Your In-Game Name

Kage_Prototype, Kage Prototype, KagePrototype...any combination of those two words really.
Pobz in 99% of games, SmellyPwny in the other 1%.
BadHat in some games, I usually use that for just accounts and stuff, but my main gaming name is lemayo. It's like LMAO said outloud, someone I know said it sounded like french mayonaise or something and I liked the ring it had to it :)
DizzyOne - everything HL
Dizzy - everything Quake

btw badhat : le mayo ;p
Oh, yeah... sometimes one of my game names magically becomes "FrIgGy!"...

But usually only if a certain datasprite turns out to like the game in question...
Oh, and if you ever find me in TS, my name is 'Teh_Matwix!'.

or something else along those lines :p
In most everything: [Darkside]Emperor
Opera and The Specialists: Black Rose
Action Half-Life: Agent Carlos

Sometimes when I play other games to try them out I just go as Darkside, but I've had other names when I want to be incognito or something. :cool:
Harry, if Harry is taken then Harryz.

*Looks at name*
I usually like...

guinny said:
Well? What are they? List your in-game names for all the games you play!

I'll do mine later, :p

for a while I went under MatTriX (stupid name as it is) but then a friend of mine pointed out how much I liked to suicide bomb so now I use Suicide_Runner in most of my games, mainly DoD but latly I've been playing a little bit of CS.
Stigmata - [all games]

I mostly play DoD now. Occasionally some BFV or Pandora Tomorrow.
wasd <- See if Harij spots that one.
Used to be PhoeniX
Now Stormy

but for fun Got Milk?
and Gone Fisting? hehe my mate was called Gone Fishing so i wanted to join the club :)