" just being the last to be killed by the zombies. How people act when faced with inevitable defeat would be an interesting experiment. Would they turn on each other? Would they go solo to avoid drawing attention? Would they band together to better survive an encounter?
Beerdude26 said:
Pff, I prefer Incoming : Shens.
by popular demand

Incoming: Shens

Ultra-fast paced objective style killing spree with some large number of AI NPCs each player can command to fight in an all-out onslaught of senses. Machine guns blaring, explosions everywhere, insane vehicles with crazy amounts of hitpoints, rockets which can take out these vehicles in only a few hits and fire as fast as a machine gun, lasers which slice through players, melee weapons with crazy large physics forces and knock ragdolls back multiple feet into the air for that epic scale. A chaotic fight with some freaky techno music. Symbolism with easily differentiated forces like in Lord of the Rings, we can easily see the muddy, gritty black and red colors of Mordor which contrast the shining silver, white, and blue of the Human forces. Dragons, dinosaurs, spaceships, aliens, rag-tag bunch of humans Terminator-style, god-like beings all culminating in a battle of the ages, everyone fighting each other, factions blurred, exhilarating battles with large open spaces for charging at each other. People shooting one thing only to have ten, hundreds more swarm at them. In-your-face then rip off your skin and feed it to you action. Strider battles in HL2 only with lots of giant alien T-rexes, Godzilla things that blast your ass to hell with a plasma beam, giant starships, bunches of raptors amubushing your ass in the grass, space orcs, normal orcs, Uruk-Hai, Neo-style powers, melee moves of awesome, Striders, giants, fire-breathing dragons with wings that flap and stuff, Jormungand-huge style Dune worm snake serpents, Power Ranger mega-zords, ninjas, pirates, vikings, knights, catapults, trebuchets, ballistae, crossbows, longbows with correct arc that shoot exploding plasma arrows. Hydras, mthical beasts, titanic-sized robots of war charging at each other picking off the rest of the enemies easy as cake. Utra-BFG-styled-weapons that are a thousand times more powerful than a normal BFG that can kill anything. Apocalyptic magic spells or energy bursts which can completely destroy all enemies in an area. Flying vehicle fights in a huge multiple mile long space arena which can then swoop down from the sky to decimate land forces. Sea vehicles that can launch a carpet of bombs at a land target. A gigantic war effort that blows any other game out of the damn water into space, down sucked into a black hole with all kinds of ass-kicking. Think Supreme Commander only with an FPS and a thousand times more scope and an extreme adrenaline pumping eye-poking adventure. Thousands of things happening a minute. Hundreds of tracers. Things that can turn the tide of a battle only to be cut down by minor weak low-level soldier. Tactics like rushing or camping can be both rewarding and retarded. Good and evil fight each other and then some other guys. Every single thing designed to be awesome. Like rock-paper-scissors except the rock is a giant blowing up volcano with thousands of hydrogen bomb thetan bastards, the scissor is a frickin laser beam supernova explosion, and the paper is a dyson sphere designed to encapsulate a solar system or a galaxy or something. Thousands of deaths in only one round, people dying left and right, medics healing 20+ people in a minute. Multiple BF2-scaled battles which are largely weak and insignificant and barely affect the total outcome. Pyrrrhic victories, circle around each other flank my ass, Rome: Total War something like that, different groups and playing styles for every game player, play poker to beat a guy with a rocket, tetris your alien ass. Strategy is the overall winner as each side is crappily balanced. An RTS management system with a commander, RPG stat gaining system, why take control of a wimpy little space station or plant one little bomb when you can take control of a hundred space stations and plant a nuke. Crazy, mother****ing-assraping-violating all your senses, shoot everything that moves, think before you ****ing go there or you'll be swamped by a thousand Warthogs and Banshees instead of like two, giant bullshit, crotch grabbing, atomic bomb, large scale battles, every single second is another adventure, you spawn camp, you get wiped out by hundreds of crazy troops, twitch gaming, camping in fricking cave and mowing down hundreds of forces before having to be bombed out, gain hundreds of levels and become a god, giant Citadel style structures, Minas Tirith, Battle of Pelennor Fields, rockets are more plentiful than bullets, space ships whizzing above your heads, customizble classes, hundreds of giant colliding forces, bullet hoses, things that just kill in one hit, a normal player can't even be distinguished froma damn hacker because of all the crazy shit, huge war-torn ambushes, Save that damn Private Ryan and then blast all the Nazis to hell, Independence Day alien spaceship dog fights, **** you all, things that have superpowers, ****ing ****ton of ****ing shit mega ultra super awesome blow out your minds asskicking awesome to the ****ton infinite degree plus ****.
An old school rpg, isometric perspective, but in 3d and with all the bells and whistles current technology has to offer - keeping with the stylings of the original Final Fantasy's (well, as much as possible in the move to 3d)

I want to walk my little dude into a little town and see smoke rising out of the chimneys and being swept away in the wind. To be able to see the reflection of trees swaying in the breeze in a river and snow falling to the ground. To be able to walk into a building, see the roof disappear, and be presented with lovingly detailed rooms - plates and cutlery on the tables, a kettle boiling and bouning on the hob.

So much charm and magic was lost in the move to 3 dimensions. Gone was the isometric view that made you feel like a giant observer of a magical, tiny, perfect, fantasy world. Bring it back!

Oh, and make everything epic - cities filled to the brim with life, markets with people selling their wares, carts pulled around by cattle, oiks fighting and thieving. Shut your eyes and imagine it :)
So... like a Dungeon Siege or a Neverwinter Nights but with a locked camera angle?

... or are those not charming and magicky enough?

EDIT: Actually, I'm looking forward to the 3D Final Fantasy III remake on the DS.
I wouldn't go around posting my ideas for games here on a thread like this. This simply provides the ideas out into the public and making them easily taken by others to be used in actual games (if they're good enough, and if anyone really cares/pays attention). All of my ideas will continue to reside safely in my head until they are ready.
If there's one thing the game industry isn't short of, it's ideas.
But that's the industry, we're just us. If our ideas were ever taken from here, and we wanted to do something with them later, we would encounter copyright issues with our own ideas... I don't like copyright issues over something I come up with.
OCybrManO said:
So... like a Dungeon Siege or a Neverwinter Nights but with a locked camera angle?

... or are those not charming and magicky enough?

EDIT: Actually, I'm looking forward to the 3D Final Fantasy III remake on the DS.

Like the FF remake on the DS, but more so (i'm not actualy impressed with the early F3 screenshots)

The problem with the current crop of isometric 3d games you mentioned is the lack of detail. NWN is a good example, and looks horribly sparse. Compared to the wonderfully realised world of Baldur's Gate, NWN lacked a good deal of charm/magic/scale/believability.

It's the little touches you find in many Japanese style rpgs i'd like seen moved into 3d.
If there's one thing that's slowing down the game industry's development, it's the publishers fear of trying out new things.:)