Your hands down 100% favorite game.


The Freeman
Apr 16, 2005
Reaction score
All these top 5's and top 10's are stupid.

Just say your most favorite game of all time. One game that you consider to be the pinnacle of gaming achievements (and that's really fun). You also get 3 honorable mentions, you don't have to use all 3, but atleast tell us why the ones you chose weren't your favorites.

My 100% favorite game of all time is:

System Shock 2

The game does everything to beautifully from research, to skills, to weapons, to battle, to enemies, to characters, to story, I don't think any game will ever match it, although I do think some may come close (see my honorable mentions).

Honorable Mentions:

The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind

With mods this is the ultimate game, amazing story, amazing combat (which people think sucks, but really, in Oblivion your weapons skills to very little to effect your performance, atleast with Morrowind high weapons skill = higher chance to hit, makes sense), amazing characters, memorable scenery. I'd go as far to say that it is better then System Shock 2, but I'll tell you why it's not.


While yes, vanilla Morrowind is really awesome and is a great game/great story/etc. It has alot of bugs and CTDs, and alot of things are missing that should've been around first time through, and when modded it's the best game there is, but just because of the fact that it needs mods to reach it's potential, it loses it's place as my favorite game of all time.

Deus Ex

Yes, we all heard about it and most of us played it, this game is below Morrowind and System Shock 2 because while it's really cool and all and has most of the great features of SS2/Morrowind (story, scenery, etc), it just doesn't do any of it as good as SS2/Morrowind, it's like a slightly dumbed down SS2. Almost all features (aside from game length) are done better in SS2. Morrowind still has it beat for length though.

I only give 2 honorable mentions as I can't think of another game to put down, many tie for the third place, so I'll just leave it as is.

Now you.
Hl2 , WoW, Spore, ETQW, KOTOR II , Oblivion, etc...
There's a fair few games that spring to mind when someone asks this question - Golden Eye/Perfect Dark, SF2, Secret of Mana - but the one that always on top for me is Mario 64. It was as perfect as games get, and the first game to truly do justice to the 3rd dimension. Polish, design, gameplay, it's still the daddy.
Favourite GAME guys, be a man and pick ONE :p

X-COM: UFO Defense
I can't say they're my fav's because then I should be playing them still, but Medal of Honor: AA and R6: Ravenshield and Half Life receives highest honor. If it weren't for these games man who knows i'd probably be a C&C type whore rather than a CS type whore.
GTA3: Vice City

I generally don't replay games, I prefer to move on so it's hard for me really argue for my favourite game, but in terms of SP games I've completed and felt deeply satisfied by Vice City stands out the most, simply because it had a good storyline, some great missions and was set in an interesting place. I absolutely loved grabbing a chopper and flying around the City, landing on roofs and getting upto all sorts of mayhem, stand out stuff.
Goldeneye 007

First of its kind; defined the genre (on consoles anyway) and revolutionized the way we thought about multiplayer games. No game offered me so much without taking anything away (my life, my money)
I really can't decide. As much as I (or used to) play games, I never became emotionally attached to one. Most of the games I played when I was a kid shouldn't count because of the nostalgia factor (FFVII, GoldenEye). One game in my head doesn't stand out in my head further than the rest in the overall sense. Grand Theft Auto 3 was some of the most fun I've ever had in a single player; EverQuest 2 by far owns more time than any other game I've played and those were some great, great times; TF2 will always be my favorite team based multiplayer game (even though I've played CSS a lot more). I can't decidedly pick one game over another. All of my favorites are favorites for a reason and I think that's why "top five" lists are easier.
X-Com UFO Defense. In my mind it is the absolute perfect game.
Has to be Diablo 2 for me, simply because of its staying power for me and the fact that I'm still playing it 5 years later and have still yet to tire of it. Also the game I've wasted the most of my life on.
The best: Half-life.

honorable mentions:

World of Warcraft - entertaining as hell, addictive as hell, fun as hell, frustrating as hell.

Carmageddon 2 - the first part was good, but the sequel is even better in every aspect. release your inner psychopath, experience the world without rules. rofl, that sounded lame.

Diablo - I still occasionally play a few hell/hell runs. There aren't many games that I've played as much as Diablo.

but Half-Life is the best because the immersion is incredible. You get sucked into the world and there are so many moments in the game that just burned into your brain so you remember them like a photograph. Half-Life was like a movie.
Halflife is by far my favorite game of all time! Thats HL NOT HL2 blah!
All you people saying 'this for multiplayer, this for single player' SHUT UP.

**** this is tough. If I had to choose or be shot, it'd probably be MGS3 Subsistence.
Shadowrun: Sega Genesis
A Link To The Past TLZ: SNES
Zelda II: NES
Metal Slug Anthology: PS2
Parasite Eve 1&2: PS1
GoldenEye 007: N64
Crystalis: NES

I know there are more than just these, but this is all that really comes to mind right now.

P.S. I've never really had a favorite game IIRC.
I can't decide between Diablo 2 and Shadow of the Colossus. To bite the bullet, and because of it's brilliant execution, I'll go with SotC.
Tough one. My computer isn't really up to date, so i haven't played much games on it latly, only on my PS3
Im hoping Fallout 3 or maybe farcry2 will be my favorite, but since they arn't out yet, I'll name my mentions:

Fallout 2
is a game I found to be most enjoyible. Exept for the ****ing end boss bug that crashed the game. EVERYTIME. So I haven't finished it.
Zelda Ocarina of time is my second mention. I had a blast with that game.
half life series of course.

HL1 if i must single one out
Favourite GAME guys, be a man and pick ONE :p

That's an impossible task, sorry. We should pick at least one game per genre: I have a favorite in adventures, rpgs, rts, shooters, and so on :)

EDIT: do you really want one game? OK. Portal.
Heroes of Might and Magic 3. I have been playing that game for years now, and I still can't beat one campaign mission. It's the ultimate game for both multiplayer (hotseat!) and single player. It's like an awesome version of risk.
Favourite town is Tower, for those that play it still.
Ace Combat 5. Although it didn't have much different in gameplay, the story was amazing.

Honorable Mentions:
Shadow of the Colossus
PRE-CU/NGE Star Wars Galaxies
Knights of the Old Republic(1 for story, 2 for gameplay.)
Freelancer for space games.
Civilization 4 for empire games.
You people need to get over it and just pick ONE god damn game.

If there's one game I enjoy every time I play and that I'm hella good at, it's that.
Bioshock. Great gameplay, nice graphics, amazing storyline, and it's just an all around great game.
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time

honorable mention:
Final Fantasy 8