Your IRL nickname?

My name is Cazley, everyone calls me Caz. It's more a replacement name than a nick name since I use it on forms and stuff :P

Used to call me spaz in primary school, haven't heard that one in a while, though I won't say I didn't earn it :E

I got dubbed so many different nicknames in high school... I've forgotten most of them (repressed memories :)). One that comes to mind is Cazper (I'm very white).

The teachers misread my name from the role more times than I care to think of... most common one from Cazley, pronounced Cayzley (how you get that... I don't know). One teacher even called me Cazayley :|
Feath (although less people call me it now). Usually, they just call me Dave.
everyone at school used to call me "slushy" ... apparently i was famous or something, people i didn't even know were like "yo slushy, sup?"

i prefer to be called Ryan :P
Gore but it has nothing to do with the former vice pres, and its not meant as in gore= blood, guts and so.
My school friends call me Cartman since my first name is Eric and my best impression is of Cartman.
Chriss short 4 Christian.....

In school they used to call me Bull, would like to say it was because im well hung, but i had a rather large neck, well still have...nothing beats pumping iron ;o)
qckbeam said: isn't even close to my real name...but Jimmy it is

i go by Jimmy too. my name is James. It is my father's name, my grandfather, and even my great grandfather's name. It's funny and weird, but all of us had our appendix taken out. No one else in my immediate family has had their appendix removed. it's like the curse of the James. eerie eh?
I used to have a huge title of Wam man laggy ben.
The wam man bit came out when I was trying to explain how I hurt my arm, I told them " I punch thin air like WAM" ...its kind of pathetic of them really :P

Laggy bit came out because during my diablo 2 games with my mates from school I kept on dieing because of my lag, they all had broadband and took the piss of my poor poor 56k modem ;(.
my first name is richard and people call me rick, ricky, or dick... lol
