Your Least Favorite Clothing on a Woman?

I don't think I can really think of anything that I truly hate, without seeing it, in the moment.

I know what I hate when I see it, but I can't generalize one specific piece of clothing, that can apply to all women, which does not look good. Some women can wear almost anything and make it work (same goes for some men, I guess), while others need to try really hard to make ends meet, in terms of clothing.

Certain clothing can create a perception of the person you expect to see, before you even look at the face. I can't think of any specific examples, but I'm sure you guys know what I mean.

Croc shoes/sandles are crap, though.
Yeah, I hate those giant sunglasses that are fashionable nowadays too. They look ridiculous. I don't like girls that dye their hair either, especially strange colors.
High-waisted jeans. RUBBISH.

LOL, you mean normal jeans. Well I for one hate low-rise jeans or whatever the hell they're called.

And yeah I agree the giant sunglasses are damn retarded...

Lets see what else: dresses, skirts (with few exceptions), hats (especially big ones), massive earrings.
i think hoop earings are f*cking hot am i the only one? not like massive ones but ya
well, I mean like girls that watch guy movies, and listen to good music, and don't wear girly girly shit and are not sissies about everything, I find that hot

haha, like the girl from le tigre! (yes, the one in the middle is a WOMAN)

yeah scary, i know.... but I give her credit for having the balls (pun)


huge sunglasses...
huge gestapo boots..
tube tops..
that should cover it.. lol
I hate those pants that say "Juicy" on em. Specially when the chick's got a nice ass, and they turn around, you're looking, and they go "PERV!"


Damn, that had to come out...

Besides that, are you guys sexist, or are you just joking? I don't think you're joking cause that went way too far...

my least favorite clothing article on a woman is anything from the 90 and back like bell bottoms and loose pants and gross stuff like that and when they all have there pant line on there belly butten makes me wanna shoot myself:sniper: :x:x:x:x:x:x
LOL, you mean normal jeans. Well I for one hate low-rise jeans or whatever the hell they're called.

I hate those jeans that go to their freakin belly button, like the ones from the 80's, it's so disgustingly ugly. I also hate jeans that are too low, especially when the girl is one of those ugly-skinny bitches. They've got to have a nice ass, and the jeans tight, at the waist, that's when it's hot.
I don't like it when girls wear baggy clothing in general, unless it's just for lounge wear. It looks kinda sloppy.
Unless they've got the tomboy look going. Maybe.
Ball caps are about as ridiculous on guys as it is girls. They should be banned from life!
Not all guys look ridiculous with caps on, suffice to say not all girls do either. Just the majority.
I hope for your sake Baby, that you are a female. If not may Gordon have mercy on you...

Do those still exist? I thought they disappeared in the dark ages.

unfortunatly, yes. don't get me wrong, I tried really hard to erase them from existence, I really did. But people keep getting the idea that the chastity belt is a good thing, and after hundreds of years of combating this, I have essentially given up.
Frumpy grey suits with skirts, or those arabic full-body black sheets.

Favorite clothing = hotpants. Can't get enough hotpants.