Your gaming history!


Dec 24, 2004
Reaction score
I'm especially intrested in hearing from gaming veterans.

Here is my brief : (Note: these are not the only games I've ever played, only the ones that have affected me)

1. Wolfenstein 3D (

Yes! Before Doom popularized the FPS genre, there was the infamous nazi killer. Wolfenstein was my very first game when I was 7 years old. (Explains a lot, huh?) To tell you the truth, I never got passed the very first room until I was 9 and realized I had to press "Space" to open doors.

2. Warcraft 2

From there one, a love for Blizzard emerged in my young soul. After having it lying on a CD for a few years, my older cousins finally helped me to figure it out, and I was immerged in the life of a computer gamer.

3. Quake I

After playing Warcraft for a year or two, I went back to my FPS roots and started fraggin demons when I was 9 years old. Endless fun.

4. Sim City 2000

This is when I moved from France to the United-States. I discovered Sim City from a friend, bought it, and I got bored of it after two days. Hurray!

4. Half-Life

When my friend first showed me the demo on his computer, my liver imploded and left a big brown present in my pants. I was playing a movie! Unlike in Quake, where the storyline developed through little bits of text at the end of each world, this was a continous world! This was magic!

5. Starcraft

I can't actually quite recal wether I played Half-Life or Starcraft first. Whichever, they were both amazing games, and they started my life as a SERIOUS gamer, who just stayed home on weekends to watch colors on his screen, all the while getting carpal tunnel syndrome.

6. Diablo II

My first and last RPG. I loved it until my Dad reached level 80 when I was still at level 40, then, for some bizarre reason, I completely hated it.

7. Warcraft III

The first time I had experienced a phenomenon known as "Shitty framerate". On an unrelated coincidence, my last RTS. This is because I bought a new computer to play it, and the computer came with a demo of UT2003. Warcraft 3 also introduced my to Internet forums! YAAAY! I now have a total of around 20,000 posts on 15 different forums.

8. Unreal Tournament 2003

The very foundations of my gaming experience were shaken. Beleive it or not, this is the very first time I PLAYED A GAME ONLINE! v00t! The very first time I made friends online as well. :D

9. Enemy Territory

I was looking for a demo of RTCW to relive the old wolfenstein days, when I fell upon a completely free version of the multiplayer! I initially left it, thinking it was a virus, until it came on a magazine with PC Gamer. I've been playing it since the month it came out, and still play it today. Hands down the best game ever. Also my first (and most probably last) clan experienced. I left a few weeks after I was recruited because it was too stressful. I played as a replacement a few times after, but that's all.

10. Call of Duty

The concept of "iron sights" boggled my mind. The best WWII game to date IMO.

11. Half-Life 2

Nuff' said.

12. Battlefield 2

Played it since the day the demo came out, received the pre-order yesterday. Played it about 7 hours today.

Other games I've played but didn't bother mentioning: Heroes of might & Magic (I, II, and III), Quake 3, Far Cry, Full Throttle, Alone in the dark II & III, Doom II, Halo, Diablo (the first one), Band of Brothers, Battlefield 1942, NOLF, Snood :), Tomb raider 2 (none of the others, although my Dad has played all of them from 2-5), Nomad Soul, America's Army, and more that I can't be bothered to remember...
i started with oldschool games like warcraft 1 jazzrabbit, stuff like that, then i went onto kknd and kknd 2, then i went onto starcraft and expansion, then i went diablo 2 and the expansion i believe, and i think at the same time, halflife series, then warcraft 3, then splinter cell 1 and 2. then after that halflife 2, then world of warcraft, and soon to be splinter cell 3 =D
serious online gaming started with jedi knight 1 at, few years later (late 90's) i became a sysop and sort of got out of gaming then.. wow i dont know its been a long time.
wow I feel old.
I started on the commodore 64 :(
Enigma force, Hawkeye, gouls n' ghosts (ghosts and goblins), Monty on the run, etc.

Press play on tape, ftw
Commander Keen is where its at. Ain't nothing like jumping on someones head with pogo-stick.
dig dug, the orginal duke nukem series, and wolfenstien3d along with a bunch of other crazy games.
Doom I and II
Warcraft 2
Diablo II
Half-Life (and mods)
Warcraft III + TFT
(---any game I remember playing below---)
Call of Duty
Rainbow 6 (1, 2, and 3)
Doom III
Command and Conquer (all)
((---Console Games---))
Suikoden II
Final Fantasy 7
Kingdom Hearts
Splinter Cell (all)
Guild Wars
Half-Life 2
Battlefield 2

Edit - That's not nearly the entire list, only the ones good enough to remember
Got my first Nintendo when I was like 5 or 6, started with Mario Bros/Duck Hunt, from there went onto the Sega Genesis where I mainly focused on Sonic lol. SNES of course, then onto a N64 and my sister won a Dreamcast when it first came out so I played that for awhile. Kinda died off from console gaming, got a Gamecube for xmas one year which I sitll have but don't really play. Now I stick with C-S 1.6. Other than that, Diablo back in the day, starcraft, Final Fantasies, and about a bajillion other games to list.
Mr. Redundant said:
wow I feel old.
I started on the commodore 64 :(
Enigma force, Hawkeye, gouls n' ghosts (ghosts and goblins), Monty on the run, etc.

Press play on tape, ftw

I started with the c64 as well Red, although I hated Ghosts & Goblins, my personal favs were: The Last Ninja 1 & 2, Cabal, Nebulus, Mask (this one really freaked me out, especially the dismemberment gore fest when you died), and Operation Wolf. And some others I can't remember the names :E
1. Castle Master - On my very first computer, the Amstrad CPC64. This was the very first fully "3D" game I have ever known. Brings back so many memories when I look at screenshots etc. It is now, I believe, freeware (available from Home Of The Underdogs). The game was so eerie, it was amazing, especially looking at the graphics now! Whenever you entered a room with a ghost in it, a high pitched sound would be played, and it was genuinely scary when you didnt expect it! Funny thing is, even though my Dad did, I never did finish the game... gonna have to dig it out on an emulator sometime :)

2. Sonic The Hedgehog - What can I say? Undoubtedly THE best platform game ever. Although I had seen it on the Master System first, I never realised it's full glory until my brothers and I got a Megadrive for Christmas. I can still remember the awesome 16 bit graphics flowing off the TV screen as we took turns trying to get off Green Hill Zone :eek: (we were young). The soundtrack was also outstanding, with every zone accompanied by a catchy MIDI theme (Star Light Zone was very similar to a certain "How Deep Is Your Love" by the Bee Gees ;) ). Still very playable now (will "cartoon" graphics ever age?), I actually still have a Megadrive but dont use it as I emulate it instead.

3. Sensible Soccer - The BEST football game ever made. Still the best, better than Pro Evolution Soccer 4. It may never be eclipsed, it is that good! The graphics never were that good, and the actual gameplay is limited to certain moves (there are particular methods to score goals, which will work 95% of the time). What sets this game apart from the field though, is the outstanding fast, fluid gameplay. You can pass the ball out wide to your winger from the goalkeeper, sidestep a challenge, before hitting a swerving chip into the run of your striker - who will effortlessly bring the ball down, cut inside a defender and fire a low swerving shot past the keeper :D
This is all set to the backdrop of brilliant loud, 'looping' crowd noises (quite amazing if you turn your TV up). I still regularly play Sensi Soccer on my XBox (emulated on SNES or Megadrive), and may it last many more years to come!

4. Worms - A contender for best multiplayer game of all time, certainly the best turn-based multiplayer game. It was adapted from a Shareware game called Scorched Earth, but has built on it so much. We originally had this on the Amiga CD32 (which was essentially the Amiga 1200 "consolized", XBox style ;) ). When we got it, I remember playing it for entire days at a time during the school holidays - from early morning to bedtime. Looking back, I think the CD32 version was probably the best version of all, as it allowed you to insert an audio CD whilst playing the game (possibly not the first game to allow this, but the first I came across :) ). There was a fairly steep learning curve to ascend when playing the game, but once you became competent, you were hooked! Nowadays, I don't often play the original, as it won't run in Windows (PC version), and I'm not keen on the console versions. I am currently looking at Amiga emulation however, and hope to get it running on my XBox. Until then, I'll continue to play the updated (but not as good) 3D version :dozey:

5. Quake - This was actually the very first game I played on my PC, and what a way to be introduced to PC gaming! From the very first time it ran - WOW! :eek: Genuinely, jaw-droppingly revolutionary. Prior to this, the only FPS I had played was some Doom clone on the CD32 (entitled Gloom, I do believe :( ). This didnt exactly inspire me. I would imagine if I had played Doom or Duke Nukem 3D first, they would go here instead of Quake, but I didn't, so they're not :). I can remember at the time, a friend of mine was raving about Duke 3D, and we swapped games to try them out. After installing Duke 3D, I was less than impressed by the graphics (the 'paper cutout' baddies) However, I did still play the game right through due to the originality and creativity in the game. However, Quake does eclipse Duke 3D in some style :p The heart attacks induced by turning a corner and into the path of a Shambler, the roar of an Ogre or the snarl of a Fiend. And then there was the multiplayer :naughty: This was the second revolutionary aspect of Quake - for essentially it was a multiplayer game. Believe it or not, my first taste of Quake Deathmatch was experienced at school, in the Craft & Design computer/graphics room. I happened to notice that the PC's were networked, mainly for software installation (although I also noticed they only ever had a single license for most software?). Anyhow, the network was soon put to good use, as I sneakily installed Quake on 4 of the machines (it ran from the HDD - not very anti-piracy!!). Then we waited until the teacher was away and fired it up. Sure enough, it ran in software mode (no soundcard tho :( ). The sad thing was that my classmates preferred to play singleplayer rather than deathmatch, but my friend and I soon corrected their ways! Amazingly, our teacher, after catching us playing it, allowed us to continue playing it (outside of classtime of course), and even had a go himself! Obviously, these days Quake is nigh on extinct due to the popularity and progress of the FPS scene, but it should be hailed as the game that kickstarted it all (notice I didnt say "started" before anyone corrects me ;) ). FPS still played by me now are - Quake 3, Medal Of Honor & Half Life 2.

6 & 7 would have been C&C : Red Alert and Half Life by the way, which could possibly replace any of the 5 in my list, and are probably favoured better, but the 5 mentioned more accurately represent a timeline of the history of my gaming :dozey:
I don't know if it was the first game I ever played (but one of the first anyway..)

The nutty proffessor!

Hehe, that game was so mint. :p
Gaming started when my dad brought me a megadrive with sonic 1 on it.. Over the years I played all the sonic and various other megadrive games before my dad then got into the computer business, thus I started using the PC, 99% of the games I owned where point and click adventures, monkey island... loom, The Indiana jones games, stuff like that. Then I got into stuff like Warcraft II....

Then it all went from there I guess.
I was always a technological child. My first games console was the nintendo, which I got when I was about 6. I played Duck Hunt and Mario alone for about a year straight.
Then the amiga came along, with the immense Super Frog (my only game for it), which kept me going (albeit used to using a pad, not a joystick) until I got my first SNES with Mario Kart, Street Fighter, and Bruce lee at about 8.

Those were the best games ever. I soon got more advanced into mortal Kombat (though my mum didn't like me playing it with all the gore) and then got a sega with the usual; Sonic 1 and 2, and Battlefrogs.

My first PC gaming experience was with my dads work computer and his copy of Pandemonium and StarCraft. Both were amazing games (though pandemonium crashed oh so much) and I played both of them (specially starcraft) for about 2-3 years until I got a decent enough computer.

I never picked up Halflife until about 2001 (11 years old), and didn't play it much then. It was far too scary for me, and the vortugants kept killing me, so I gave up for a while and played Quake 3 and other such games.

I got UT2004 in 2004 and got hooked on that. It being my first online gaming experience (until some bastard stole my CD key) I was owning.
I loved it because it was just so fast, but lost interest when I got Half-life2, Gold edition (Pre-ordered it the minute it was ready to be downloaded) and instead of being interested in the actual game, CSS took my interest. I played it during the beta like crazy, and ran around the servers all day when they were put up. Founding the clan was great fun and kept the excitement of getting better with the same people everyday.

Then, in a twist, Comrade Badger introduced me to Opposing Force (OP4). I didn't play it much to begin with, because as I was a CS-ian my long-jump ability sucked. So I only really played so I could watch badger zooming round the map headshotting everyone. I loved the fast gameplay so I really strived to get good at it.

And now here I am :). OP4 is amazing, I have been playing it so much recently, and I don't think I will stop for a long time.

Let me see...I use to play my parent's old Atari back when I was very little, I would play Asteroids since that was the only game they had. Then I got a Sega Genesis for christmas when I was about 7 and would sit in the basement playing NHL 95 and Sonic & Knuckles for HOURS! Good fun. Soon after that I got my first computer, a 500mhz, 32MB of SDRAM HP Pavillion, I played Sonic on that and some Math game, I was bored most of the time so I would check the gaming websites and look for better games, although I didn't find anything fun. Later I got a Playstation along with Twisted Metal 2 (omg pwnage) and Tony Hawk's Pro Skater (omg double pwn) and I played those along with the other 47 games I bought over the time I had it.

Then one day in 1999 I went over to Foxtrot's house and noticed he was playing a new game, great graphics, online play, and custom characters, shortly after I found out the title of the game, I spent the next 3 years playing EverQuest, and then another 2 years after that activating my account, disabling it. I then traded my PSX in for a Dreamcast, I spent some time with that...very boring. Then I took the time in between the Dreamcast and Xbox with PC Gaming, in 2000 or so I played the Half-life demo with Glirk Dient and then picked myself up a copy, after beating the single-player I found out that it had an online feature which I told Foxtrot and Glirk about, and then we all found a home with Team Fortress Classic, and then Counter-Strike.

Then I got an Xbox, now I play BF2, the end.
1) Console games, sonic etc
2) Old shareware games that came on CD's of like 600 to 1000 titles, I must have had 30 or so of those "shareware collections" etc.. loved em
3) Doom II- Brilliant game, Ultima 8
4) Duke Nukem 3D, Warcraft 2 + some other strat games
5) Quake 1 & 2
6) Half Life
7) Just about every mainstream FPS game out there :D
1) Doom
2) Duke Nukem 3D (at that age the pixelated boobies were very exciting to my young, tender, stupid eyes.^_^)
3) Warcraft II
4) Half-Life
5) Red Alert II
7) Warcraft III
8) Black and White (got it late)
9) Discworld MUD
10) Everything i could borrow/buy. Including HL2, GTA: Vice City, GTA: San Andrease (but of COURSE it doesn't run), Halo, Halo2, Final Fantasy 8, Rise of Nations, Simcity 4, Homeworld 2, Dawn of War.
1. Command & Conquer (1995 I think) - PC. It changed EVERYTHING! It was the only game that me, my bro and even my dad could play. Too bad the series sucked after Red Alert I.

2. Dizzy the egg - Spectrum.

3. Sonic/Mario - Mega Drive/NES/SNES.

4. Battletoads vs Double Dragon - NES.

5. Mario Paint - SNES.

6. Stunt Car Racer - Amiga - Wowwww 3D tracks.

7. Superfrog - Amiga.

8. Battle Arena Toshinden/Resident Evil 1 - some of the first PS1 games I played.

9. Starfox/Starwing - OMG, teh 3D on teh SNES... 3d on teh SNES!111 Howd dey get 3D on teh SNES??!?

10. Legend of Zelda/A Link to the Past - NES/SNES.

11. Gauntlet - Spectrum. (I think)

12. Shadow of the Beast - Amiga - Shit scary.

13. Warhammer: Dark Omen - PC - One of the best RTS's ever made. (link)

These were in no particular order.

10. Call of Duty

The concept of "iron sights" boggled my mind. The best WWII game to date IMO
You must be sheltered if you think iron sights were a new thing.
PC mainly for me. I can't remember the exact order but i'll put them in lots which generally refer to a period

first lot:

Transport Tycoon
Battle Chess
Random Formula 1 game


Warcraft 2
Theme Hospital
Age of Empires
Settlers II
Heroes of might & magic


Age of Empires 2
worms armageddon
Thief 2
Diablo I & II
Red Alert 2
The Sims
Halflife & exps
empire earth
roller coaster tycoon
Alpha Centauri


Warcraft 3
CS Source
Halflife 2
World of Warcraft(beta only :()

those are the games that i'll remember playing at those times
1. Pong
2. Some win 3.1 worm game and banana throwing gorillas game
3. Blake Stone
4. Harry's house of horrors 1, 2 and 3.
5. CivNet
6. Ceasar 3
7. Alpha Centauri <3
8. Half-life
9. C&C and RA1 & 2
10. Pokemon
11. Silent Hunter
12. Counter-strike
13. Baldurs Gate 2
14. Dues Ex
15. Medieval Total War
16. UT04
17. Warcraft 3
18. Morrowind
19. C&C : Generals
20. Half-life 2
21. CSS
22. Silent Hunter 3
23. GTA: SA
23. WoW
24. Baldurs Gate (abit late :p)
I pretty much grew up with id, I played all their games from Commander Keen onwards as well as games like Duke Nukem 3D and Blake Stone. Other than FPS's though I played all sorts, games like C&C, Worms, Lemmings, Prince of Persia (though I was never really very good at that one). I remember playing DooM on my dads laptop, it ran at like 2FPS, you literally had to wait ages to turn a corner. I still loved it though!
Super Mario 64 !!
Quake 2(N64).
Diablo 2
Warcraft 3
it all started with an amstrad and operation wolf when i was small.
1.operation wolf
2. varios other amstrad games.
3. sonic + others on the master system
4. commander keen 2 thru 4
5. line wars
6. prince of persia
7. wolfenstein 3D
8. deadly tide
9. worms
10. half life + expasions
11. shogo moble armour devision
12. theme hospital
13. wargasm
14. Unreal tornament
15. tiberain sun
16. starcraft
17. Red alert 2
18. Red alert
19. Age of empires
20. Jedi knight 2
21. JKA
22. counter strike (ah, finnally getting broadband!)
23. CoD
24. HL2 + CS source

and now I stand before you. oh god i feel old.
mortiz said:
I pretty much grew up with id, I played all their games from Commander Keen onwards as well as games like Duke Nukem 3D and Blake Stone. Other than FPS's though I played all sorts, games like C&C, Worms, Lemmings, Prince of Persia (though I was never really very good at that one). I remember playing DooM on my dads laptop, it ran at like 2FPS, you literally had to wait ages to turn a corner. I still loved it though!
Commander Keen FTW! Though I could never complete it...

And a few more include GTA 1 on an old friends computer, Red alert on the PS1. Crash Bandicoot on the PS1, then I tried my hand at that wierd coding thing for the PS2 when it came out, then I gave up. Oh oh and the amplitude demo I played for about a month straight. Boy is that an amazing game. Never got it though :(
The first ever game I played on the PC was Stellar7 by Sierra. Basically a First Person Tank game where your in control of a hover tank. I got Stellar7 and Kings Quest VII (I think) as a package with the good ol' 486 computer (running at a loud 66Mhz).

The next game to play was the first ever SimCity (the one before 2000). However my heart was set on Transport Tycoon, which I played on for hours.
Then I played the demo of Doom, but I got the whole of Duke Nukem 3D and thought that was miles better (18 certificate game at the tender age of 8 huh)
My mom bot a multimedia computer back in 95' and I would sit on that thing playing all kinds of games.

It was a AST Multimedia Computer , cost $1600 back then.

133Mhz Intel Pentium Pro
1mb Integrated Video Ram
16mb Ram 10Mhz Upgradable to 32
1.2GB Hard Drive 5000RPM
3 1/2 Floppy with 2x Write Mode Supported
4x CD-ROM Drive

Playing Freddy The Fish Was AWESOME back in those days. It could play descent with no skips at all.

I first got it out of my closet about 3 years after that, and it wouldn't boot because the OS had crashed. So I spent about a hour working on it, typing in commands in DOS like autoexec.bat and many more, mind that I was only 9 back then, and eventually got a copy of Windows 95 on it.

It worked about 1 year then one day I booted it up and the colors had gone to only black&white. So I upgraded it to 98, and it fixed it for about another 1/2 a year. Then it wouldn't boot, so I went outside and took a hammer to the hard drive, and to everything else. (it was 2000 then, so it wasn't that good of a computer to be worth the time to fix it).

Then one summer I got 200 dollars for my birthday. I went on ebay and got a Dell Dimension 733E for $149.99. It came with a copy of windows 98 on it (which was not working) so I had a copy of XP put on it. I played all types of games on it. Need For Speed Porsche Unleashed, Half-Life, The Sims. So I had that for 6 months.

Then for christmas of 2003 I got a custom gaming computer that was in my stepdads pawn shop. I gave my old computer to my brother as soon as I saw it. It had enough power to play Need For Speed Underground And every other game I had in my collection. But on further inspection had only a nVidia GeForce2 MX 100/200. Half-Life 2 was coming out next year, so I started saving for a new video card.

Last christmas, (2004) I got 150 dollars, and bought a ATI Radeon 9200 256mb DDR for $90 off of ebay (new). It can handle Half-Life 2 at 800x600 with all its settings medium, and SWAT4 at 1024x780 (oddly it rendered better at that resolution then at 800x600) with all the settings at low.

So I am going to, eventually, upgrade my RAM to be 512-786mb maybe 1gb. My motherboard is capable of handling 3gigs, but I can only afford 1.

So today my specs are

AMD Athlon XP 1700+ MMX, 3DNOW ~1.5 Ghz Operating Frequency
MSI KT3 Ultra MS-6380E Mainboard
ATI Radeon 9200 256MB DDR SDRAM 4xAGP

And I will slowly upgrade it from there.
Gunner said:
I started with the c64 as well Red, although I hated Ghosts & Goblins, my personal favs were: The Last Ninja 1 & 2, Cabal, Nebulus, Mask (this one really freaked me out, especially the dismemberment gore fest when you died), and Operation Wolf. And some others I can't remember the names :E

The last ninja ruled, Cabal ruled (especially in the arcade... I seriously love it there) and operation wolf definately ruled.

some other good games for c64:

Arkanoid, Arkanoid: Revenge of Doh, Beach Head, Druid, Into the Eagles Nest, Law of The West, Congo Bongo, BombJack, Bubble Bobble, Jet Set Willy 1 & 2, Buggy Boy, Spy hunter, Barbarian (pretty violent game at the time), Forgotten Worlds, Double Dragon.

to name a few.

games that really changed my perspective on gaming in general have to be:

the first FPS: Wolfenstein
the first true 3d FPS: Quake (I love this game so much)
although Warcraft was fun, Command and Conquer is the game that made me love RTS.
JazzJackRabbit 2
Rollercoaster Tycoon
Some random shareware
Ocarina of Time
Mario Kart 64
A lot more console games followed.
Black and White
Didn't get into PC games until UT2k4.
A lot more PC games that I bought half heartedly.
Went to a LAN gaming party.
Half Life 2. Really got me into PC games. I now follow release lists carefully.
I think I am only now getting into my gaming prime. I find myself determined to complete games and do better at them in general. That's not to say I don't play retro though. I have a SNES knocking around and I get a fair few classics on DS and GBA and shareware.
I got a sega when I was 5. It had sonic and knuckles, hoo hah. I now have every sonic game for it.
Got a computer, 486 around the same time, played Doom with me dad and had jazzjackrabit (4 floppies dear god I still have it)
SNES time, had a boatload of games, including most marios
Playstationnnn, f yeah tony hawks and final fantasy and stuff
N64, mario 64, ton of games.
the internet was mine, AOL TIME HELL YEAH
300mhz p2, 64mb of ram, stuff.
i had SoF1, DeltaForce2, Worms Armageddon and some other stuff. I was an AOL asswipe back then, rockin the 56k.
I started to play online, i sucked due to 300 ping. I was about 10 then
Something happened and I ended up 5 years in the future, 15, with a cable modem and new computer. Played SoF2 a whole lot. Met a sick bunch of fellows who invited me to try out for teh clan. (yeah notorious [9], straight rwnage) I was not very good at the game, and I was playing against some other guy. They picked him :[ Then some lone warrior stood up and was like f no, we want him, and so I was in. I eventually got stupidly good at the game (all fps games, im really hardly ever beaten) and we became top clan in the game. Still are.
Moved over to UT2004 with the crew, we became top ONS clan, we're good at DM too. Met a player named mrbeefy in our DM server one day. He was absurdly good and would end up like 75/0 most games. I stood up one day and battled him in instagib and won 10/9. I never played him again to keep the fact that I smote him. I think he didnt even know we were playing yet though. :[ He was disgustingly good, we would just send him into the middle of the map in ONS to kill everybody, which he did.
WOLRDOFWARCRAFT, we made a guild, still play till this very day.
We will be going over to BF2 and plan on rwning.
Quake 4 will also be played by us.
We also have a CS:S team.

I actually played the Half-Life1 demo in like 2004, which is made me think jesus christ this is good. I bought the collectors edition, that Half Life pack on the day Doom3 came out, I bought it with doom. It, while out dated was the best FPS game i've played yet. I saw previews of HL2 before I played the first one or even knew of it's greatness. The holy shit that looks so awesome no way can that be a game thing is what made me really want to try Half Life 2. (which in return made me buy HL1.)

blah blah, in other news I plan on registering with a friend.
All i remember is

Damage incorpareated
Warcraft 2
Subscribed to MacAddic (ol' preforma then)
Random share/free ware games
Burn'n rubber
Quake 3
Some FPS about star treck
(lots of mods for UT and Q3)
Deus Ex
(computer gets zapped, got a windows)
Red Faction
The Sims
More star craft
WarCraft 1
Q3 again
Max Payne (KICK ASS GAME!)
CnC renagade
(got RAI 9200 g-card)
(got 512 ram)
Hit man
Max payne 2(KICK ASS (slightly less)
CnC Redalert
WarCraft 3
Deus Ex invisabe war
The sims 2
HalfLife 2
Time passes
Garrys mod v5
More time
gmod v7a
even more time
gmod v8.3,b

TO COME Rise of naitons
dekstar said:
Commander Keen FTW! Though I could never complete it...

I never completed it either, but I almost finished Commander Keen IV. It was too hard. Once you touched those nasty monsters, you were dead on the spot and had to start that whole level over again from the beginning. Also, those blue jumping suit-wearing dogs freaked me out like nothing else :(.

Anyways, my timeline on this will probably be pretty messed up since my memory is horrible.

Atari & Colecovision
-Donkey Kong, Outlaw, Freeway (like Frogger but with chickens crossing a road), and Defender. Outlaw was pure class. It had bullets (look! a square!), destructible walls, and the tactics, oh, the tactics! Should I crouch? or shoot? or run up and down like a madman? I still remember playing some of those games with my friends from elementary school.

DOS sidescrollers
-Commander Keen. Blue dogs are evil.
-Duke Nukum, back when he was sunburned and wore a pink shirt and fought purple bunnies, and ate turkey legs and drank soda, and got points for catching pretty red balloons. Too bad his image underwent a slight change :p
-Jill of the Jungle (Epic Megagames, how I loved thee!)

-Scorched Earth. My cousins were obsessed with the game. I was slightly less thrilled, mainly because I always lost. I still lose a lot, but I don't care anymore. Brilliant game. Funky bombs make me giddy inside. They're so colorful... I wrote my college essay on the joy and love and sense of fellowship that I got from playing Scorched Earth, and I got accepted. Basically, I said stuff to the effect of "Scorched Earth makes the world a better place" and "Funky bombs are cool, but roller bomb strategies are deadly in the hands of the right people. And your tank can get vaporized into a beam of pretty blue light!" It was amazing.

Old-school FPS's:
-Wolfenstein 3d (I still play it sometimes. It's really quite good)
-Doom & DoomII
-Heretic & Hexen
-Duke Nukem 3d. I was too young to know what all the ladies were doing in that room. It was like, "Cool, I have money" ;(. Tainted as a young child!
-Blood. I adored Blood. The environments were always interesting and clever, the weapons were and are still some of the most original I've seen, and the music is still pretty good. Actually, I still adore that game and sometimes I randomly try to get people to play it. They think I'm insane, but I don't care. It was that good.

More random old stuff:
-Descent. Loved the game, but it was too hard and confusing for me back then. I probably never got halfway through the first level. Now I'm playing it again and am stuck somewhere around Level 17 or 18. It's still freakishly hard.
-Stellar 7 (when that giant monster showed up at the end, I ran like crazy. I admit, I was a wimp.)
-Battlezone. The game taught me the word "pylon." How I always associate that word with that game is beyond me. Lots of old games taught me new words... "napalm", "psyched"....

Edutainment (when school becomes fun):
-Number Munchers. I once wrote an entire poem on the intricacies of that game
-Dr. Quandary's Island. It was sickening how they made you play the hardest games against the people you would least want to lose against (the tax troll, the beach bum... I hate that beach bum)

Strategy games
-Age of Empires I & II. The games that almost gave me carpal tunnel syndrome. They were addictive and took the whole day to finish if you play as slowly as I do. The only strategy game I really enjoyed.

And back to FPS's.
-Half-Life, Half-Life 2. And nothing much in between.
Oh wow, there are alot of great games, I don't know if I can get all of the orders right but here are the games worthy enough to remember:

1) Bubble Bobble >3!!!
2) Jazz Jackrabit
3) Commander Keen
4) Wolfenstein
5) Doom 1/2
6) Descent 1/2 (love these games)
7) Warcraft 2
8) Quake (TF,MEGATF,FvF,DM)
9) The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
10) Perfect Dark
11) Half-Life (and mods)
12) Freespace 1/2 (how I wish there would be a 3!)
13) Medal of Honour: Allied Assault
14) Call of Duty
15) Star Trek Voyager: Elite Force
16) UT2004
17) Planetside (first MMO)
18) Half-Life 2

EDIT: Duke Nukem 1/2 Side Scrollers :D
I think everyone has played one iteration of Jazzjackrabbit... :p
First console games i ever played that i can remember are Mario and a Turtles game on the NES, i can remember Echo the Dolphin and Donkey Kong from the SNES as some of the memorable ones.

First PC game i ever played was either Hexen, Rise of the Triads or Doom on the PC me and my brother got for christmas...had about 7 games on it from the shop :p, they are all some of the most classic games around!. I think i preffered Hexen though going from old memories i'm getting because of the magic and weapons :D *wishes for another Hexen like the original* (and i know that Hexen is being remade on the UT04 engine or something...) PC died and got thrown away because PC's need upgrading (...checks my PC for original parts when i made it 3 years ago - Nope!) and costed to much money for me back then.

I can remember games from the Jaguar64, if anyone else remembers that console with a control pad with more buttons than a Boeing747 Airplane's dash ...can only remember Doom on that though because my uncle would play it till early hours of the morning and get well scared. *opens hidden door* -[Imp] GRRRRROAAR!!. :D

After all that and growing up around my SNES i eventually traded it in with tons of games and added a little cash with my brother and we got a PS1+2 controllers+memory card+Resident Evil2 and a demo disc ;) and Resident Evil became a classic to me and still is, so after lots of money and growing up i still love the PS1 and its games like GT1,2, MGS1, GTA1,London,2 FF7,8 and 9 :D

Got one of the 300'000 PS2's that was on pre-order only and recieved it with open arms before christmas, hehe. To many games that are amazing on that to name, but Ready to Rumble boxing was the first game i got for it :D man, the graphics blew me away.

Got an Xbox on its release day along with Halo and the Oddworld game, didn't like either and still don't agree with Oddworld going 3D :( sold that quite soon after for what i bought it for alone without games.

Then i got a PC 3 years ago and i'm still loving it, my best moments of PC gaming are Half-Life, Counterstrike, Neocron, FarCry, Neocron2 and World of Warcraft.
my video game expiernce is too long to get into detail here ...started with Space Invaders at the arcade then through the various consoles (colecovision, Ti99, atari, intellivision etc) till today's gaming incarnation: pc + xbox
I started off with Sonic 1 on Mega Drive :) those were the days
If anyone wants to know a nice rom site with loads of sega genesis/mega drive roms feel free NOT to PM me, because I will NOT link you to it.

I repeat, do not PM me, I will not link you to it.
First game I remember playing is Super Mario on the NES. I wasn't really into it though, because I was about 4 and basically had no attention span (kind of like current today me), so the game was too hard to play. Gave up until I realized I got better at the game, once I beat it I quit.

The next games were the early PC FPS games that got me hooked again today. Ah yes, Doom. I remember it like the back of my hand, played the game on Hurt Me Plenty (horribly) and beat it, then tried making random wads (also horribly). It was my favorite game for quite some time.

Then I quit, again. That is, until I got my Nintendo64. I became addicted again, this was Christmas of 1997 if I'm not mistaken. Rush2 is the reason why. I became addicted to that, and beat all my friends in multiplayer, it became all I played until my Dad and I stumbled upon Quake2 for Nintendo64. Same story as Rush2 basically, and played it for like 2 years after that before it started getting boring.

A long time passed, I basically stopped playing games in lieu of my new hobby, r\c car racing. I played racing\fps occasionally with my friends, but it wasn't like before. I couldn't go very long before it got boring and I stopped, r\c started to become all I cared about.

4 years later, and my Dad tells me about Doom 3. He shows me some screenshots and I became excited, and I wanted to get back into gaming again, this time for the PC.

Waited for Doom3's release, and later it became my favorite game, partially because I liked the PC controls better than when I used to play (I forgot how to play Doom after Rush2\Quake2). I started posted on forums and played the SP campaign all day.

Half Life 2 came along, I had heard nothing about HL2 nor Valve before this time. But I saw some screenshots and trailers, and I thought it was OK. Bought it, and thought the SP campaign was sort of boring and not as fun as Doom 3.

Being very bored and not wanting to play Doom3\Half Life 2 one day, I noticed Counterstrike on my desktop. I knew Counterstrike was an online multiplayer game, but I didn't want to try it. I remember thinking "what if they make fun of my skills?"

I just said **** it, and played.

I was kind of ignorant of what my mission was supposed to be, but I knew which people I had to kill and that was about it. I didn't know you could buy guns, so I kept just starting out with pistols, and I got owned. I also remember my teammates screaming at me for not planting the bomb on Dust because I didn't know which key to bind. Worse, I couldn't insult them back because I didn't know which key to bind for chat. But other than that, that had to be my best moment of gaming ever. I played CS almost everyday after that for quite some time.

Then I tried playing Doom3 online. Needless to say, I got owned in Deathmatches. But I prespired to become better, which is exactly what I did.

Somebody in one of these games mentioned something about Quake3\UT2004, and I Googled both. Learning they were both MP only games, I knew that this is what I needed to get my online gaming skills up.

I played only those two games from late March until about May. Then I came back to Doom 3, and I was the one owning. I'm still getting better and learning, but I'm a much better player now.

Today I play Doom 3 Tournament Deathmatches and Quake 3 Arena FFAs\Tournament Deathmatches daily. I've given up on CS, HL2, FarCry, Battlefield 2, and a few other games because they don't inspire me to want to play them. I post here because HL2 was a remotely fun game while it lasted and I still like to talk about it.

Sorry for the long post, though just thought it might be interesting to read.
I started off with the Intellivision home entertainment system. I vivdly remember hours long sessions of Advanced Dungeons and Dragons. I can't remember exactly how old I was when that system came out. I know I got it right at release time. I must have been around 8 yrs old or so.

My first computer gaming came at the hands of the all powerful Apple IIe. I remember playing *gasp* educational games on that in addition to a text based murder mystery game called Witness. There was also a stock exchange game that for some reason I enjoyed playing at that age. Not sure how old I was then, probably around 10.

Next I guess was the first Nintendo. That was so revolutionary at the time. I didn't even know what it was when I opened the box on christmas. Excitebike changed me forever.

After that was "gaming" on my friend's 286 I think. Games like star control and wing commander. Eventually I got my own computer and started learning about upgrades and bbs systems, pirating games and the struggle to get them to work. I also would cheat in games like might and magic by hex editing the save files to give umlimited money and experience. I guess that's what eventually got me into programming for my career.

Call me jaded or old or whatever, but games just aren't the same anymore. I can't remember the last game that impressed me. Civ 1 maybe, I don't know. Gaming is very quickly dieing to me.