Your little "helper"


Aug 18, 2007
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Ever wonder what happened to him / them? I mean, he was obviously hiding for some time, and we don't know how long s/he'd been 'gone' to the time we woke up was.

We don't see a dead body, but the "hints" just stop after a while. We know the facility was damaged somehow, but the person in question might not have caused it.

I wondered what the writing was in -- at first blood, but there isn't a whole lot in the game that would make you bleed that bad without killing you so I assume it's beans.

Also I'd like to know where they got all the beans and water from. The person managed to gather quite the ample supply.

Maybe there where more than one person, either at the same time, or over time?

We didn't see any other way out, no forced doors, etc; so since I doubt GLADoS would just let them leave, and since GLADoS is still alive, they never met.

Further, GLADoS doesn't talk about him. Maybe be because s/he found another way out and they never met, or they got out and GLADoS is ashamed.

So what do you guys think?
He/she got disintegrated by comballs eventually.
Maybe they did escape - just didn't bother to leave hints after a certain while...


They were placed by Glados - to make it seem likely that you could be to the surface, for her to place a pawn on the surface instead of just operating from underground.
Like a robotic Gman.
Is THAT what you are saying, Sloth?!@!??!
Does Valve have a fetish for the letter G or something?
It's part of the elaborate test, probably to test your reaction to it.

Would be a bit weird for someone to paint crosses on the ceiling above turrets, while the turrets are still there.
Or for GLaDOS to replace the turrets and not notice the convenient crosses corrupting the test data.
You know the huge room with the trenches of gunk in the centre? what do you think the gunk is? :P
Nope, because their graffiti continues after that point.
He dived into the incinerator to join his companion cube in its eternal slumber rather than die by the hands of GLaDOS and her neurotoxins.
Also, I think we should remember the Enrichment centre can re-configure itself to different shapes and re-make rooms.
Also I'd like to know where they got all the beans and water from. The person managed to gather quite the ample supply.

"Because I could not stop
for Death
He kindly stopped for me
The cube had food and
maybe ammo
And immortality."

Well I think it's actually Chell who left the notes. The Reason I think this is that:
"Hello, and again, welcome...."
So this means that she has been there before. Maybe in previous attempts at the test, she became stuck and GLaDOS, since it has Chell's Brain on record, said return to the statis sleep. In that time, chell's brain would be reset. The reason why GLaDOS did not kill Chell the first few times is that she needed accurate and fair test results. If you use the same subject, the results will average out. So Chell gradually left notes for herself and followed and added as she progressed and repeated. Also GLaDOS needed a test subject but since the place is deserted, Chell is the only one left and without a subject, the experiment could not continue. As for the Ageing Process, Statis sleep may freeze the ageing process. Say one test takes around 1 week (inc sleeping normally), 52 tests=age 1 year, even if there is a large gap between tests.
Well, thats my theory anyway.
My theory is that he/she ran out of water and beans after three months (yuck) and committed suicide in one of the acid pools (3 months of emotional stress, being alone by yourself, listening to the same song day after day after day...). This would explain why there isn't any bodies around.
I kinda pity the guy/gal. (S)he honestly believed that the companion cube was talking and was a friend. And he guided us right to the end, albiet inadvertantly.
Also, cjohnson, thats a very interesting theory.
I'm wondering if they're even the same person.

They must have been quite strong to kick out some of those wall brick things.
Listen to that cake recipe the sphere rambles out at the end and ask yourself this question again.

/(s)he's in the cake
ingredients as the sphere tells you:
1 18.25 ounce package chocolate cake mix.
1 can prepared coconut pecan frosting.
3/4 cup vegetable oil.
4 large eggs.
1 cup semi-sweet chocolate chips.
3/4 cups butter or margarine.
1&2/3 cups granulated sugar.
2 cups all purpose flour.
Don't forget garnishes such as:
Fish shaped crackers.
Fish shaped candies.
Fish shaped solid waste,
Fish shaped dirt.
Fish shaped ethyl benzene.
Pull and peel licorice..
Fish shaped volatile organic compounds
and sediment shaped sediment.
Candy coated peanut butter pieces, Shaped like fish.
1 cup lemon juice.
Alpha resins.
Unsaturated polyester resin.
Fiberglass surface resins.
And volatile malted milk impoundments.
9 large egg yolks.
12 medium geosynthetic membranes.
1 cup granulated sugar.
An entry called 'how to kill someone with your bare hands'.
2 cups rhubarb, sliced.
2/3 cups granulated rhubarb.
1 tablespoon all-purpose rhubarb.
1 teaspoon grated orange rhubarb.
3 tablespoons rhubarb, on fire.
1 large rhubarb.
1 cross borehole electro-magnetic imaging rhubarb.
2 tablespoons rhubarb juice.
Adjustable aluminum head positioner.
Slaughter electric needle injector.
Cordless electric needle injector.
Injector needle driver.
Injector needle gun.
Cranial caps.
And it contains proven preservatives, deep penetration agents, and gas and odor
control chemicals. That will deodorize and preserve putrid tissue.
ingredients as the sphere tells you:
Cranial caps.
And it contains proven preservatives, deep penetration agents, and gas and odor
control chemicals. That will deodorize and preserve putrid tissue.

Putrid human tissue...
OMG What if the "C" before "Johnson" is for Chell!? Chell Johnson...I just thought of that after reading some replies here. :D

And that cake sounds thoroughly disgusting... "3 tablespoons rhubarb, on fire." lmao
OMG What if the "C" before "Johnson" is for Chell!? Chell Johnson...I just thought of that after reading some replies here. :D

You're not the first. You didn't actually think about it though since C Johnson is a male as witnessed by pictures around Portal.
Chell is the only one left and without a subject, the experiment could not continue.

I can't help, though, but think of the lyrics of 'Still Alive':

"So I'm GLAD I got burned, think of all the things we learned
For the people who are still alive"

The rest of the lyrics seem to indicate Glados has survived and has more test subjects to pick on.
If I recall correctly, no more hints were sketched after the great turret ambush. So it may be safely assumed that no one escaped that part.

You know the huge room with the trenches of gunk in the centre? what do you think the gunk is? :P

Anyhow, I think that is right on. ;(
BTW I think our 'little helper' is....

You, the player himself, Chell...Glados has backups of the protagonist. So if Chell has failed GlaDOS can create another copy. With off course an erased memory. In one of the first lines of dialogues GlaDOS hints that this is not the first time that Chell is inside the cell (again).
So maybe Chell did escape the first time and left clues behind incase she fails. GlaDOS cant see the clues because there are no camera's outside the testing rooms. And the clues seem to stop right before we enter GlaDOS-quarters...or am I mistaken.

So my take on it is that the little helper was a clone or the original of the current Chell-clone.

Just another theory...I know there might be some holes in it. Is Chell a lesbian? Because there's pictures of pin-ups with the companion-cube sticked to them for a head.

Your opnions?
yea, my idea but slightly different, maybe the toilet was to make chell think she is still human
Well I think it's actually Chell who left the notes. The Reason I think this is that:
"Hello, and again, welcome...."
So this means that she has been there before. Maybe in previous attempts at the test, she became stuck and GLaDOS, since it has Chell's Brain on record, said return to the statis sleep. In that time, chell's brain would be reset. The reason why GLaDOS did not kill Chell the first few times is that she needed accurate and fair test results. If you use the same subject, the results will average out. So Chell gradually left notes for herself and followed and added as she progressed and repeated. Also GLaDOS needed a test subject but since the place is deserted, Chell is the only one left and without a subject, the experiment could not continue. As for the Ageing Process, Statis sleep may freeze the ageing process. Say one test takes around 1 week (inc sleeping normally), 52 tests=age 1 year, even if there is a large gap between tests.
Well, thats my theory anyway.

Dude, I reckon you got it. Good work.
Uh, when I give speeches that require me to welcome people, I say something to the effect of "Hello, and again, Welcome..." because someone else gave them a welcome.

It's probably a generic speech.
It's standard speech formula, just like as one usually ends letter with something like "Sincerely (few empty lines) Your Most Persistent Stalker".